Selasa, 20 Maret 2018

Acumen Network

Acumen is the world's leading global decentralized patent ecosystem. Acumen's technology simplifies the process of sending patents and enabling people's voices to be heard through a consensus system. Patents will be stored in blockchain, keeping them unchanged and secure. Furthermore, Acumen will create a lawyer ecosystem and freelance patent engineers to be used as a sound approval board to ensure there is no corruption.

The Acumen Token (AMT) will be the token used to interact with the ecosystem. AMT holders will also receive 20% of Acumen Network revenue, which will be paid annually. This award is a genuine supporter to help us set up a global global patent system.

= Acumen Plan =

To deploy the Acumen Network are 
as follows: 
* Building strong communities in our trials 
* Technically licensing the country 
* Reform justice system to enable community consensus in patent courts.

= Smart Contract =

Ethereum has the support and excellence to revolutionize the internet and the early adopters will be the first ready. For this reason Acumen believes that Ethereum is the right choice for Acumen. 
Blockchain Ethereal is the most prominent platform with smart contract support.

= Road Map / Roadmap =

* Stage 1: Establish community and credibility.

The Acumen Party will provide incentives to community members to act as 
patent patents, engineers, judges and 
community members. Participants will receive a Token as a reward for supporting network testing. This scenario will 
continue until the network is ready for production. This stage will end once the legal community 
recognizes the Acumen Network is a professional network that runs 
the production level software.

* Stage 2: Licensing Akumen Network to Office

The second phase of Acumen's party revolves around a few things that gradually make the country warm this idea. During this stage Acumen parties will market at the same time utilize the public to convince their governments to initiate change by switching to a blockchain database.

* Stage 3: The judicial reform system to include community consensus

Once the state begins to use Acumen, the Acumen party will begin to continue to democratize the system. This is a bigger goal because it includes more changes. The Acumen party plans to change how the judicial system examines patent infringement cases to ensure that patent trolls are exterminated and small firms prosper. Under the Akumen Network, the jury will consist of an accredited network of lawyers and engineers who have the necessary knowledge to hear these cases.

= Core Team =

* Emre Cakir - Founder. 
Emre studied Computer Science and Entrepreneurship at Princeton University.

* Mihir Dutta - Founder. 
Mihir studied Computer Engineering and Neuroscience at Duke University.

= Budget Fund =

• Core Development - 30% 
• Operations - 40% 
• Marketing and Sales - 10% 
• Legal and Compliance - Allocation of Tokens 20%

There will be one billion AMT available. The allocation is as follows: 
• 43% detained by Network Sharpness 
• 30% sold in ICO 
• 20% allocated to net test funds 
• 5% allocated for distribution to founders early 
• 2% sold on presale

For more information on this great project, this Acumen you can visit the link below:

Username: danil21

Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

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