Jumat, 31 Januari 2020

***Cartesi - Linux Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications***

Cartesi - Linux Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications

Blockchain is a technology of the future with advantages and disadvantages. One of them is decentralized and secure, Bitcoin also uses Blokchcain technology in its backend and also many crypto projects currently using this technology.

Many crypto projects or companies and even countries that use Blockchain technology because they see the advantages and advantages of successful technologies using it like Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency, and also this time I will discuss a project called Cartesi which also uses blockchain technology.

I will share with you a project that uses blockchain technology and decentralized applications with linux infrastructure that provides strength and security innovations that I will discuss in full about the cypto project named Cartesi below below.

Cartesi - Linux Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications 

Cartesi is a decentralized and scalable Linux infrastructure to solve the problem of computational scalability as well as a development infrastructure for decentralized web. By using Cartesi, Blockchain applications can be coded with broad domains in many of the main types of software available today. This application runs without chains, with a strong guarantee of security from Blockchain, but is free from calculation limits and expensive fees.

Cartesi is a layer-2 platform for the development and deployment of decentralized applications that can be scaled. Cartesi DApps consists of blockchain and off-chain components. Off-chain components are run in Cartesi Nodes which represent the interests of each DApp user. 

Cartesi Nodes provides DApp developers with a reproducible Cartesi engine, where large-scale, verifiable computing can be run. This verifiable calculation is easily integrated into a strong, intelligent contract that guarantees a strong conflict resolution.

Using the Cartesi Blockchain technology will make innovation and experience even better for linux infrastructure and decentralized applications because I believe that the Cartesi concept is very good and promising by utilizing the technology being talked about hotly and the future technology is Blockchain.

Cartesi Review - Linux Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications

Cartesi Strengths 

Real OS. Intensive Computing. 
Cartesi offers a Linux runtime environment for D-blockchain. Complex computing runs outside the chain while maintaining strong security guarantees from the underlying blockchain

Guaranteed Consensus. 
Computing can be verified by all parties involved in the Application. Disputes are resolved automatically by Cartesi. This requires calculations that can be ignored in the blockchain, regardless of the size of the external calculation.

Ease of Development and Portability. 
With Cartesi, developers use widely known and powerful software components supported by Linux to make their DApps. They are free from the hassle of limited domain-specific blockchain environments. Mainstream developers can fully express themselves building applications with stacks of software they already know. Cartesi DApps will be portable across the most relevant blockchain, so developers don't have to worry about the longevity of certain blockchain projects

Benefits of Using Cartesi
There are no separate software applications. Mainstream mobile / desktop / web applications currently depend on several software dependencies that take decades to mature on operating systems such as Linux. Cartesi brings Linux to the blockchain application. Whereas without Cartesi, blockchain applications cannot use major software, libraries and services, unless they sacrifice decentralization in certain ways.

In addition to being constrained by the infrastructure of inadequate software, decentralized applications also experience strict on-chain processing limitations. So, they can hardly offer attractive alternatives for mainstream centralized applications. They are often difficult to build, are clunky and limited to DApp developers and users. Cartesi solved these three problems with 

1) offers software developers and tools supported by complete Linux OS 

2) move all the chains of large amounts of data calculation, which blockchain cannot do

3) offers a service and token economy that allows users to safely rely on the network and remain free from the inconvenience of blockchain technology (eg, slow confirmation times, requirements to stay online to resolve disputes, etc.).

It is hard to imagine a future for decentralized applications without the infrastructure that Cartesi brings to the ecosystem. Cartesi is here to provide infrastructure for decentralized applications that are easier for developers to build and with user experiences comparable to Internet applications.

Cartesi is a linux infrastructure for decentralized applications, using blockchain technology and a reliable team behind it with a promising concept for a better future in the world of Cryptocurrency.

in my opinion Cartesi is a future revolution project with a clear and real concept with Blockchain technology, if you are interested and want to find out more complete information about Cartesi please visit the information link below.


Further information

Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a


Cartesi - Linux Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications

Blockchain is a technology of the future with advantages and disadvantages. One of them is decentralized and secure, Bitcoin also uses Blokchcain technology in its backend and also many crypto projects currently using this technology.

Many crypto projects or companies and even countries that use Blockchain technology because they see the advantages and advantages of successful technologies using it like Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency, and also this time I will discuss a project called Cartesi which also uses blockchain technology.

I will share with you a project that uses blockchain technology and decentralized applications with linux infrastructure that provides strength and security innovations that I will discuss in full about the cypto project named Cartesi below below.

Cartesi - Linux Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications 

Cartesi is a decentralized and scalable Linux infrastructure to solve the problem of computational scalability as well as a development infrastructure for decentralized web. By using Cartesi, Blockchain applications can be coded with broad domains in many of the main types of software available today. This application runs without chains, with a strong guarantee of security from Blockchain, but is free from calculation limits and expensive fees.

Cartesi is a layer-2 platform for the development and deployment of decentralized applications that can be scaled. Cartesi DApps consists of blockchain and off-chain components. Off-chain components are run in Cartesi Nodes which represent the interests of each DApp user. 

Cartesi Nodes provides DApp developers with a reproducible Cartesi engine, where large-scale, verifiable computing can be run. This verifiable calculation is easily integrated into a strong, intelligent contract that guarantees a strong conflict resolution.

Using the Cartesi Blockchain technology will make innovation and experience even better for linux infrastructure and decentralized applications because I believe that the Cartesi concept is very good and promising by utilizing the technology being talked about hotly and the future technology is Blockchain.

Cartesi Review - Linux Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications

Cartesi Strengths 

Real OS. Intensive Computing. 
Cartesi offers a Linux runtime environment for D-blockchain. Complex computing runs outside the chain while maintaining strong security guarantees from the underlying blockchain

Guaranteed Consensus. 
Computing can be verified by all parties involved in the Application. Disputes are resolved automatically by Cartesi. This requires calculations that can be ignored in the blockchain, regardless of the size of the external calculation.

Ease of Development and Portability. 
With Cartesi, developers use widely known and powerful software components supported by Linux to make their DApps. They are free from the hassle of limited domain-specific blockchain environments. Mainstream developers can fully express themselves building applications with stacks of software they already know. Cartesi DApps will be portable across the most relevant blockchain, so developers don't have to worry about the longevity of certain blockchain projects

Benefits of Using Cartesi
There are no separate software applications. Mainstream mobile / desktop / web applications currently depend on several software dependencies that take decades to mature on operating systems such as Linux. Cartesi brings Linux to the blockchain application. Whereas without Cartesi, blockchain applications cannot use major software, libraries and services, unless they sacrifice decentralization in certain ways.

In addition to being constrained by the infrastructure of inadequate software, decentralized applications also experience strict on-chain processing limitations. So, they can hardly offer attractive alternatives for mainstream centralized applications. They are often difficult to build, are clunky and limited to DApp developers and users. Cartesi solved these three problems with 

1) offers software developers and tools supported by complete Linux OS 

2) move all the chains of large amounts of data calculation, which blockchain cannot do

3) offers a service and token economy that allows users to safely rely on the network and remain free from the inconvenience of blockchain technology (eg, slow confirmation times, requirements to stay online to resolve disputes, etc.).

It is hard to imagine a future for decentralized applications without the infrastructure that Cartesi brings to the ecosystem. Cartesi is here to provide infrastructure for decentralized applications that are easier for developers to build and with user experiences comparable to Internet applications.

Cartesi is a linux infrastructure for decentralized applications, using blockchain technology and a reliable team behind it with a promising concept for a better future in the world of Cryptocurrency.

in my opinion Cartesi is a future revolution project with a clear and real concept with Blockchain technology, if you are interested and want to find out more complete information about Cartesi please visit the information link below.


Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a




Kami telah mendengar tentang TCP dan IP pada satu titik dalam kehidupan kami, apa sebenarnya TCP dan IP? Bagaimana itu terjadi?
Model TCP / IP pada awalnya dikembangkan untuk Sistem Operasi Unix pada tahun 1970 oleh The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) untuk digunakan dalam ARPANET yang merupakan Wide Area Network yang mendahului internet tetapi teknologi TCP / IP digunakan dalam semua sistem operasi yang dibuat setelah Sistem Operasi Unix.


Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) dan Internet Protocol (IP) TCP / IP dapat digunakan sebagai INTRANET atau EXTRANET sebagai protokol komunikasi dalam jaringan pribadi sebagai protokol rangkaian komunikasi yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan perangkat jaringan di internet (INTRANET yang merupakan jaringan komunikasi lokal atau lebih terbatas terutama jaringan pribadi yang dibuat menggunakan perangkat lunak World Wide Web yang digunakan untuk mengirim informasi, alat kolaborasi dll. dan EXTRANET yang lebih dari Jaringan Pribadi yang menggunakan teknologi internet dan sistem telekomunikasi publik untuk mengamankan berbagi pos informasi bisnis atau operasi dengan pemasok, vendor, mitra, dll ke bisnis lain)

Jaringan TCP / IP dirancang agar dapat diandalkan dengan kemampuan untuk pulih secara otomatis dari kegagalan perangkat apa pun di jaringan, Digunakan sebagai sarana untuk bertukar data melalui internet, internet membuat ketentuan untuk komunikasi ujung-ke-ujung yang akan mengidentifikasi secara efektif bagaimana hal itu harus dipecah menjadi paket-paket yang berbeda, ditangani, ditransmisikan dan dialihkan yang akan diterima di tempat tujuan.
TCP mendefinisikan bagaimana aplikasi dapat membuat saluran komunikasi di seluruh jaringan.
IP memungkinkan untuk mengatasi dan merutekan setiap paket secara efektif untuk memastikannya mencapai tujuan yang tepat.

TCP / IP menggunakan model komunikasi klien / server di mana pengguna atau mesin (Dipanggil Klien) menyediakan layanan seperti (mengirim halaman web) oleh komputer lain (Dipanggil Server) di jaringan.


Di mana Tachyon Protocol masuk:
Protokol Tachyon adalah protokol internet terdesentralisasi yang dibangun di atas blockchain sistem-V yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan jaringan informasi desentralisasi yang tepercaya, stabil, cepat, dan andal.
Dengan Blockchain sebagai inti, Tachyon akan menerapkan teknik-teknik dari DHT, blockchain UDP, dan enkripsi, Tachyon berkomitmen untuk membangun TCP / IP generasi berikutnya yang dapat menyediakan lingkungan internet mandiri dengan keamanan tinggi dan ketat sehingga tidak dapat dilacak, tersedia, dan jaringan maksimum kecepatan.


Mengapa Tachyon Protokol:
• Untuk keamanan TCP / IP yang efektif dengan memadamkan kerentanan keamanan TCP / IP dan efisiensi rendah
• Untuk masalah tepercaya dengan penyedia VPN terpusat
Fitur Protokol
Tachyon • Tachyon Booster UDP (User Datagram Protocol (UDP) adalah bagian dari Protokol Internet) suite yang digunakan oleh program yang berjalan pada komputer yang berbeda di jaringan. UDP digunakan untuk mengirim Datagram (pesan singkat) tetapi secara keseluruhan, ini adalah protokol yang tidak dapat diandalkan, tanpa koneksi.)
• Protokol Keamanan
Tachyon • Tachyon Anti-analisis
• Tachyon Devkit atau SDK (SDK adalah singkatan dari kit pengembangan perangkat lunak yang biasanya merupakan seperangkat alat pengembangan perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan pembuatan aplikasi untuk paket perangkat lunak tertentu, kerangka kerja perangkat lunak, platform perangkat keras, konsol permainan video, sistem operasi, atau serupa) platform pengembangan.)


IPX Token: Token
IPX adalah token resmi Tachyon yang akan digunakan sebagai token cryptocurrency asli jaringan, Token akan menyediakan cara berbagi bandwidth bandwidth yang mudah dan terjangkau di antara pengguna jaringan.
Penggunaan Token IPX:
• Untuk Verifikasi ID
• Untuk Perdagangan dan Penyimpan Nilai
• Mekanisme insentif dan kerja sama
Kesimpulan / Tim:
Protokol Tachyon telah dirancang untuk menciptakan sistem informasi yang andal, cepat, dan aman bagi masyarakat dengan meningkatkan mutu lokal TCP / IP, Tachyon adalah proyek berbasis komunitas yang dikembangkan oleh Peerchemist (anggota pendiri / pemimpin Proyek Peercoin) Sunny King (anggota pendiri) dll.


Tautan penting:

Nama Pengguna Bitcointalk: danil21

Senin, 27 Januari 2020

***Ioox technology integrates cryptocurrency currencies into the blockchain ecosystem***

About Us

A young team with a clear vision, using Blockchain technology to use ioox coins and other digital currencies in everyday life. Every day

We do not believe in the confidentiality of transactions, they create ambiguity and are worth controlling. We believe in approval, safer and more agreeable. There are coins for every day to buy coffee, to drink. Coins are designed for ordinary people who work, study or receive what they deserve. Iox coins will transfer micro with cash or credit cards, this is for every day.

Every day, people make transactions less than $ 10 every day, ioox coins will be a hole in the hearts of these people. It's interesting to adopt a real mass and an ioox ring, also not a machine.

Have you ever seen surprises from some people who are only in a very pleasant surprise from the way you use Apple PAY and other non-cash payments ?! Once upon a time, I saw people like that and marveled at the amazement of technology that has awakened our lives. But now this is not news, people use this type of transaction and their payment. Apart from that, this is not only fast, but also very convenient. If before, you had to count the money in your paper wallet on debt and look for lost cents, now everything has become much easier.

This is the convenience of use that many crypto enthusiasts dream of. As far as you remember, get them from clear Fiat currencies. They are faster, more reliable and more transparent, and their transaction costs are minimum, which does not apply to bank commissions. But, cryptocurrency will not be needed by anyone if people do not need to be active. And to make it happen, we need the right tools and infrastructure. What we will talk about now.

Our vision

We present the future. Our closest future is with payment systems. To do this, we must forget the present and project our thoughts from time to time. We launch a new world, without paper payments, without old credit cards. Our future John will leave the house, move to a coffee shop and pay with ioox coins, prepare the ioox ring to the chest reader.

He will not have anything supported, only his own ring or bracelet.

In the near future we will pay with the ioox coins and the ioox ring, which, in addition to allowing us to pay, will provide our basic information: blood type, search, shelter, search for more

Early Release and Technology

Ioox technology integrates cryptocurrency currencies into the blockchain ecosystem with existing payment systems. You can do micro transactions every day with ioox coins and an ioox system that can be used (rings or bracelets) and set up a daily budget using remote settings. Therefore, it must be for coin payments at partner stores or in US dollars at stores that are not included.

We are developing tools for everyday life for everyone, and everyone we know well has a different time and is looking for new technologies.

Transparency and trust

Through management tools, you can manage and use. You can pay the daily payment limit. We want to build an ecosystem that is transparent, fast, and dynamic. The new payment system, not a clone of the old system.


Investor returns come in two ways. Increase the value of the currency. We want to ask the masses, this is our goal. The second way to make a profit is to sell tech support, rings or bracelets with the ioox brand.

Payment flexibility

Easy payments and payments with cryptographic tokens, this is our mantra. Payments are made immediately and can be transferred to any cryptographic wallet.


As their platform architecture, the developers chose the Ethereum blockchain which is currently reliable and secure, on the basis that they actually develop their internal ioox tokens. The total number of shipments will be as much as 10 billion ioox coins. Most of that will be offered for public sales, as well as distributed equally among the consultant's founding team and their partners, and also is reserved for further stimulation of the system.


● Coin name – ioox

● Ticker / symbol – ioox

● Total offer – 10,000,000,000 ioox

● Decimal places – 8

● Contract address – 0xf6923F7d96fc22c4b8010a865e41cF7edfB6379C


● Public sales – 20%

● Personal sales – 40%

● Reserve funds – 10%

● Team & Founder – 15%

● Gifts & Events – 6%

● Consultants & partners – 9%


ioox is developing a global data-driven platform for the world. Powered by blockchain and smart contracts.

Q3 2019

Jul – Sep 2019

● Planning Started

● Recruit Blockcahin Developer

● ioox Coin Smart contract Deployed on Ethereum Blockchain

Q4 2019

Oct – Dec 2019

● Project website Development

● Ico Application Development Started

Q1 2020

Jan – Mar 2020

● Start Ico and Private sale

● Development Ring payment Tecnology

Q2 2020

Apr – Jun 2020

● Coingecko Listing

● Etherscan Listing

Q3 2020

Jul – Sep 2020

● Release of the beta version of the ioox ring

● Test of payment

● Exchange Listing

Q4 2020

Oct – Dec 2020

● Release WebWallet

● Release App Wallet and App Ring Setting

Q1 2021

Jan – Mar 2021




To be honest, I'm happy to see and get acquainted with projects such as ioox. After all, thanks to their innovative ideas and solutions, our world does not remain silent and who knows, maybe in the near future I will see you at the nearest cafes, where you will be very happy and happy to pay you coffee with bracelets or rings from ioox . Which in my opinion would be fantastic.

I hope you like the very bold and unconventional idea of ​​mass popularization from ioox developers. And you're happy to be ready to give this project a little more time to get to know him more closely. However, no matter how good my review is, it does not affect the in-depth process of each system, which means only its surface value.

Below is the official source of the ioox project:

AUTHOR: danil21

***Teknologi IOOX mengintegrasikan mata uang berbasis crypto ke ekosistem Blockchain dengan sistem pembayaran saat ini***


About Us

A young team with a clear vision, using Blockchain Technology to use ioox Coin and other cryptocurrencies in everyday life. Every day.

We don't believe in the confidentiality of transactions, they create uncertainty and lack of control. We believe in transparency, more secure and verifiable. ioox coins are for every day, to pay for coffee, drinks. ioox coins are for ordinary people, who work, study or enjoy their well-deserved retirement. ioox coins will replace micro transactions with cash or credit cards, that's for every day.

Every day people actually do transactions less than 10 dollars a day, ioox coins will break the hearts of these people. This is intended for the adoption of real mass and the ioox ring is also not a machine.

Our Vision

Kami telah membayangkan masa depan. Masa depan yang paling dekat dengan kami untuk sistem pembayaran. Untuk melakukan ini kita harus melupakan masa kini dan memproyeksikan pikiran kita dari waktu ke waktu. Kami memasuki dunia baru, tanpa instrumen pembayaran kertas, tanpa kartu kredit lama. Jhon masa depan kita akan meninggalkan rumah, memasuki kedai kopi dan membayar dengan koin ioox kami dengan meletakkan cincin ioox pada pembaca dada.
Dia tidak akan memiliki apa-apa dengan itu, hanya cincin atau gelangnya sendiri.

Dalam waktu dekat kami akan membayar dengan koin ioox dan cincin ioox yang, selain memungkinkan kami membayar, akan berisi informasi dasar kami: Golongan darah, alergi, tempat tinggal, berapa banyak langkah yang kami ambil per hari dan berapa harapan hidup kami telah berdasarkan gaya hidup kita. Masukkan masa depan kita

Rilis & Teknologi Awal

ioox Technology mengintegrasikan mata uang berbasis crypto ke ekosistem Blockchain dengan sistem pembayaran saat ini. Anda dapat melakukan transaksi mikro harian, setiap hari dengan koin ioox dan sistem yang dapat dipakai ioox (cincin atau gelang) dan menetapkan anggaran harian melalui pengaturan jarak jauh. Oleh karena itu, pembayaran dengan koin ioox dapat dilakukan di toko mitra atau dalam USD di toko yang belum diaktifkan.
Kami sedang mengembangkan alat untuk kehidupan sehari-hari untuk semua orang, dan semua orang yang kami kenal dengan baik, memiliki waktu dan pendekatan yang berbeda untuk teknologi baru.

Transparansi & Kepercayaan

Melalui alat manajemen, Anda dapat mengatur dan mengingat preferensi penggunaan dering Anda. Anda dapat menetapkan batas pembayaran harian dan melacak pengeluaran bulanan. Kami ingin membangun ekosistem yang transparan, cepat, dan dinamis. Sistem pembayaran baru, bukan tiruan dari sistem lama.


Keuntungan investor mengikuti dua jalur. Peningkatan nilai mata uang sebanding dengan jumlah penggunaan. Kami ingin menjangkau massa, ini adalah tujuan kami. Jalur keuntungan kedua berasal dari penjualan dukungan teknologi, cincin atau gelang dengan merek IOOX

Fleksibilitas Pembayaran

Pembayaran mudah dan pembayaran dengan token kriptografi, ini adalah mantra kami. Pembayaran segera dan dapat ditransfer ke dompet kriptografi apa pun.
Peta jalan mencakup desain dompet yang aman untuk dipegang, menerima, dan mengirim koin asli mereka dengan aman total.

A Platform for Platform Adoption
implementation of the original ioox project working on the Ethereum network. Reliable and secure Blockchain network. Our choice is guided by the need to exploit the security and reliability of existing networks and implement technology that predicts that in 2020 around 340 million people will use usable payment systems, smart watches, rings, etc. Source of IHS Near Field Communication Report. We will be part of this future and we will become a trusted operator.

Final consideration
The main objective of ioox is to make ioox payment technology used by the masses, creating financial inclusion. Participating in the ioox project means being part of the future. Transactions via wearable devices are 40% faster and in a few years they will completely replace credit or debit card transactions. Today is an important day for us.

ioox Token

Public Sales: 20%
Personal Sales: 40%
Reserve Fund: 10%
Team & Founder: 15%
Gifts & Events: 6%
Advisors & Partners: 9%


***Pertukaran aset digital desentralisasi yang cepat dan aman***

partisans with businesses about crypto currency trading might reach in the field such as trading tables to provide customs references as different appeal from personal competence as attractiveness to use with support for anchoring with the release of business motivation as expected with waste as a result of moderation for collect with the contribution of results as expected.

Because the parties can use a good strategy on an interesting chart such as a picture with the market, the platform provides opportunities for possible offers to facilitate with the network as a reciprocal to refute requests by using those used on tokens when ordering with assistance while traveling with exams .

by the community as a platform to bridge by using various attractions of traders to ask with a burden on the limits on size and collect as well by adding waste to lifting and meeting business needs with crypto exams

parties who enter the network forum with fields taken as communication strategies taken that can suit different types of options such as bidding with lists available on the index with desktop applications.

For more information about investments, please visit:

AUTHOR: danil21



We can not deny anymore if at this time the community is experiencing a shift in consuming news. Modernization has really changed the habits of our society. If previously information dissemination was only done through print and electronic media, now information can quickly be spread well through the internet, especially through social networks. In fact, through social media has formed public spaces, where people are free to express their opinions or activities.The rise of the development of social media, making many business people who try to use it for the promotion and sales. Because social media is a very effective platform if put to good use. And the development of internet technology has changed the pattern of people's living habits. Not only lifestyle, but also business activities or buying and selling also began to switch to cyberspace by utilizing social media. 

The internet is inseparable from modern society today. The internet is here to provide various facilities for its users, especially regarding information needs. Communities can connect and exchange information. New media emerged to help this exchange of information. As a result of the emergence of the internet, new media platforms have emerged that present all information without limits. 

The most frequently relied platform for people to search for news is social media. Social media is online media where its users can easily participate, share and create content including blogs, social networks, wikis, forums and the virtual world. The existence of social media is not limited in space and time so that users can use wherever and whenever they want.

Likewise the GLBrain company was born in our midst, the aim is none other than to offer unmatched features for all types of online communities that range from private users and small to medium-sized businesses, and for more details, let us refer to the explanation. the GLBrain company below:


GLBrain is a next-generation online community management, social network and online marketing platform offering unmatched features to all kinds of online communities ranging from private users and small and medium sized businesses using the standard features to large organizations and communities using tailor made solutions.This is an excellent project. It has a great team of professionals behind it. If you want to invest in a good project with a high return on investment, then make your choice, I fully believe in this project to become successful. 

There are many investors and charitable persons who would give funds to this project,Now in the world of cryptocurrencies you need to show innovative technologies, I hope your team will succeed.I sincerely believe in the success of the project and hope that it will give us all great pleasure, I sincerely believe in the success of the project and hope that it will give us all great pleasure. This is an extraordinary platform which will brings a revolution in crypto exchange. This makes crypto exchange more simple.

GLBrain Features 

The content an online community management part of GLBrain The level for online presentation, content creation, and all functions to manage online communities. All based on a geo statistic layout, with auto-translation from and to more than 100 languages and easy sharing to all media and social networks. 

An Online Mall for Products, Services, jobs and Real Estate An online Marketplace for all needs of daily life for products, services, jobs and real estate, offering all other features of GLBrain. Present your online store and all your offers in your geography advertise on GLBrain and all social networks. The communication part of GLBrain Your private feed and messaging tool for your online community. Communicate post and Chat with your friends in all languages and share your posts, pictures and videos to all other social networks. 


A clear advantage of GLBrain is the fact that This platform already has its initial audience of 50,000 users with an average visit statistics of about 300,000 users per month. Which is quite acceptable for a beginner, an indicator. But this is only the beginning, because thanks to the marketing approach, the founders of GLBrain intend to overcome this milestone and demonstrate their working tools to tens of thousands, or even millions, of social network users around the world.

Moreover, within the framework of GLBrain, users will be able to fully use various advertising packages, as well as additional e-Commerce features, thereby promoting not only their products, but also any other product. At the same time, if someone did not understand, then GLBrain will have all the most important functions, just like in normal social networks. Namely, all content creators will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity in front of the target audience, that is, to publish: photos, videos or any other content.

How GLB is Different? 

GLB is a utility coin ready to use within the GLBrain Network allowing 20% discount on all rates. Maximum 300 Million GLB have been created out of which 12.4% will be offered in the 3 phases pre-sales and 27.6% will be offered during a 3 phase Initial Exchange Offering no further inflation. No downside risk as GLBrain can always be spent with 20% discount on GLBrain. Full upside potential as services are priced in fiat and higher value of GLBrain will pay for more services on GLBrain How Chain Code, Hyperchain, Blockchain Technology will help Social Communities? Chaincode, Hyperchain and Blockchain Technology allows management of all kinds of online communities by using our standard community management or customized hyperchain solutions. GLBrain uses blockchain technology to create secure and independent records of any form of agreement, transaction, or certification made on the network.


How is GLB Coin used? 

Present yourself to your Online Community;
Free standard and professional user profile for private users and organizations.
Create and publish professional content.
Create your own online store for Products, Services, Jobs and Real Estate.
Professional Online Community Management;
Present yourself within your target geography. Share your entire content.
GLMall Offerings and profile page to all your other social network accounts.
Communicate in more than 106 languages.
Standard & Customized solutions for Online Community Management;
Standard solutions for private and business users.
Hyperchain and Blockchain for special needs of large online communities.
Private Blockchains and CryptoCurrencies.

Get rewarded in GLB for; 

Bringing your community and followers to GLBrain, Create and share content on GLBrain and on all other social networks while earning money through revenue-sharing derived from adverts shown with your content. Buy GLBrain Services at 20%; Professional and Online Shop Profile. Additional product packages for your online storefront. Advertising banners showing alongside GLBrain Content. Taylored community Management and Blockchain Solutions.

COIN Allocation 

The GLB coin is a utility token that provides discounted access to the business services of the GLBrain online platform.

Fund Allocation 

1. Funds Deployed (2.1M EUR) 

Back-end Development of Chaincode System Development of Hyperchain System Development of Blockchain Development of Internal Receipt Ledger (IRL) Filing International Patent Blockchain Development GLB Coin and Wallets Agreements and onboarding first big communities 50.000 + registered users 300.000 + monthly visitors 

2. Future Fund Allocation 

Marketing for community management on all levels Running the IEO/STO Campaign Expanding server capacity Building the smart agreement ETR Ledger Expansion of technical and marketing team Building customized token solutions for specific customers such as local online market places. NGO’s or a coin be used to help solving the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals). 




To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

AUTHOR: danil21

***GLBrain adalah manajemen komunitas online, jejaring sosial dan platform pemasaran generasi berikutnya

An online network, also called a web network or web network, is a virtual network where individuals communicate with each other on communication through the Internet. For some people, an online network may feel like home, consisting of a collection of invisible friends. People who want to be part of an online network usually need to be a part through certain web pages and in this way access substance or explicit connections. Online networks can be used as supporting work data where individuals can post, comment when talking, provide guidance or work together. Usually, individuals give people to people communication goals, talk rooms, meetings, e-mail notes, and dialog sheets. Individuals can also join online networks through computer games, web journals, 

Salah satu makna dari jaringan online adalah ini: jaringan virtual dikarakteristikkan sebagai kumpulan orang atau kolega yang terkait di intrik yang saling menguntungkan, di mana komunikasi itu ditopang atau diselingi oleh inovasi, atau dipandu oleh konvensi atau standar khusus 

GLBrain adalah jawaban lain untuk jaringan para eksekutif, pameran komputer, pembagian konten, dan administrasi korespondensi online. Inovasi dan sorotannya yang progresif memberikan perlindungan total dan mengontrol informasi bersama dengan kepercayaan dan keterusterangan penghargaan. 

GLBrain adalah jaringan online yang terdepan papan, komunikasi informal, jangka panjang, dan pemasangan periklanan dukungan pemasangan yang tak tertandingi untuk berbagai jaringan online yang membahas dari klien pribadi dan organisasi kecil hingga menengah menggunakan standar sorotan, untuk jaringan besar dan jaringan yang untung dengan bantuan khusus skala yang lebih besar. 

Memberikan kebebasan kerja adaptasi, perlindungan dan kontrol informasi, redid jaringan pengaturan dewan dan blockchain untuk membuat catatan yang aman dan bebas dari segala jenis pemahaman, transportasi, atau akreditasi yang dilakukan pada sistem. 

GLBrain adalah salah satu jaringan yang paling luar biasa yang menjadi fondasi dewan jaman sekarang. Itu tergantung pada inovasi blockchain dan memberi sorotan besar yang menakjubkan yang tidak ada di sorotan yang berbeda. Ini adalah ide yang bagus untuk mencari tahu tentang sistem berbasis web administrasi. Ini adalah jawaban lain untuk jaringan online para eksekutif, promosi terkomputerisasi, pembagian konten, dan administrasi korespondensi. Selain itu, ini merupakan inovasi progresif dan fokus keamanan total dan kontrol informasi bersama kepercayaan dan keterusterangan penghargaan. 

Data dasar GLBrain tidak dikumpulkan, diolah, dan diadaptasi informasi klien. Itu tidak membuat gudang informasi klien dan tindakan. Itu tidak bundel dan menawarkan informasi kepada orang luar yang tidak dikenal. Dasar data GLBrain hanya memberi ruang kepada klien untuk tidak sengaja menyimpan data yang ingin didistribusikan tetapi dengan mengirimnya terpisah dan tidak tertarik pada informasi yang dimasukkan. Klien dapat kapan saja mengubah informasi yang telah mereka masukkan dan bahkan membuka informasi dan profil mereka untuk akhirnya memutuskan. Demikian pula, mereka dapat mengubah pengaturan yang menentukan berbagai klien yang menawarkan akses untuk melengkapi jenis apa pun. Ini menyiratkan tentang klien yang dapat memesan dari permintaan GLBrain jika mereka memintanya.

GLBrain telah mendapatkan salah satu asosiasi utama untuk mengumpulkan komunitas informal jenis lain yang menggunakan rantai kode dan hyperchain untuk memberikan kontrol informasi kembali ke jaringan klien online dan menyediakan mereka untuk membangun jaringan yang sangat mudah dan aman. Pertemuan yang menyertai: 

- Kontrol Konten: Kerangka desentralisasi dapat didasarkan pada blockchain untuk mengalokasikan klien berbasis internet di kursi pengemudi dan akses mereka menghubungkan informasi mereka sendiri. Ini tentang GLBrain. Ia menggunakan fitur-fitur utama dari konvensi Skycoin dan SkyFiber yang memungkinkan klien untuk mengontrol data mereka, melihat di mana data yang dibutuhkan, karena desain blockchain yang menghubungkan dan ke mana ia pergi. 

- Perlindungan Privasi: Komponen kesepakatan yang disampaikan Blockchain dapat digunakan untuk menjamin bahwa tidak ada elemen yang tidak memungkinkan yang menyediakan informasi klien yang dekat dengan rumah. Karena semua data yang dibuat pada sistem dikodekan, keamanan klien dapat mendukung tingkat yang tak tertandingi. 

Sorotan terkait yang tiada bandeng untuk jaringan online yang menghubungkan klien dan organisasi kecil hingga sedang menggunakan highlight standar, hingga asosiasi besar dan jaringan yang diuntungkan oleh pengaturan khusus berskala lebih besar 
Fitur GLBrain 

- Bagian Manajemen Konten dan Komunitas Online GLBrain: Tampilkan diri Anda, buat, dan hadapi jaringan online Anda. Buat atau baca konten, perkembangan sosial, dan survei atau masukkan penulis luar biasa. Membaca dengan teliti semua substansi dalam bahasa Anda sendiri. 

- Mall Online untuk Produk, Layanan, Pekerjaan, dan Real Estat: Buat Profil Mall online Anda dan distribusikan penawaran Anda. Salah satu jenis persetujuan dan publikasi karakteristik tanah. 

- Bagian korespondensi GLBrain: Bicaralah dengan teman Anda dalam bahasa Anda sendiri, poskan gambar dan berikan semua hadiah di seluruh komunitas informal Anda yang lain sambil mencari izin yang tersedia dan tidak ada publikasi.

GLB is a utility coin designed to be used in the GLBrain Network that can replace 20% for all 300 Million prices. The most extreme GLB has been made from which 12.4% will be offered in 3 sales and 27.6% will be offered for 3 glasses. No loss of GLBrain can be overcome with a 20% reduction in GLBrain. Full download potential because administration is evaluated in fiat and a higher GLBrain estimate will pay more for administration in GLBrain. 

If you need to buy GLB coins through Prime, then just follow this method: 

- If you don't have a wallet at the moment, you can get it https://www.glbrain.com/ieo/glb-wallet.html. The compatible with the compatible application introduces on Windows / Android compatible or your Mac PC. 

- When your wallet is created, you can utilize your open location to get your GLB. This launch: TLu8em6bfJgXqNhuRposR2sUsZyUW48RUj 

- Now please decide to buy, whether you will use cash or crypto to pay your GLB with GLBrain starting trade offer. If you decide to pay in fiat, if there aren't too many difficulties using a connection in Step 4. If you decide to pay in crypto, if there aren't too many difficulties using a connection under Step 5. 

- For fiat installments, it would be ideal if you enter the amount that must be purchased by GLB and you will see the cost in Euros. For Presales the base amount will be 200 €. At that time ask for your open wallet address and after tolerating the requirements, you will be transferred to mPay24 and can use all significant Master Cards. After the transfer is complete, the coin will be moved to your wallet. 

- For crypto installments, please enter your name and email, and unlock your wallet and decide to pay with BitCoin, Ethereum, Tether or Dash - all bids on GLBrain start trading offers. For Presales Sticks, the base amount to be issued is around € 200. At that point enter the crypto size that you need to remove and ask for work. You will send GLB with genuine incentives to your wallet. You will also get an email that is approved for your purchase and the amount of GLBrain you get. 

Blockchain innovation, in essence, is related to linking packets of information in a protected and safe condition, where no one can have unmatched control. Because internet-based life stages now appear on devices and advances can effectively close every close to a lot of client's home information and fight false / spam information, blockchain innovation can rise as a definite arrangement. GLBrain has clearly distinguished this and is looking to complete the process of building a complete answer for the heads of networks and clients of today's internet-based life.

AUTHOR: danil21



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Сотрудничайте с AoS, организацией высшего уровня, и позвольте нам помочь вем перемещаться пем
Около 15% токенов криптовалюты являются прибыльными. Мы обнаружили подводные камни and как их преодолеть. Возвращение крипто не может быть побито, поэтому оно того стоит. Присоединяйтесь к нам и воспользуйтесь нашим опытом.

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AUTHOR: danil21

Jumat, 24 Januari 2020


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Malmo March 28, 2020
PARTY TIME Soon we will celebrate the one-year anniversary of Viridi. Saturday, March 28 at 6 p.m. The party will be held in central Malmö. The exact location revealed right before. Music, surprises and satisfaction guaranteed. Book your ticket now, it will be packed. Don't forget to book a hotel, while there are rooms available. Welcome.


Soon we will launch our shop with Cannabis products. There will be lots of good deals at very good prices. Open your eyes. Oil, connections, incense, and everything that our competitors have to offer. Our goal is to maintain high quality, fast delivery and only very satisfied customers!


Dennies and Morten explained the concept of MasterNode, mining, and how this relates to Viridi coins. Watch the movie, there is a lot of money made by doing the right thing. 5:35 first minute shows a video recorded earlier from the stage, with the audience. After this little reminder comes this week's webinar, where you will hopefully get answers to all your questions.


It's time to reap - one more time! We are currently harvesting our valuable plants. Our team works almost 24 hours a day. This is a difficult job but we do it with a smile :) The harvest then turns to oil and cigarettes, among others, to be sent to shops and department stores throughout Switzerland. We already have a reputation for maintaining the very high quality of our products.

2020-01-03 Swiss Finest

We have now released our first pre-rolled connection. They contain cannabis in our own room of the highest quality. This is a collaboration with RAW. Orders flowed in and we were already in department stores and small shops in Switzerland.

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eXer is a global affiliate company, where you have the opportunity to choose between earning active or passive income, or why not both! Our main areas are Investment, Mining, Education and Retirement. Explore opportunities, we have something for everyone! Click the menu bar above or the symbol for the area at the top of the page. We are happy to answer questions, contact information is found at the bottom of the page.



AUTHOR: danil21