Kamis, 27 Juni 2019

BCNEX - Problems and Solutions Offered

The Problem 

Blockchain hype has reached the ears of many people, attracting many people to find out more about cryptocurrency and technology behind it. Just a matter of time, as many people are aware of the potential of the blockchain, more people will invest in cryptocurrency. Investing in cryptocurrency can be done in exchange. Projects can list their projects in exchange, allowing people to choose and buy the cryptocurrency they want to invest or trade. In essence, the exchange has an important role in this new economy, both for projects and investors. 

Unfortunately, most of the existing exchanges are currently experiencing some problems, such as architecture, security, liquidity, and customer service. If the exchange is already problematic, how do new investors jump in here? Of course, there will be fear, however small it may be. Then, how to connect new investors with this promising new technology? For this reason, many exchange projects have sprung up to answer and solve these problems, one of which is Bcnex. 

The Solution 

Bcnex is an exchange platform from Vietnam, which is customer-centered for trading blockchain-based digital assets. Bcnex is built on microservice architecture and is equipped with a safe asset storage model implemented by banks, ISP providers, and developed country governments. Bcnex is backed by experienced teams, developers and trading experts, offering global exchanges to solve the problems experienced by most exchanges in general. Here are the problems and solutions offered by Bcnex:

Technical Architecture 

Many exchanges are designed in the easiest way by teams without experience in finance, resulting in exchanges being overloaded and unable to process user requests when the number of users increases. 

Bcnex is built on a microservice architecture to ensure scalability by adding physical servers when the system needs to handle a large number of customers and transactions. Bcnex is able to maintain stable service with uptime of up to 99.9%. In addition, all buy or sell orders are stored in high-performance queues. Bcnex is able to handle up to 2,000,000 trading orders per second through the use of the Bcnex Order Matching System (BCOMS). 

Security is one of the most important features of exchange. Even Binance, the top crypto exchange, became a hacking victim, 40 million dollars were hacked from Binance. 

Bcnex is designed with the highest security standards and checked regularly to prevent suspicious access to the system. Bcnex implements system security in multiple layers, including robust firewalls, anti-DoS tools, and user alerts. As an additional step of security, KYC and Google Authentication/SMS are required when the user takes any action related to the transaction. In addition, to maintain the security of user funds, Bcnex will combine a hot wallet, cold wallet and safe hardware. 98% of Bcnex's digital assets are stored in various cold wallets, completely separate from the Internet and immune from malicious attacks. 

Most cryptocurrency exchanges have a poor order book depth, causing high slippage when trading. To resolve this liquidity problem, Bcnex has collaborated with several trading platforms for business partners worldwide and has gathered a large network of partners in the industry. 
Customer Service 

Bcnex is a user-centric exchange, this means that Bcnex prioritizes user experience on the platform. Bcnex will respond to user complaints quickly in many languages. After Bcnex is launched, support will be available in English and Vietnamese with Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other languages added gradually. 

Currently, you can buy BCNX tokens with USDT and BTC. ICO ends in 19 days, 38.83% hardcap reached. For more information: 

Username: danil21
eth : 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a




A quick Google search of the words "cryptocurrency exchanges" will bring out several links leading to different blockchain trading platforms. If there is one thing we do not lack in crypto-space, it is where to trade tokens/coins, there are simply many crypto exchanges and there is no denying this fact. In light of this, it will take something pretty special and unique for upcoming crypto exchange to convince investors, traders, and entire blockchain community why they should trust this trading platform to deliver rather than sticking with their trusted (if not perfect) exchange(s), which leads to the purpose of this article.

I mentioned that it will take something pretty special, revolutionary and unique to convinced people to give new crypto exchange a chance, well BCNEX is here to take blockchain trading platform to height we have never seen before.


A customer-centric, highly secure and stable trading platform, here are top 6 reasons why BCNEX will blow competition out of the water sooner rather than later;

1. The Team: A project is as good as its team. If people behind any blockchain-based project are not willing to put in the efforts and dedicate a chunk of their time to that project, or if they in it just for the profits and lack experience, the outcome will be catastrophic. The team (most especially the founders) behind BCNEX are brilliant minds with ample experience either in financial services and blockchain technology in Co-founder and CEO, Ngo Hoang Quyen and Co-founder and CTO, Pham Van Phuong, who has deep passion for architecture research and information system development. They are surrounded with people that have tracked records in their respective fields to create an this ultimate blockchain trading platform called BCNEX!

2. Problems and Solutions: The Bcnex team have done their homework properly and have identified problems confronting several existing cryptocurrency exchanges such lack of security, poor architecture, low market liquidity, poor customer service, etc. This research helps them build a trading platform where all of these issues will not occur. For instance, BCNEX is designed in such a way that unauthorised access to user's account is prevented. The platform is designed with highest security standards you can find today and will be continuously improved upon.


3. It is fast: BCNEX is one if not the fastest exchange in blockchain industry. The Bcnex Order Matching System (BCOMS) is intuitive component responsible for matching buy and sell orders of exchange. Low latency and flexible scalability of BCOMS is what makes it unique and make it capable of handling up to 2,000,000 trading orders per second. Simply stunning!

4. Cross-platform Availabilities: One of the beauty of any cryptocurrency exchanges is to be able to take it with you anywhere you may find yourself. BCNEX ensures that it stays with you all the time whether as Android app, iOS app, on PCs, Web-based client etc. You won't miss any trading opportunities on BCNEX.

5. Multilingual Support: In an effort to promote BCNEX and make it appealing to people from different backgrounds, BCNEX will be multilingual. Bcnex will start with English and Vietnamese language. Chinese, Korean, Japanese and several other languages will be added gradually. This unlike most trading platforms that supports only one language.

6. Flawless Customer Experience: The Bcnex team know the importance of keeping customers happy, that is why they have made it their goal to create an intuitive and stable environment for traders, and have qualified team members that are always ready and willing to render assistance to any issue customer may have.



Bcnex's Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is ongoing and selling out fast. Softcap has already been reached and ETH session has been sold out leaving BTC, USDT and BCN sessions to go.


I do not like telling people what to do with their money, but I will advice any smart investor to make sure he/she buy, no matter how small, BCNX token. This is one of the ICO you do not want to miss.

To find out more about Bcnex and Bcnex Token (BCNX), kindly visit the following links;

Username: danil21
eth : 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Rabu, 26 Juni 2019


We will provide Article to present the “ AUDITCHAIN” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
In simple words, an audit of any company or project is an independent assessment of the state of all their parameters and it should be carried out according to existing and generally accepted standards. They can also be checked how the team copes with its functions, how well the management processes are organized inside. If inconsistencies are identified, the auditor makes recommendations for elimination or improvement.
The audit process takes a lot of time, usually 2–3 weeks and as you know it can affect the workflow and costs a lot of money. Every communication with employees is documented, discussed, problems are identified and ways to solve them. This option is already becoming obsolete and requires a more innovative and rapid approach to finding optimal actions and solutions in real time without distracting many parts of the processes.
Investing in cryptocurrency is one the most dangerous things you can do financially. Please do not invest if you have either 1) a need for liquidity (cash on hand) or 2) cannot afford to lose your complete investment. 
The Auditchain project is a complex and comprehensive project within the financial auditing industry which is not easily understood by outsiders. Below follows a very simplified and “ELI5” (explain like I am 5) explanation. Many questions are answered in the whitepaper, so please read it carefully and multiple times!

Why is this important?
The most obvious reason is to maintain integrity. In 2018 alone, fraud resulted in the theft of over $7 Billion according to the ACFE. You can read the most recent Report to the Nations. However, there is another important reason to change this process. As the world has become more connected and services are available 24/7, the financial state of companies should also be available 24/7 for investors and shareholders. Investors, hedge funds, VCs and fund managers should be able to check the status of their investment in a company or entity at any time, whether the company raised their funds through ICO, IEO or in traditional ways. DIGITAL ASSETS NEED REAL TIME ASSURANCE AND DISCLOSURE! ITS UP TO EXCHANGES TO REQUIRE IT!
And the ideal solution for this area is offered by a project called Auditchain, let’s study it.

Auditchain — this is a decentralized platform that continuously collects reports, information from production, from businesses, checks them and immediately issues verification protocols without intermediaries and third parties who might be interested in falsifying documents. This greatly speeds up the process of getting recommendations to improve performance and vision of the whole picture.
Companies will no longer need to look for independent auditors who may not always be qualified and worry about the results, professionalism and disclosure of confidential information to third parties. All this will be implemented on one platform and will be done with the help of AUDT tokens and checked by a network of certified accountants.
At the head of the auditors is DCARPE Alliance, which provides all the necessary tools and assistance for the implementation of this protocol in businesses. Tokens AUDT will help create a new economy of trust and will help to guarantee and safely disclose information of enterprises and constantly check the activities to quickly identify solutions to those problems that are already beginning to slow down the process.

AUDT Token
AUDT Token opens the most powerful and secure set of applications and decentralized network company guarantee and reporting services.
AUDT tokens are the base currency and utilities for enterprise application services, guarantee payments and disclosures. AUDT unlocks network services that provide the highest level of transparency to investors and stakeholders with a small portion of traditional audit and reporting costs.
As a two-layer protocol, Auditchain provides seamless interoperability between private and public blockchain that enables strong utility and atomic settlement of trade payables.
AUDT fees for companies can be reduced to zero through subscription revenue sharing and company participation in a guaranteed ecosystem without decentralized trust.
AUDT allows stakeholders to open and view detailed company audit analysis and detailed financial performance that provides the highest level of transparency of the company’s system and controls statistics to real-time financial performance.
Heart: AUDT
Token type: ERC20
Price of personal-sales / pre-sale tokens: /0.1USD
Receive: ETH
Sales-personal / pre-sales bonus: no info / 30
Prototype: NO
Minimum pre / private hat sales:
Price of bulk sales tokens: 0.15 USD
1. Early Contributors and Adopters: 6%
2. Token Sale: 40%
3. Air Drop: 18%
4. Advisors: 10.3%
5. Team: 10.3%
6. Partnerships: 10.3%
7. Bounties: 5%
Proposed Roadmap
2 ND QUARTER — 2019
MVP & Token Generation Event
QUARTER 4: 2019
Node Testing
2 ND QUARTER — 2020
Launch of MainNet
3 RD QUARTER — 2019
Auditchain TestNet
1 ST QUARTER — 2020
DCARPE ™ Explorer
xBRL ™ Analytics
3 RD QUARTER — 2020
Commercial Launch
The current market for accounting and audit infrastructure software is dominated by large scale enterprise resource planning systems. The majority of solutions are usually cost prohibitive for most small and medium sized enterprises.
The individual enterprise user cost to install and use the DCARPE™ Network protocol software may prove be substantially less expensive as the result of the decentralized cooperative cost structure of all services provided by the Auditchain network. Additionally, the fexibility and scale of the DCARPE™ architecture may theoretically accommodate any size enterprise user
Depending on the number of Non-Federated nodes deployed by the enterprise, mining for AUDT may theoretically offset the entire cost of the accounting, audit, compliance and reporting obligations of the enterprise.
Financial markets will beneft through the reliability of immutability, real-time assurance, real-time presentation of fnancial performance and insights into enterprise, development and network performance on a dynamic basis in a manner not previously possible.
Auditchain represents a substantial evolution towards new accounting, audit and reporting methods. Furthermore, early adopters may enjoy a competitive advantage through cost savings and capital attraction as the result of its implementation.

For More Information You Can Visit Link Below :

Username: danil21
eth : 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a


saya pikir banyak dari Anda yang ingat booming itu, industri kripto dan pertambangan. Orang-orang yang memasuki aliran ini dengan cepat mendapatkan semua peralatan yang diperlukan dan mulai membangun pertanian crypto di rumah, berharap itu akan memberi mereka banyak uang.
Namun, dari kenyataan zaman kita, semua aktivis, termasuk mereka yang pertama kali membeli peralatan mahal, sekarang mengalami beberapa kesulitan di bidang ini. Karena mereka tidak memperhitungkan banyak indikator yang secara langsung mempengaruhi pendapatan mereka. Pertama, mereka menghabiskan terlalu banyak uang untuk membeli kartu grafis yang lebih baik, yang harganya sepuluh kali lebih murah sekarang. Kedua, mereka tidak memperhitungkan biaya utilitas yang terus meningkat, yaitu listrik. Dan, ketiga, karena penurunan pasar cryptocurrency secara keseluruhan, menjadi sulit bagi mereka untuk mencapai titik impas, sambil membayar semua pengeluaran mereka untuk pemeliharaan pertanian penambangan rumahan.

Proyek blockchain pertama di dunia, Pieta, yang bertujuan untuk meminimalkan biaya penambangan cryptocurrency dan membuatnya lebih mudah diakses dan ramah lingkungan. Ini akan dilakukan dengan algoritma X20 baru, yang dapat mengurangi konsumsi energi dalam penambangan. Proyek ini akan membuat peralatan pertambangan lebih dingin. Dan ini dapat mengarah pada peningkatan umur layanan peralatan dan, pada gilirannya, untuk keuntungan penambang. Pieta memiliki emisi energi (karbon) yang rendah yang akan berdampak positif bagi lingkungan. Selain itu, Pieta bertujuan untuk mendorong penggunaan energi surya terbarukan dalam proses penambangan crypto untuk lebih mengurangi biaya dan melestarikan lingkungan. 
Dalam memenuhi misi dan nilai-nilai kami, kami menyadari tanggung jawab kami terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan. Kami akan dibimbing oleh prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan. Ini adalah bagian integral dari koin Pieta kami karena kami menggunakan algoritma X20 yang membantu mengurangi listrik sambil mendapatkan keamanan optimal yang diperlukan dan ini terjadi dengan mengurangi listrik dengan mengurangi 50% dari proses produksi dan sebagai konsekuensi dari pengurangan energi kami memecahkan masalah keamanan dengan menyeimbangkan. 
Pieta memvisualisasikan untuk membuat penambangan menguntungkan dan menarik bagi semua orang, terlepas dari pengetahuan teknologi dan keuangan individu.

Pastikan asumsi jalur cepat sumber energi hijau. 
Jadikan energi matahari sebagai sumber energi utama untuk operasi bisnis yang efisien. 
Mempromosikan program peningkatan kesadaran untuk mendidik semua orang tentang masa kini dan masa depan 
Pieta bertujuan untuk dapat membentuk lingkungan regulasi dan memperluas peluang bisnis untuk energi surya di seluruh dunia dan dapat memastikan bahwa matahari menghasilkan lebih banyak energi daripada sumber energi lain, dan membimbing investor, pendukung, anggota dan mitra untuk membuat basis sistem energi surya yang cerdas, berkelanjutan dan inklusif.

Pieta memungkinkan pengguna untuk menambang blockchain, yang cepat dan ekonomis untuk keuntungan luar biasa. 
Berbagai aliran pendapatan untuk investor dan pemegang token Pieta dalam bentuk jaringan titik penjualan dari penjual / bisnis yang menerima pembayaran (transaksi) cryptocurrency di seluruh dunia. 
Untuk memaksimalkan adopsi cryptocurrency melalui integrasi futuristik dengan blockchain lainnya. 
Imbalan pertambangan tinggi dengan biaya dan waktu investasi jauh lebih rendah. Penggunaan energi surya menjaga biaya produksi tetap rendah, sementara algoritma X20 menghasilkan lebih banyak produk dengan konsumsi energi yang lebih rendah. 
Pieta token dapat diperdagangkan di sejumlah pertukaran cryptocurrency besar 
Bonus-hingga 40%, tergantung pada tahap ICO, yang Anda pilih untuk berinvestasi.
Pieta token mendukung blockchain, itu akan menjadi token dari proyek loyalitas, dan para pendukung dapat menjalankan peta jalan proyek, dengan memberi penghargaan kepada pelanggan atas kontribusi positif mereka dan akan dapat diterima untuk pembayaran / mata uang untuk perusahaan yang berpartisipasi, dan juga dapat ditukar dengan Ethereum tergantung pada keputusan pengguna. 
Token PITC 
Ethereum Platform 
Type ERC20 
Harga di ICO 1 PITC = $ 1,5

Kontrak Cerdas 

Informasi investasi 
Penerimaan BTC, Dogecoin, Ethereum 
Token dijual: 1 700 000 PITC 
Softcap 6 000 000 USD 
Hardcap 25 000 000 USD

Distribusi token

50% Distribusi 
33% Bonus 
10% Dari Total Stok 
5% dari Semua Pra-ICO 
2% Airdrop 
Distribusi penjualan

35% dari Branding dan pemasaran 
20% pembangunan infrastruktur 
20% dari investasi dan amal 
15% operasi dan administrasi kelompok 
5% kegiatan hukum dan keuangan platform 
5% pemeriksaan keamanan 
peta jalan

Januari 2019 - rilis white paper tentang pra-penjualan ICO 
Maret 2019 - kemitraan dengan pasar pertukaran IKO terkemuka 
Mei 2019 - peluncuran platform ICO 
Juli 2019 - penciptaan kantor pusat proyek energi surya 
September 2019 - Instalasi Solar Untuk Orang Miskin Di Afrika 
November 2019 - masalah aplikasi dompet digital Pieta

Info lebih lanjut di: 

Nama pengguna: danil21
eth : 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Apa itu Ekosistem Pieta?

Apa itu Pieta?

Pieta adalah proyek blockchain baru pertama di dunia dengan tujuan untuk meminimalkan biaya 
penambangan cryptocurrency sebanyak mungkin dan membuatnya lebih mudah didapat dan 
ramah lingkungan .
Bagaimana itu lebih baik dari para pendahulu?

Pieta bekerja dengan menggunakan algoritma baru X20 yang benar-benar mengurangi pemanfaatan energi dalam 
penambangan blockchain, oleh karena itu peralatan penambangan akan tetap lebih dingin. Ini akan menghasilkan 
peningkatan masa pakai peralatan yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan keuntungan para penambang. 
Semakin sedikit pelepasan karbon juga akan memiliki efek positif terhadap lingkungan. 
Pieta juga memotivasi penggunaan energi surya terbarukan dalam proses penambangan kripto untuk lebih mengurangi 
biaya dan menyelamatkan lingkungan.
Misi Utama Kami.

Untuk mendorong asumsi solusi energi terbarukan dan efisien blockchain untuk 
bisnis dari semua skala dan ukuran. Pada saat yang sama, Pieta memvisualisasikan untuk menjadikan Mining peristiwa yang menguntungkan 
dan menarik bagi semua orang terlepas dari 
keahlian teknologi dan keuangan individu . 
● Pastikan asumsi jalur cepat Sumber Energi Hijau. 
● Jadikan Solar Energy sebagai sumber energi utama untuk operasi bisnis yang efisien. 
● Dorong Program Kesadaran untuk mendidik satu dan semua tentang manfaat sekarang dan di masa depan 
dari sistem energi yang cerdas, tahan lama, dan komprehensif
Mengapa berinvestasi di Pieta Token?

Pieta adalah salah satu token yang paling diharapkan tahun ini, baik dari segi popularitas maupun 
profitabilitas investor . Selain memberikan beberapa opsi penghasilan kepada pemegang token, Pieta 
mengizinkan pengguna untuk terlibat dalam penambangan blockchain yang cepat dan hemat biaya untuk pengembalian yang luar biasa.
Berbagai Arus Penghasilan untuk investor dan pemegang token Pieta, dalam bentuk 
akses ke jaringan Point of Sale dari pedagang / bisnis yang menerima 
pembayaran (transaksi) Cryptocurrency di seluruh dunia.
Memaksimalkan adopsi cryptocurrency melalui kombinasi futuristik dengan 
blockchain lainnya .
Imbalan Pertambangan Tinggi dengan investasi biaya dan waktu yang jauh lebih rendah. Penggunaan 
energi surya menjaga biaya penambangan lebih rendah sementara algoritma X20 menghasilkan lebih banyak output dengan 
konsumsi energi yang lebih rendah.
Pieta token memungkinkan Perdagangan pada sejumlah pertukaran crypto utama
Bonus - Hingga 40%, tergantung pada tahap ICO yang Anda pilih untuk berinvestasi. 
Solusi Pieta.

Solusi Pieta bertujuan untuk mengurangi penggunaan listrik dalam proses penambangan hingga 50% 
memungkinkan investor untuk mendapatkan pengembalian yang lebih baik bersama dengan lebih banyak bonus dari 
investasi token Pieta mereka .
Algoritma Hashing HoX20

Pieta akan menjadi proyek pertama yang mengimplementasikan algoritma X20 baru untuk penambangan blockchain dalam 
rangka meningkatkan efisiensi dan keamanan proses penambangan sambil mengurangi 
konsumsi energi.
Dompet Digital

Pieta akan segera meluncurkan dompet digital khusus yang memungkinkan para investornya untuk memegang dan bertransaksi 
koin mereka . Ini akan menjadi dompet digital pertama untuk pieta yang di-host di platform Windows.
Hadiah Penambangan

Pieta akan menjadi proyek pertama yang mengimplementasikan algoritma X20 baru untuk penambangan blockchain dalam 
rangka meningkatkan efisiensi dan keamanan proses penambangan sambil mengurangi 
konsumsi energi.
Dompet Digital

Pieta akan segera meluncurkan dompet digital khusus yang memungkinkan para investornya untuk memegang dan bertransaksi 
koin mereka . Ini akan menjadi dompet digital pertama untuk pieta yang di-host di platform Windows.
Hadiah Penambangan

Platform penambangan tradisional sangat membatasi kemampuan penambang untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak keuntungan dan 
pendapatan karena tingginya biaya awal dan proses yang kompleks. Algoritma Pieta X20 
dirancang untuk memberi penghargaan kepada penambang untuk semua aktivitas mereka di platform untuk membuat 
pertumbuhan jaringan yang benar-benar positif

Peta Jalan

Detail Token

Username: danil21
eth : 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a



SMATHIUM is a blockchain based loyalty platform. Studies show customers choose loyalty programs, they do not enjoy them fully. A survey by Code Broker shows 54% of customers choose their loyalty rewards program. The reasons why only reduce differences and the facts provided only provide limited benefits. So, implement a strong loyalty rewards program to spend most of your big business.
more and more people want to know more about it, and find ways to be a part of it. When blockchain technology comes, things change, things get better, we said. So much business is improving, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their jobs. New ideas come every day. People want to invest in new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it's called the Internet. The internet is a large base of information where we can do anything. The internet has connected the whole world. 
Because access to the Internet is one of the most extraordinary crypto projects known as Smathium
The CodeBroker survey shows that at least 54% of consumers are disappointed with their loyalty program. Causes of frustration include a variate of differentiation and the fact that most only provide limited benefits. In addition, introducing a loyalty program usually costs a lot to block most businesses.

Although employees like department stores and airlines can provide valuable membership programs for their customers, small and medium-sized companies can not. Smathium seeks to fill this gap by promoting the loyalty of several companies, which are open to all types of businesses. The core of this platform is the goal of creating long-term value for customers, not short-term advertising.
, Decentralized application (dApp) where all businesses can create their own loyalty gift programs that are supported by a single token. A single loyalty point system is in small on / off-line retailers around the world. Cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, and even shopping centers. Smathium aims to build a multi-business loyalty award platform that is open to all types of businesses. As an integrated media exchange between users and brands, Smathium tokens can be used for transactions in all businesses registered on our platform and can be traded in exchange. Other than that,
How does it work?
SMATHIUM is a blockchain based loyalty platform. Decentralized application (dApp) where all businesses can create their own loyalty gift programs that are supported by a single token. A single loyalty point system is in small on / off-line retailers around the world. Cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, and even shopping centers!
Studies show that even if customers like the loyalty program, they do not enjoy it fully. A survey by CodeBroker shows that at least 54% of consumers are frustrated with their loyalty reward program. Reasons for frustration include a lack of differentiation and the fact that the majority only provides limited benefits. So, implementing a strong loyalty reward program.
Although incumbents such as department stores and airlines can provide high-value membership programs for their customers, small and medium-sized companies can not. Smathium aims to bridge this gap by building a multi-business loyalty award platform that is open to all types of businesses. At the heart of this platform is the long-term value for customers rather than serving as a short-term promotion.
Any SMATHIUM Platform Can Enjoy the Benefits of Membership Like any Department Store 
. Give a different membership program to your loyal customers.
Single Unified Coin 
Customers can receive their gifts in one form of cryptocurrency instead of different points for each brand. Smathium guarantees legitimate assets for its customers.
Benefits that Can Be Traded 
Brands that participate in the Smathium Platform can buy and sell benefits. The membership program is a new sales channel for large-scale sales for these brands.





Further information:

Username: danil21
eth : 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a


Initial Coin Offering (ICO) adalah ruang uang kriptografis yang tidak sebanding dengan IPO di dunia spekulasi standar. ICO bertindak sebagai penggerak andalan; sebuah organisasi yang berharap dapat membuat koin, aplikasi, atau administrasi lain mengirimkan ICO. Selanjutnya, spesialis keuangan yang tertarik membeli untuk penawaran, baik dengan uang tunai atau dengan token terkomputerisasi sebelumnya seperti eter. Sebagai imbalan atas bantuan mereka, spesialis keuangan mendapatkan token mata uang digital lain secara eksplisit ke ICO.

Spesialis keuangan percaya bahwa token akan tampil sangat baik di masa depan, memberi mereka tingkat keuntungan yang sangat baik. Organisasi yang memegang ICO menggunakan aset spesialis keuangan sebagai metode untuk mendorong tujuannya, mendorong itemnya, atau memulai kas terkomputerisasi. ICO digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan baru untuk menghindari prosedur peningkatan modal yang menyeluruh dan terarah yang diperlukan oleh investor atau bank.

Faktor penting yang diidentifikasi dengan ICO adalah bahwa aset dinaikkan sekaligus. Dengan kata lain, sama sekali tidak seperti iklan upaya biasa, spekulan tidak membiayai setiap tahap pembuatan item saat menyelidiki kualitasnya dan secara independen memberikan aset untuk ditampilkan dalam sebuah beberapa putaran pendanaan. Tidak, ICO mengumpulkan sejumlah besar dolar pada saat yang sama untuk seluruh rentang usaha sampai saat itu berakhir mandiri. Dengan cara ini sebuah usaha dengan ICO dapat terus menjanjikan kekayaan untuk spekulan selama beberapa tahun, sementara pada dasarnya memiliki kontrol anggaran nol.

Pada dasarnya, tokenization adalah cara menuju pembuatan token uang digital yang ditambahkan pada sesuatu dari kenyataan saat ini. Itu cenderung apa saja, dari emas dan tanah hingga administrasi uang dan instrumen moneter. Tidak diragukan lagi blockchain dapat memberikan keterusterangan yang lebih menonjol pada hubungan antar individu dan jika ada sesuatu yang dipatok, pada saat itu semua hubungan keuangan yang terkait dengan item ini akan berakhir lebih sulit dan semakin dapat diandalkan.

Blockchain dan bentuk-bentuk uang kriptografis adalah kemajuan yang cukup baru, yang membuka pasar baru. Dengan bentuk uang digital sendiri dan antusiasme standar bagi mereka yang cepat berkembang akhir-akhir ini, inovasi ini ditawarkan kepada banyak perusahaan baru, meningkatkan aset melalui ICO atau melalui pilihan-pilihan usaha yang semakin lazim. Sebagian besar usaha diidentifikasi dengan tokenisasi yang konon. 

Masalah likuiditas Token dijelaskan secara efektif sebagai hasil Protokol melalui pilihan untuk mengeluarkan dan memperdagangkan sumber daya blockchain sendiri, blockchain, setiap pergerakan sumber daya tokenized berjalan hanya pada platform saja. Pertukaran, pertukaran, kesepakatan dengan pembeli akhir, perdagangan barang yang dipatok untuk realitas saat ini setiap bit terakhir dilakukan melalui Protokol Produk.

Bagian tak terpisahkan dari perhitungan tokenization pada tahap Protokol Produk adalah Open API dan inovasi IoT untuk membuat duplikat lanjutan dari manfaat yang dikaitkan dengan yang pertama secara progresif. Ini untuk merinci deskripsi lanjutan. Ini akan memadai untuk menjamin 100% ID terkomputerisasi dari setiap unit korosif. 

Untuk setiap jenis pasar, harus ada produk pembeli yang bertanggung jawab atas permintaan pembeli dengan estimasi berdiri (mendasar). Sebagian kecil itu adalah tanda non-material dan merupakan ukuran dasar dari manfaat dalam kerangka kerja. .

Data untuk digitalisasi, tokenisasi dan mengamati manfaat akan dikirim dan dipastikan menggunakan banyak angka, rantai persegi. Klien akan mendapatkan akses untuk memeriksa pengaturan data pada sumber daya dan kepemilikan dalam waktu yang sebenarnya. Persiapan dan desentralisasi kapasitas untuk menjauh dari kemungkinan keadaan yang tidak dapat didamaikan dan kemungkinan intrik antara peserta tokenization, partisi kerja dan aturan desentralisasi akan bekerja sebagai trik 

Sebagai pertahanan yang penting terhadap akselerasi.

Tim Protokol Produk memberikan perancang aplikasi yang tergabung dengan platform rantai persegi, instrumen yang kuat akan memberikan standar untuk mengembangkan aplikasi dan layanan baru. Buka Protokol Produk, ulasan universal, ini adalah kriteria perdagangan untuk data penting tentang kemungkinan sumber daya aplikasi yang disesuaikan. 

Konvensi ini berarti untuk melindungi data ID dengan menggunakan cryptosystem yang paling disempurnakan. Protokol Produk berpusat di sekitar program aplikasi dan memberdayakan tokenization dan dewan sumber daya asli.

Konvensi item mengasumsikan beberapa pekerjaan. Dari satu sudut pandang, itu adalah fasad yang menghadap pelanggan tempat pembeli dapat datang untuk membeli suatu barang. Pembeli dapat memanfaatkan ticker dari keunggulan yang dapat diperdagangkan untuk sumber daya asli dalam kondisi luas. Mengenai sumber daya terkait uang, mungkin saja bank atau panggung Internet lainnya, atau bisnis berbasis web, perdagangan, pedagang, atau agen asuransi. 
- Layanan Penilaian Produk: Administrasi penilaian untuk menghargai dan tokenizing sumber daya, mengumpulkan data pertama tentang manfaat, data ilmiah dan token sumber daya. 
- Sistem DAsset: adalah kerangka kerja yang diedarkan yang memeriksa data tentang sumber daya fisik dan lanjutan, pemegang Advanced dibingkai. Terlebih lagi, ada asosiasi dengan dan dari kompartemen ke sumber daya.
- DAsset: kompartemen terkomputerisasi terkomputerisasi atau bundel metadata yang merundingkan semua yang bermasalah. 

Untuk mengenali data tentang sumber daya, Protokol Produk menggabungkan dua perhitungan utama yang diaktualisasikan secara terus-menerus. Bukti Algoritma Aset adalah perhitungan untuk identifikasi sumber daya. ID manfaat dan data terkomputerisasi waktu nyata tentang data. Setelah mengumpulkan, memverifikasi, menganalisis, menyusun, mengenkripsi, dan mentransfer data tentang kelebihannya, Virtual Token

Penerbitan Token Atom Virtual ekstra untuk mengenali sumber daya berdiri atau sumber daya paling tidak terbagi, misalnya, meter persegi. Token Virtual berisi data terbuka tentang status file aset. Data tergantung pada data yang diperoleh dari Aset melalui Sistem Pemantauan Aset dan disimpan di kompartemen DASset canggih sumber daya Token virtual secara progresif. 


Nama pengguna: danil21
eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Senin, 13 Mei 2019



In the world today, we have many migrants and same as the refugee seeking for new environment or new opportunity. People migrate from one country to another for education, business, job, holiday or even tourism which they are all known as a migrant, while there are people called refugee that flee from their country to another location as a result of conflicts, war, restriction or forced to move out.

There are challenges the migrants and the refugees face during the process of acquiring their paper documents and visas from the immigration services. The challenges make some team of expertise came together to find a means to make the system better; this led to the birth of a platform called “MIGRANET”



Migranet is a blockchain based migration services platform that aims to be assisting the migrant to work out their immigration process in a more decentralized and transparent way.


The rate of fake immigration agents existing in this ecosystem is alarming; this people mostly get involved in human trafficking, selling migrants to the rich people as slave and no reliable law to put a full stop to those act.

There are many people that wish to move to another country but the cost of acquiring all migration paper documents is very high; not everybody could afford it and the condition has make many people missed their dream country.

Another issue is that, there are report of corruption cases in most immigration services platform these days. Many migrant has been scam and at the process lost their funds without any means of trace.

The last issue I want to emphasize on is the issue international payment system. This process are very tedious and stressful because it require doing conversion of currency and other documentation process.


Migranet is the revolution this ecosystem will experienced as they are implementing blockchain into this system which has the features to solve various challenges facing immigration services ecosystem. The blockchain will be used to automate the processes, secure the data and make the system transparent.

So Migranet was built to help migrant to do their immigration application process in a transparent form. The Migranet platform will subdue and reduce those charges the other immigration platform do charge with assurance of less than 90%. The Migranet will be a platform where other immigration agent can register their services and got verified which will eliminate the rate of fake immigration practitioners. The Migranet has also introduced a traditional token termed “MIG Token” which will be globally accepted to pay for all the services this platform will be offering. Accepting cryptocurrency like MIG Token will make the transaction process easier and more secured.


Migranet has adopted an initial exchange offering as means of raising funds for the development of the platform. Having known the usefulness of the MIG Token, which is to be used to pay for services on the Migranet platform as well as be used for remittance payments, it is advisable to hold the MIG Token now. So therefore, prospective investors are thereby invited to invest in this project because it has a lot of potential. Am assuring anyone that will invest on this project will have every reason to smiles at the end.

Migranet has planned to do a pre-sales on IDAX cryptocurrency exchange. They scheduled it to be on two phases:

The First sales starts on May 16, 2019 10:00(UTC+8) and ends on May 17, 2019 10:00 (UTC+8)

The Second sales starts on May 17, 2019 10: 00(UTC+8) and ends on May 18, 2019 10:00 (UTC+8)



The team behind this project are well known people in this ecosystem; they are attorneys from law firms, data scientists, recruitment professionals and immigration
practitioners. Here is the opportunity to meet them one after the other.


Migranet will be the first of its kind implementing blockchain to build a decentralized immigration platform. The platform works in line with the regulatory jurisdiction, the platform is transparent and make the document processing to be ease and faster while making use of MIG token for global remittance services through Migranet platform. Make a haste and start enjoying a lower processing fees unlike that of the traditional immigration platform that do charge high fees. Lastly, the room for human trafficking will close with the emerged of Migranet platform because the platform is very reliable.

For more information, kindly visit any of the below links:

Official Website:https://migranet.io/

Username : danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a



Have you ever think of migrating to another country or region? Have you ever been scammed by an agent or third-party in the course of migrating to another location? Have you ever think of migrating at a lower cost? If yes I think the savior we have all been waiting and eager to see has come. A new blockchain platform that will deliver all migrant from scam and free all migrants from stress encountered during migration has comes. The name of this platform is MIGRANET.

Blockchain technology as we have all known is a latest and best technology recently in all sector have adopted its use and recorded a positive growth. It is this same technology MIGRANET has decided to use to liberate the migrant from all the scammers and third-party rendering a scam services to people and travelers around the globe. People always believe it’s not easy and as well not possible to travel and do documentation on their own which this believes has led them to the services of third-party agents who are either scammers or incompetent.


A lot have been lost to scammers all in the name of migrating from one region to another. Some third-party services have duped their customer’s huge amount of money which can never be recovered. This is why I believed MIGRANET platform is the savior the people have been waiting for because it has come with an advanced features to revolutionize the whole migration industries and likewise imp[rove migration processes.

Whenever I remembered what happened to me some years back I always felt bad because of the huge amount of money I lost to third-party services all in the name of processing and documentation in which at the end of the day none of the documents provided was valid and up till today the agent was nowhere to be found. If only I have known MIGRANET platform by that time I believed my problems would have been averted.


As the MIGRANET platform has observed the whole migration process is broken and it’s truly need to be fixed which is definitely true and I believed if all the problems listed above would ever be solved and avoided then travelers and migrants needs to start considering MIGRANET platform which is a blockchain based platform. One good thing about a blockchain based platform is that users and members always have full freedom, access and controls unlike their counterpart that didn’t base on blockchain network.

MIGRANET platform has introduced different features and services to be rendered to its users and customers to make migration easy for all and sundry. Part of the new features is the introduction of free assessment by the expert in the platform to weighed different options available for the migrants.

Migrant’s documents and personal details are highly secured on the blockchain network against what we do experience on the other platform out there. Security of migrant’s documents and personal details is one of the priority of MIGRANET platform in which I believed every migrants will be happy to hear about the safety of their documents.

MIGRANET platform charges little to no fees for the whole migration and documentation process unlike what is been experienced in the other migration platform. MIGRANET has decided to cut down the whole migration fees by 90% of what others charges in which I believed migrants will also be happy about the reduction.


MIGRANET provides high level of transparency in the whole migration and documentation processes and migrants will have full access details of the migration and how it’s been done. The use of blockchain smart contracts by MIGRANET platform will definitely protect the migrants from all form of scams and malpractices.

MIGRANET has also launched its own token which is to be used as payment fees in the platform. All what migrants need to do is just to get a hold of MIGRANET token and use it to pay for the processing fees. More information about the token and its sales will be summarized below

Token Symbol => MIG
Blockchain Network => ERC20
Token Supply => 850,000,000 MIG
Circulating Supply => 510,000,000 MIG
Soft-Cap => $20,000,000
Hard-Cap => $75,000,000


60% Allocated to Public Sales
30% Allocated to Reserve
5.5% Allocated to Team
2.5% Allocated to Advisors
2% Allocated to Bounty

30% Allocated to Platform Development
21% Allocated to Recruitment & Compensation
18% Allocated to Marketing, Media and Events
17% Allocated to Reserve
10% Allocated to Admin, Security & Audit
4% Allocated to Legal


To know more about MIGRANET check the links below

Username : danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

BCNEX - The best crypto exchange.

BCNEX - The best crypto exchange.

Hello everyone, now I am making an article about BCNEX exchanges. Maybe you just learned about this exchange, I am very confident that BCNEX exchanges have potential in the future. BCNEX is a project on the crypto trading floor. Well, for more information, at the end of this article I will embed the Bcnex link.

Like other trading platforms in the world, Bcnex was created to be a trading place to exchange cryptocurrencies. However, at Bcnex we can see some advantages that the exchange is not yet available, or not done well. What are the advantages here, we will learn through the analysis below? A number of decent stages of trade have developed throughout the year making other crypto display biological communities with some having greater numbers of highlights and advantages than others. Despite the various stages of trade in today's computerized reality, there are many problems that limit the adequacy of the trade in crypto resources. A new platform called BCNEX exchange will eliminate all the above weaknesses and provide better conditions for trading virtual currencies. In the task of providing a solution to this problem, the BCNEXexchange platform was introduced. In this article, I will introduce you to the BCNEX trading platform. BCNEX is a Cryptocurrency Exchange platform that will provide crypto investors who want to diversify their investments direct access to digital asset classes. As expected, Bcnex will expand the scope of its activities outside the world. I believe that with potential, transparency, security, and benefits, Bcnex will have a strong foothold in the market in general and crypto circles in particular.
Personally, I rate this project very high. I think I have to invest in it. Together with large liquidity available in the market, it's going to immediately boost rates, it is an extremely rewarding signal regarding buyers to get these kinds of requirements at the beginning regarding STO, rates remain low-cost. Bcnex Tokens may be approved generally in most major investing areas, which usually bring comparatively huge special discounts about purchases. In order to spend money on Bcnex, it is an excellent time and energy to make investments.

The benefits that will be given by the Bcnex ecosystem:
1. For the communityInvestors can be sure when participating in Bcnex because this is an innovative product from a 100% Vietnamese team with ambitions to make Vietnam's technology market compete with the world. And because Bcnex developers are Vietnamese, they can understand the difficulties of domestic investors to overcome the weaknesses of the foreign exchange platform and create a user-friendly ecosystem.

Bcnex has 24/7 customer service and Vietnamese support in addition to other languages.
Bcnex uses the highest security standards in managing electronic wallets.
All technical problems that are carried out will be resolved soon.
All project information supported by Bcnex ensures transparency. Bcnex will only choose carefully positive projects that benefit the community. 
2. For business

Through the ICO release on the Bcnex platform, the blockchain-based start-up company will be able to fully focus on developing the project without having to worry about the project verification process and real costs. currently fundraising because they participate in other trading platforms.
Opportunities to access investment funds that differ not only domestically but also worldwide because Bcnex.net is an international exchange center registered in Singapore.
Registering ICO on Bcnex is simple, easy and minimizes costs.In particular, for projects related to the cryptonote blockchain, Bcnex will directly consider and support investment funds.3. For the government

Through the Bcnex trading platform, the government will be able to manage all business fundraising issues and individual investment activities. From there, they can calculate and collect taxes through transaction transactions.
Bcnex is the center of international trade with many foreign investors saving various currencies. Therefore, the government can receive many foreign currencies that benefit the economy.

The development team wants to build the BCNEX exchange platform in the most perfect way so that the BCNEX Exchange will provide advanced data security and security: BCNEX will be built with various security layers such as firewalls, DDOS attacks, alerting users when unusual behavior, 2FA Code and anti-phishing code. Stable and high-performance architecture: BCNEXis designed and built on a distributed model to ensure easy scalability by adding physical servers. Therefore, BCNEX always maintains stability and ensures continuous service time. Very high transaction speed: BCOMS is a carefully constructed system by BCNEX to ensure high performance, stability, absolute data integrity in transactions. BCOMS has very low latency and has speeds of up to 2 million transactions per second. Optimal asset storage solution: 98% of assets will be stored in a cold wallet separate from the Internet, the rest on a hot wall to meet platform liquidity.

Maybe that's all I can say to you to get more accurate information from this review, if you have questions or information that you still don't understand, don't worry, I've got a link that you can visit, so you can find more information Accurate from the team or founder, and then they will explain it to you in full. Here is a comment that I present to all of you to find information and find out which project is being carried out by your team, if there is a lack of explanation from this article, don't worry I have made a connection so you get the right information in the training. information and, of course, you will be able to talk directly with the founder or your team at the link.




Username : danil21
Profile :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1544106
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Bcnex Trading Floor - Introduction of project overview (Bcnex.net)


Today we will introduce you to Bcnex.net project; introduce breakthrough features of the project; solutions to overcome the problems of existing trading floors.

Table of contents1: What is Bcnex? 
2: The problem of today's 
cryptocurrency exchanges 3: Why choose Bcnex, project solution Bcnex
4: Ecosystem and benefits 
5: Conclusion
-------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ 
What is Bcnex?

Bcnex is the place for trading, buying and selling, exchanging values ​​of start-up book creation projects using Blockchain technology. In Bcnex's business philosophy, customers are always placed first. Therefore, the Bcnex development team has spent a lot of time researching and developing a distributed system with high stability and security for Bcnex to meet the most stringent requirements of customers. 

Bcnex has also designed an optimal asset storage solution for customers on the BCnex floor by combining a hot wallet (hot wallet), cold wallet (cold wallet) and hardware (secure hardware) with the mechanism System security is similar to the way banks, network operators and governments in advanced countries still apply. This ensures the absolute safety of customers' assets, while ensuring the system's liquidity.

Bcnex is also a fast, accurate, low latency trading platform, and has flexible scalability to meet up to 2,000,000 trading orders per second.We will issue a BCNX token, first on the block-chain Ethereum platform, then switch to CryptoNote for the purchase / sale transaction with other coins / tokens. At the same time, customers can also use BCNX to pay transaction fees on Bcnex to enjoy discount up to 75%.

The principle in Bcnex's business activities 

"Customers Are Above All; Bcnex will constantly research and develop to give users the best experience." 
The problem of today's cryptocurrency exchanges

Issues of the existing money-and-asset trading exchanges Although the pre-encrypted and digital asset exchanges have outstanding advantages compared to the traditional legal trading floor and the number of delivery floors. Translation technology of this type is increasing over time, but most of them are facing many problems.
Technical background issues

The trading floor system needs to be designed from the foundation, meeting all the factors: security, efficiency, processing speed, and scalability. This often slows the initial development, but is important for long-term success.
Many exchanges have been built up quickly by highly qualified sprout engineers, but have little or no financial knowledge and trading platform operation. Therefore, in order to save only costs and time, they often choose the simplest method to set up and run the system.During the first period of operation, these established trading platforms may work normally, but once the traffic increases, the system will be overloaded and information is unlikely to be dealt with. effective management. The recent frequent overload of trading floors in the top of the digital asset trading market are typical examples. The Crypto market is in the process of developing and expanding on a large scale.Demand for Crypto transactions in many stages of the market is huge.Many exchanges do not meet these requirements because the overall technical architecture is weak. Bcnex provides a technical platform capable of handling up to 2,000,000 transactions per second. 
Security and security issues
Every year, hundreds of Crypto trading floors must be closed due to hackers intruding or fraudulently taking over the user's assets. Bcnex is built to the highest standards, strictly censored and always checked to prevent unauthorized access to the system.
Our technician team has experience building financial systems according to the highest security standards. Ensuring security for customers' assets is always our top priority. Bcnex was founded and operated by OriTech., JSC, a registered legal entity in Singapore. The activities of OriTech., JSC comply with Singapore's laws to ensure legal safety and user rights.
Liquidity issue
The value of a centralized trading floor lies in its ability to create high liquidity, support investors to trade, and take initiative in buying / selling decisions. However, most of the current digital asset trading floors do not meet this requirement. When a trading floor has few trade orders, strong slippage will occur and cause financial losses to investors. Besides, attracting diggers, investment organizations, and big traders into a fledgling exchange is not easy and in that case, the exchange needs to have a specialized team A deep understanding of this new market.
Customer care issues
At present, there are many trading floors that overlook customer service, while this is one of the decisive factors for the success of a trading floor. The greatest thing in customer care is to make customers feel uncomfortable or disappointed. Research shows that when customers suddenly encounter problems or receive delayed assistance, most will not bother to contact for assistance but just quietly leave.Moreover, when working with special customers like traders, the development of good customer service becomes even more important.
Therefore, in parallel with building a high-quality technical technology foundation, Bcnex focuses on developing service quality, considering it as a core value and a competitive advantage in the digital asset trading market. . When traders get into trouble, we guarantee that they will receive answers directly from employees who understand the system, not from the available answers.

Why choose Bcnex, Bcnex project solution

Security and Stability
Bcnex is a distributed system with high security, stability and scalability to meet the most stringent requirements of customers.
Multi-level security system

Safety and security are one of the most important criteria of a blockchain technology trading platform. Therefore, Bcnex implements system security across multiple layers, from building a solid firewall or using tools to prevent denial of service (DDOS) attacks to warn users when there are Abnormal behavior occurs. To ensure the highest level of security, when an account has an unusual behavior, Bcnex will proceed to lock that account for a certain period of time and specifically notify the account owner. In addition, important requirements are required to use 2FA code and Anti-phishing code. Bcnex also requires users to conduct KYC before attempting to conduct transaction-related actions.
After a long time of researching and cooperating with reputable security firms, Bcnex has designed a wallet solution that ensures absolute safety and still retains liquidity when the system is compromised. Our solution uses a hot wallet (hot wallet), cold wallet (cold wallet) in combination with the secure hardware security. Most of Bcnex's electronic money and digital assets (98%) are stored in various cold wallet, completely separate from the Internet, so hackers cannot attack. The rest is in hot wallet, enough to meet the user's daily withdrawal transactions. To increase security for hot wallets, we use hardware modules to perform transaction authentication with 2FA keys, limit the amount of transactions in a period of time, sign and send transactions to the blockchain. These modules have an automatic periodic integrity check and will be deactivated if interference is detected. With the solution of the highest security standards, Bcnex's wallet system always ensures the user's property is safe. This mechanism of operation is similar to the way banks, operators, and governments in advanced countries still apply.
Security and security issues
Every year, hundreds of Crypto trading floors must be closed due to hackers intruding or fraudulently taking over the user's assets. Bcnex is built to the highest standards, strictly censored and always checked to prevent unauthorized access to the system.

Our technician team has experience building financial systems according to the highest security standards. Ensuring security for customers' assets is always our top priority. Bcnex was founded and operated by OriTech., JSC, a registered legal entity in Singapore. The activities of OriTech., JSC comply with Singapore's laws to ensure legal safety and user rights.

Bcnex provides a user-friendly platform, giving them the best experience both on the Web and App.
High performance
Fast, accurate processing speed, low latency and flexible scalability to be able to meet up to 2,000,000 orders per second.
Solution on technical foundation
Bcnex Order Matching System (BCOMS®) is a component that is responsible for pairing orders and sell orders in the trading system.This is the most important component of Bcnex and is built with great care. All buy / sell orders are kept in high-performance queues and designed by us to ensure data integrity, not to lose orders that cause damage to users. Bcnex's matching system has low latency and flexible scalability to handle up to 2,000,000 trades per second. With this number, Bcnex becomes one of the fastest trading platforms on the market today. You can be assured that, on our trading platform there will be no case of bottlenecks in the trade orders due to the overloaded system.
Bcnex is designed and built based on a distributed model to ensure easy scalability by adding physical servers when the system needs to serve large traffic and transactions. With load distribution system based on powerful servers and the ability to automatically control the system status, Bcnex always maintains stability and service time up to 99.99%,
Access speed is also one of the factors that Bcnex focuses on improving to optimize the user experience. With the microservices model, the system is divided into small services and separate databases.As a result, we can easily change and expand as needed without affecting the entire system.

With a rich and abundant liquidity supply, Bcnex ensures that all transactions on the system will take place quickly.
Liquidity solution
BCNex will build a forensic trading platform to increase liquidity for pairs or encrypted currencies and high liquidity tokens. At the same time, we will also create a margin trading platform where BCNX is considered the main asset. Bcnex's team has many years of experience in the foreign exchange trading industry, blockchain industry, pre-coding and digital assets. We have worked, as well as operating a number of exchanges with international partners, amassing a large network of partners in this field. These partners will be key in the launch of the trading platform and lead to solid investment opportunities for investors.

Diversified Market
In addition to supporting a wide range of popular electronic currencies, Bcnex also constantly updates other potential tokens.
24/7 Support
Bcnex's support team works 24/7 to answer any questions for customers, from transaction-related issues to technical.
Customer service solutions
In parallel with the construction of technical technology, Bcnex always considers the quality of customer service is the core value and its competitive advantage in the digital asset trading market. The entire staff and team of Bcnex always share the responsibility to support and answer all customers' questions and help customers have the best experience. When traders get into trouble, we make sure they receive direct feedback from highly trained and knowledgeable employees, not from the available answers.

Ecology and benefits

Bcnex is not merely a digital money trading platform but also aims to play a bigger role. That is creating a complete ecosystem.
Bcnex ecosystem is created with the vision of becoming an "innovative nursery for the blockchain technology platform". This is a perfectly suitable orientation in the context that Vietnam is trying to become a startup country and blockchain technology is gradually asserting its important role in industry 4.0.
For start-up technology businesses, Bcnex's support will bring a tremendous meaning.
Specifically, Bcnex ecosystem provides:

Bcnex.net trading platform: through Bcnex ecosystem, startups on Vietnam blockchain technology platform and even startups in the same field all over the world can exchange business values ​​through token / coin, ... on Singapore Bcnex.net trading platform, fully guarantee legal legality.

ICO platform: In addition, Bcnex also supports businesses to successfully call for investment capital through the form of selling or issuing ICO / STO from private sale stages, angel funding round, and other sales circles where businesses want and can adjust themselves to best suit their business roadmap. Now businesses can use Bcnex's ICO Platform to conduct fundraising. 

Project Data Center: On the side of investors, Bcnex will play a transparent advisory role, providing sufficient information about projects that are raising funds and offering classification ratings based on The synthesis of many different criteria. From there, investors can combine more research information and personal judgment to make the most accurate investment decision.

The benefits that Bcnex ecosystem brings
For the community:
Investors can be assured and confident when joining Bcnex because this is an innovative product by a 100% Vietnamese founding team with the ambition of bringing the Vietnamese technology market to the world level. And because Bcnex developers are Vietnamese, it is possible to fully understand the thoughts and difficulties of domestic investors.Bcnex has overcome the weaknesses of foreign exchanges, building a user-friendly ecosystem.

Bcnex has a staff of 24/7 support staff and Vietnamese language support in addition to other languages.

Bcnex uses the highest security standard in managing electronic wallet.
All technical problems are considered to be handled quickly.
Information of projects that Bcnex supports always ensures a transparent and carefully selected factor, providing only projects of positive value to society.

For businesses: Through the release of ICO on the Bcnex platform, blockchain technology startup businesses will be able to fully focus on project development without having to worry about the testing process as well as The cost of making capital calls is the same as when joining other exchanges.

Opportunity to access a variety of investment sources not only locally but also abroad because Bcnex.net is an international trading floor registered in Singapore.
The process of registering ICO on Bcnex is very streamlined, minimizing costs.

Especially with crypton blockchain research projects that will be directly reviewed and supported by Bcnex.

For the government:
Through the Bcnex trading floor, the government can fully manage the capital raising issues of businesses as well as individual investment activities. Since then there are actual bases for tax calculation and tax collection through activities on the trading floor.

Because Bcnex is an international trading platform with many foreign investors participating, the government will receive more foreign currency sources that bring economic benefits.

So we have just introduced to you Bcnex project; Also give out the highlights of the project for your reference. With a clear orientation and an experienced development team, I believe that the trading floor will be stable and developed, the token value is increasing. 

Refer to the project information at: 

Username : danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a