Senin, 30 Juli 2018

***SIDERA - Perangkat Dptmodernisasi Terdesentralisasi***

Hallo .. Teman, Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek SIDERA, ada baiknya membaca ulasan yang dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang mungkin membantu Anda dalam melihat visi misi mereka selama proyek SIDERA:

Berikut ulasannya !!

Sidera Blockchain Technologies Perangkat Dpt Dipakai Desentralisasi
Teknologi DWD Eksklusif

Ekosistem scalable Sidera berputar di sekitar cara revolusioner baru menyimpan crypto: Decentralized Wearable Devices (DWD).
Inovatif & Aman

Bitsmart adalah ide baru dari smartwatches dan smart-band yang berfokus pada Bitcoin dan cryptocurrency. Cakupan perangkat ini adalah untuk menyediakan bagi penggunanya cara mudah, mudah, inovatif dan aman untuk mengelola Crypto-environment.
Wrist-to-wrist & lainnya!

Dana Anda dijamin di sekitar pergelangan tangan Anda, sepenuhnya dienkripsi, memungkinkan transaksi antar-pergelangan tangan secara offline dan sejumlah karakteristik inovatif lainnya.
Teknologi Unik kami

Sidera memungkinkan untuk pertama kalinya untuk menyimpan dengan aman di pergelangan tangan Anda semua cryptopcurrency Anda. Dengan cara yang indah dan cerdas.

Dompet Bitcoin / ERC-20

Dana Anda disimpan OFF-CHAIN ​​di pergelangan tangan Anda, dengan enkripsi multi-layer tingkat militer.

Perkiraan Jarak Dekat Pergelangan Tangan Ke Pergelangan Tangan

Teknologi eksklusif kami memungkinkan Anda untuk mengirim atau menerima EQS, Bitcoin, atau token ERC-20 lainnya melalui transaksi offline pergelangan tangan ke pergelangan tangan.

Pembayaran POS NFC

Kami membangun perangkat SmartBit kami dengan modul NFC yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membelanjakan dana Anda secara global di setiap toko.

Puluhan fitur

Notifikasi seluler, deteksi otomatis alamat transaksi, mode hantu, menyesuaikan watchfaces, generator QR, peringatan harga, perdagangan, dan banyak lagi!

Sistem antipencurian yang aman

Dana Anda tidak dapat dicuri, bahkan jika Anda kehilangan BitSmart atau kunci pribadi. Kami telah Anda penuhi dengan keamanan multi-layer.

Global, terukur, sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi

BitSmart adalah dompet perangkat keras pertama yang dapat Anda bawa di pergelangan tangan Anda. Ini sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi, sepenuhnya dijamin oleh Blockchain.
Pertukaran dpt dipakai fisik terdesentralisasi pertama

Kontinum adalah pertukaran terdesentralisasi fisik dan dpt dipakai pertama. Anda tidak harus bergantung pada otoritas pusat: perdagangan cryptocurrency dengan teman sebaya hanya di pergelangan tangan Anda.


Sidera's Blockchain menggunakan prinsip yang disebut INTERSECT, di mana dApps, fungsi kriptografi dan transaksi bekerja sama tanpa membebani jaringan.

Protokol Proof-of-Load

The PoL terjadi terus menerus mengukur keadaan jaringan melalui node, mendelegasikan ke tingkat mikro-node cerdas beberapa operasi yang cocok untuk menerangi seketika blockchain.


Mereka menyediakan keseimbangan jaringan, memvalidasi transaksi, menerima biaya jaringan dan mendelegasikan surplus komputasi ke sublevel micro-node.
Say Hello untuk .bitcoin .btc dan .blockchain ekstensi domain

Kami sangat bangga mengumumkan bahwa kami akan memesan sebagian dari crowdfunding kami untuk mengisi aplikasi untuk tiga Ekstensi Generik Baru ini.

Kami sangat percaya pada komunitas crypto saat kami menjadi bagian dari keluarga ini sejak hari-hari awal Bitcoin.

Kami memiliki kesempatan hari ini untuk memberikan kembali sesuatu yang sangat penting bagi komunitas: hadiah yang akan memberi Bitcoin dan Blockchain resonansi publik yang pantas mereka dapatkan.
peta jalan


Target 15.000.000 USD

51.000.000 Token ERC20 eQUOS 
1 USD = 0,5 eQUOS

Sidera, jika ada masalah dengan akses platform yang tidak dapat bertanggung jawab atas, atau penundaan besar yang dipaksakan, berhak untuk memperpanjang fase distribusi hingga 15 hari untuk menjamin partisipasi para kontributor.

SOFT CAP: 1,500,000 USD 
(jika soft-cap tidak akan tercapai selama Pra-Distribusi dan Distribusi, dana akan dikembalikan)

HARD CAP: 15,000,000 USD 
(setelah hard-cap tercapai, donasi akan dihentikan)


1% dari dana yang terkumpul akan disumbangkan ke organisasi amal.
Alokasi Token

Alokasi Dana


Apakah perusahaan ini investasi bagus untuk Anda? Jika Anda percaya pada kekuatan kecerdasan buatan, ya. Para pengembang SIDERA yakin bahwa mereka akan dapat mencapai beberapa keberhasilan di segmen ini. AI kemungkinan akan meningkat banyak di masa depan, serta biaya perusahaan ini dan tokennya.

SIDERA dapat menjadi investasi jangka panjang yang baik untuk Anda, karena kemungkinan perusahaan ini akan menawarkan pengembalian investasi yang bagus, tetapi di masa depan. Jika Anda memiliki kesabaran yang cukup, alangkah baiknya berinvestasi di perusahaan ini.

Berikut adalah ulasan yang saya sajikan kepada Anda semua dalam mencari informasi dan mengetahui proyek SIDERA yang saat ini sedang dijalankan oleh tim mereka, jika ada kekurangan dalam menjelaskan artikel ini, jangan khawatir, saya telah menyiapkan tautan untuk Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat. . informasi dan tentu saja Anda akan dapat berbicara langsung dengan pendiri atau tim mereka, di tautan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan bergabung dengan media sosial SIDERA hari ini silakan ikuti sumber daya ini:


***Nama penulis: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Sidera - The First Wearable Device Decentralized with Blockchain Technology

Sidera is a new platform created for consumer cryptocurrency that enables users in Point od Sale (POS) retail using smartwatch and contactless smartband. Sidera is the first blockchain technology to use the first decentralized wearable device.

Sidera will provide an incentive network for participants through free hardware providers for retail stores in European geographies for starters. Users will be given incentives to participate in the network of sidera through the ease and accessibility of use, the convenience of payment with mobile devices and the simplicity of the smart clock.

The sidera platform helps generate requests for both cryptocurrency and old as well as cryptocurrencies that are already large and small. Other online cryptocurrency exchanges no one can bring new cryptocurrency users from this segment in the same amount. We focus on consumer market withdrawal.

Sophisticated and Unique Features Sidera Wearable Device (DWD)

Global Measured and Fully Decentralized - BitSmart is a hardware wallet that can be used on your wrist and is fully decentralized and guaranteed by blockchain.
Extra Features - Provides full-featured features such as automatic transaction address detection, mobile Notifications, customized watches, ghost modes, price alerts, QR Barcode generators, and more. This Wearable device has also been using BitSmart smart software that will provide the latest news, cuasa news and can trade using this device do not be smart or wearable device. In the near future this device will be added with 2FA authentication for third parties. BitSmart software will be released OPEN SOURCE that can be developed by the community to add new features in want.
Offline Transactions by Approaching the Wrist - This Weareble device has a proximity projection that will allow smartwatch to interact with other BitSmart devices using Bluetooth or Wifi connection with a certain distance. This feature will make it easier for users to make transactions by simply closer between the wrist of the sender and receiver.You can transact cryptocurrency OFF-CHAIN ​​in fully decentralized way even without other third-party applications.
POS Payments Using Internal NFC Module - This device is equipped with an internal NFC module that allows you to process POS payments very quickly. NFC system is cultivated more sophisticated in the current NFC appeal. You can shop at the store using NFC very easily and quickly.
Automatically Detect Transaction Addresses - BitSmart Smartwatch Device Users can send more bitcoin or cryptocurrency in a more revolutionary way, which will detect the transaction address automatically. If you get notified about bitcoin or other cryptocurrency addresses, it will be detected automatically and then you are given the option to close the transaction notification or send the funds to a specific address.
Examples like below: "Hey, do not forget to send me 0, 321 BTC. You can send it to address1HBtvjiVk8Bb2rPTAGJrD6UuC6f 9uB54gUB8B " or: " I am taufik123 from steemit , this is address for transaction: 1HBtvjiVk8Bb2rPTAGJrD6UuC6f 9uB54gUB8B "

Generation of Entropy with Your Hand Movement - BitSmart Tool can generate entropy for your wallet just by moving your hand. This feature is developed by utilizing the built-in Accelerometer sensor.

Bitcoin or ERC20 Wallet - Your funds can be saved on OFF-CHAIN ​​wallet on Wearable device on your wrist. Using the security of multi-layer level milited encryption that will not be in the collapse.

Security Level Wearable Device (DWD)
Unique Identifier System - a passphrase or encryption key encrypted using a unique identifier method generated from the user's arm movements, kilms of arms, sweat and other elements is a unique part for everyone. Smartwatch is equipped with sensors that will receive and decode this body then the sensor will give access to your hardware wallet.

Ghost Mode - Ultra security that is applied using special mode that is Ghost Mode. With this mode your wallet will not be detected by other devices. Ghost mode will also change the clock mode to normal normal hours so it will not look like a cryptocurrency wallet.Security in locks with military level encryption.

Safe Anti-Puncture System - This system will provide high security by using a private key that is stored in the device's sandbox. This super-secure partition will be encrypted at AES-2048 military level that can not be penetrated by anyone, making it safe from theft. BystSmart Smartwatch is a separate device and the companion application does not store your private key. Only you can have a private key written in 12 random words to access your funds. You should keep it in a safe place because it can not be restored.
The First Decentralized Wearable Exchange

Continuum is the first exchange that can be used in the hand and has been decentralized. You can trade directly from your wrist and unrelated and depend on the central authority.

Proof-of-Load Protocol - The POL will occur continuously to check the state of the network node, then delegate to intelligent micro-node level in some operations suitable to illuminate blockchain instantaneously.
Balancing - Sidera Platform provides a balancing network, validate transactions, receive surplus networking and computing delegates to sublevel micro-nodes.
Intersect - Platform Sidera blockchain adopts the Intersect principle where DAPPS cryptographic functions and transactions work together and do not burden the network.
Say Hello for the .bitcoin .btc and .blockchain domain extensions
We ordered a portion of crowdfundung to fill out the apps on all three .bitcoin .btc and .blockchain domain extensions. we believe that the crypto community is now part of the family since the beginning of bitcoin. We have the opportunity to give back something of value in the community, the gift that gives the bitcoin and the public resonance blockchain they deserve so far.


Target $ 15,000,000 USD 

51.000.000 from EQUOS Token ERC20 
1 USD = 0.5 eQUOS 

Sidera, if there is a problem with unaccountable platform access, or enforced large delays, is entitled to extend the distribution phase to 15 days to guarantee participation of contributors. 

SOFT CAP : $ 1,500,000 USD 
(if soft-cap will not be achieved during Pre-Distribution and Distribution, funds will be refunded) 

HARD CAP: $ 15,000,000 USD 
(after hard-cap is achieved, donation will be terminated) 

TOTAL SUPPLY 51.000.000 eQUOS 

1% of the funds raised will be donated to charitable organizations.

Full Information Kujungi Link Below: 


***Username BTT: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

SIDERA - the first technology to receive and transfer payments using a decentralized portable device!

Sidera is a new platform that allows users to perform calculations in crypto currency using smartphones, smart clocks, and other similar devices.


Sidera is a comprehensive and complete solution for contactless smart cards from a retail and POS point of view, including full application of links to all components. This includes the port terminal ready and working and POS points. All of these components will be widely used with open source and open specifications.

Sidera will provide bonus network for participants through free equipment suppliers for retail stores in European countries. Users will be given a bonus to participate in the network of sidera. Its key features are the ease and availability of using this technology, as well as the ease of payment using mobile devices and smart watches.


The unique features of Sidera Wearable Device (DWD)

BitSmart is a hardware wallet that you can use on your wrist. It is fully decentralized and synchronized with network blockers.

Additional functionality - provides functions such as automatic detection of transaction addresses, mobile notifications, individual clocks, transparency mode, price alerts, QR bar generators, transactions, and more. This Wearable device also uses smart BitSmart software that will provide the latest news, weather news, and the ability to transact using this device. In the near future on this device will be added the possibility of two-factor 2FA authentication. The BitSmart software will be released with open source OPEN SOURCE, which the community can use to add new features.

Offline offline close to the wrist - this Wearable device has proxy projection that will allow a smart clock to communicate with other BitSmart devices using Bluetooth or Wifi connection at a certain distance. This feature will make it easier for users to make transactions only by bringing the wrist of the sender and receiver more closely.

The POS payments use an internal NFC module. This device comes with an internal NFC module, which allows very fast processing of POS payments. The NFC system is developed more subtly in the current NFC appeal. You can shop at the store using NFC very easily and quickly.

Automatic detection of transaction addresses - SmartWatch BitSmart devices Users can send more bitcoins or crypto currencies in a more revolutionary way, which automatically determines the transaction address. If you receive a notice about Bitcoin or another crypto currency address, the address will be automatically detected, and then you will be given the opportunity to confirm the transaction notification or send the funds to a specific address.

Entropy Generation with your hand movements - BitSmart tool can generate entropy for your wallet just by moving your hand. This function is designed using the built-in accelerometer sensor.

Bitcoin or ERC20 wallet. Your money can be stored in the OFF-CHAIN ​​purse on your watch. Use encryption protection, which is reliable and does not fail.
Wearable device security level (DWD)


Unique identification systems - encrypted key encryption or encryption keys using unique identifier methods created with the user's hand movements, sweat, sweat, and other elements, are a unique part for everyone. Smartwatch comes with a sensor that will receive and decode the body, then the sensor will give access to your hardware wallet.
Ghost Mode - Ultra Security is used in special mode, ie in Ghost mode. With this mod, your wallet will not be detected by other devices. Ghost mode will also change the clock mode to normal normal hours, so it does not look like a crypto currency purse. Security in locks with military-grade encryption.
Secure Anti-Claim System - this system will provide a high level of security with private keys stored in an isolated software environment of the device. This super-secure partition will be encrypted at the AES-2048 army level, which no one can breach, which makes it safe from theft. BystSmart Smartwatch is a separate device, and the friend's app does not keep your private key. Only you can have a private key, written in 12 random words, to access your funds. You must keep it in a safe place, because it can not be recovered.
Information about token

Target: $ 15,000,000 
51.000.000 Token ERC20 eQUOS 
1 USD = 0.5 eQUOS

CAP SOFT: 1.5 million US dollars 
(if soft cap is not achieved during initial distribution and distribution, funds will be refunded)

HARD CAP: 15,000,000 US dollars 
(after hard cap is reached, donation will be terminated)

1% of the funds raised will be donated to charitable organizations.



Project team:

Information about the project team can be found at:
Here is more information about the founders and project team members with a link to their profile on the link
Questions and Answers about Sidera

A: Where did you come from?

B: The company is based in Vilnius, Lithuania. This option was created because we already have financial and banking partners that will allow us to release NFC functionality with cryptographic CFPT transformation.

A: When did the company start?

B: The company was launched in April 2018. The constituent group was established in September 2017.

A: What's your biggest win now?

B: Our biggest win is when we make the first transaction with our future prototype.

A: Who are you trying to image into your product?

B: Our products are developed not only for community cryptologists. Our ultimate goal is to release a worldwide crypto-currency scale that attracts non-crypto users with something simple and clever. With the help of our Flatware, we can be grateful for the utility of the interface as a whole. Our research shows that with financial integration, banking, medical, fitness, it is possible to reach 1 billion users!

A: What suggestions will you give to others who want to build their own business?

B: Great and creative dreams. Do not be afraid to push your limits, imagine something impossible. Nothing is impossible, and you can achieve anything if you are willing to sacrifice yourself and surround you with great people!

A: Tell us about your team?

B: Our team is made up of a group of powerful and crazy marketers and developers working with our consultants and partners. Our partners are the most outstanding people in the world of blocks and technologies.

A: What are your plans for the future?

B: We want to release Sidera's friend app (which will allow you to manage some SmartBit features) after the focus is closed (September 30). The next step is to fill in three new gTLD: .bitcoin .blockchain .btc. This will allow you to register your name. in April 2019 we will release our beta. Device shipments worldwide will begin in June 2019.

A: What is your favorite technical tool?

B: We really like the IoT device, so SmartBit was born. When we were kids, we started eating bread and IT. Today, everything that is innovative and innovative makes us crazy.

A: What technology tools would you like to use to help you?

B: We work with innovative transparent screens for our smart laptops with integrated solar panels that will help us achieve a minimum battery life of 21 days. But I gave this news before it was released!

A: What else do you want to add?

B: The first concept of Sidera and SmartBit was developed in the bedroom at Beijing University, and the founder learned Chinese.

A: How can people get in touch with you?

B: First of all, our official site You can see our entire project. Then we have our international channel, where you can meet directly with the founders: 

From my point of view, this project is interesting with new ideas and has excellent development potential. Ratings on icobench sites are estimated at 4.3 points


***Username: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a



Today I would like to introduce you to a project that is Sidera
Sidera is a new platform that allows users in Retail Point of Sale (POS) to use smartphones and non-contact smartphones. Sidera is the first blockchain technology to use the first wearable decals.

Sidera is a complete, end-to-end solution for non-contact retail and point-of-sale (POS) smartwatches including full-stack reference implementation of all components. It includes a mobile application and point-of-sale (POS) terminal that is ready andworking. All of these components will be offered extensively through open source and open specifications. 

Sedir's vision
Sidera will help create new and old needs, as well as large and small electronic money.

Sidera is focusing on Asia more specifically in Indonesia and China.
Half of all Southeast Asian people live in Indonesia. In China there are more than 700 millionpeople 
use the internet. Sedira has a local team with a deep understanding of Indonesia and
China market with track records, connectors and products to suit your needs 
Bridge of the market where Sidera is heading

The unique technology of Sedira

Wallet Bitcoin / ERC-20 Your 
money is stored OFF-CHAIN ​​on your wrist, with multi-layer encryption military
Our wrist-to-wrist 
technology Our proprietary technology allows you to send or receive EQS, Bitcoin or any other ERC-20 tokens via offline transactions from the wrist to wrist.
NFC POS Payments 
We build SmartBit devices with NFC modules that allow you to spend your money globally in any store.
Dozens of 
Mobile Notification features , auto-detect transaction addresses, ghost mode, custom watchfaces, QR generators, price alerts, deals and more!
Safe Burglary System Your
money can not be stolen, even if you lose your BitSmart or private key. We've protected you with multiple layers of security.
Worldwide, scalable, completely hierarchical
BitSmart is the first hardware wallet you can carry on your wrist. It is completely decentralized, completely secured by Blockchain.

SmartBit will be produced in three specific versions: 
1. BitBand: multi-color interchangeable wrist strap with touch screen;
2. BitWatch Premium: Elegant 3-color intelligent clock with touch screen;
3. BitWatch Visionary: Elegant smart clock with touch screen and multi-layered security with face recognition and biometric sensors.
Mobilize capital from the community
Soft Cap: $ 1,500.500
Hard Cap : $ 15,000,000
Total Supply : 51,000,000 EQUOS

Soft Cap: $ 1,500,000 
Use to develop SmartBand with Wallet ERC-20, QR reader and companion application plus basic features. 

$ 2 . 50 0 000 
Interoperability Wallet ERC-20-23 multicurrency, swap OFF-CHAIN wrist to wrist function. gTLD requires a .bitcoin .btc .blockchain domain.

$ 5 . 000 . 000 BitBand wholesale manufacture and distribution. Development of BitWatch begins with the installation of the body sensor in BitWatch and BitBand. Module
NFC and deal with local shops and services to accept

$ 10 . 000 . 000 
Mass production and distribution worldwide BitWatch, Full Platform and Continuum Right, the full DEV headhunt and campaing hire to complete the development and dark Full EVERYTHING GOOD.

$ 15 . 000 . 000 (Hard Cap) 
Smart-Assistant, Hi-Res Camera, PDA Function, Biometric Input geometry and face recogntion. Carry out health care with up-to-date data real exchange with the hospital. Funding local control centers will Analytical data is collected anonymously through the Blockchain device Sidera brings the health care system to the level.

Groups and Counselors


***Nama penguna: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Senin, 23 Juli 2018

***Loot Network Game - Decorate the gaming world ***

Loot Network ™ Game Mission Statement will fight for game developers and players by creating virtual platforms that reward players with real value and facilitate 'any-budget' game design. 

Our philosophy 

We want to give artists the resources to create games they imagine and appreciate players who fill their virtual worlds. 
The Loot Network ™ game will democratize the gameplay experience, allowing developers to create and achieve success regardless of gatekeepers or budget constraints. We want to vote to gamers in the early stages of the design so that the games they create are what people want to play.
Video offers rich narration and interactive experiences unmatched by others 
medium. Space gives birth to creativity and innovation, but budgetary constraints, arrogant publishers, and marketing materials put aside creativity. We want to turn the industry into a meritocracy where visionaries thrive even if they, at first, do not have big budgets. Reimagined Game Loot Network's online distribution platform works like an app store, with features enabled by blockchain technology. Cryptocurrency, LOOT, allows the platform to become a one stop revolutionary shop for all games - from playing, buying, to designing. Introducing Loot Network Game

The $ 7 million social-game platform built in blockchain, with games that are curated and designed by the community. And supported by game development partners whose creation garnered more than 100 million downloads 

Build Funds and resources for game developers 

Decentralized Publishing
The platform is changing game publications with an integrated crowdfunding portal. Indie designers submit their game idea to a catalog on this screen. Their proposal page may include screenshots, demos, or gameplay recordings. The user offers a Loot token to sponsor a promising project. Instead of their cryptocoins, proponents receive a percentage of earning income from an upcoming title. A collective is decentralized to produce the game through democratic demands. 

Generate Repeat Income 
When creatives crowdfunded finished they generate revenue for developers and supporters. Independent artists reduce costs, and players earn income from games they help shape. Imagine having a percentage of the next global industry hit.


Decentralized Curation and Publishing Game Users 

Smart Contract Reward An 
open book tracks user engagement with the platform. From design to gameplay, no digital victories are unappreciated. 

Gaming Tournaments 
The sweaty competition normally reserved for professionals is accessible to everyone. Tourney winners receive a set of Loot prizes or interesting electronic items. 

Repeat Income for 

Crypto Ecosystem designers and players
Loot Token acts as a gateway to every gift resource on the platform. With Loot, users can enter head-to-head tournaments, generate recurring income through crowdfunding games, purchase in-game improvements, bid on online auctions, earn additional revenue, and ultimately download games created specifically for the platform. Loot will evolve, maintained with utility in wide application. 

A Ripe of Industrial for 
Projection Disorders for Global Gaming Market 2016-2020 
With more than $ 100 billion in sales throughout 2017, the mobile gaming ratings are among the fastest growing markets in the world. 

Box / Download PC 
Browser PC 
Entertain Smartphone 

Loot Token Sale Timeline 
Better on the ground floor. Initial buyers receive Loot bonus: 

Token Sales Structure

Sales Token will use soft and hard caps, with anti dilution mechanism available to those who contribute under soft caps. This means that the original Sales Target (STC, or Soft Receipt Cap) will be set for private and public sales. However, if the STC is met, Game Loot Network ™ will allow additional sales of tokens up to the Maximum Sales Limit (MST or Hard Receipt Cap) achieved. Buyers who contribute under the STC will then be awarded a pro rata LOOT bonus for their contribution level under the STC (anti-dilution bonus). This is done to provide certainty to initial LOOT buyers regarding the proportion of their contribution. STC is $ 50,000,020.00 and MSTC is $ 75,000,030.00. 

Name Token LOOT Holding 

company GLN Holdings, INC. (WY, USA)
SAFT Entity Loot Cove Co., LLC. (WY, USA) 
Public token sales agent Loot Cove Co. LTD (Mauritius) 
Price LOOT USD $ 0.35 [or equivalent in ether] 
Target sales of CAP (STC) US $ 50,000,000.00 
Maximum sales target (MST) is US $ 75,000,000.00 
Total supply LOOT 600,000,000 LOOT 
Token Supply CAP model Fixed, non-inflated 
Duration of public sale opened 29 May 2018 
Duration of public sale is 230 days 

Distribution of Results 


Token LOOT acts as a utilitarian cryptocurrency of a living ecosystem. The use case supports every aspect of the GLN economy. Gamers will buy in-game improvements, developers will fund a passionate project, and crypto fans can withstand tokens with actual utilities. 
Vision Game Loot Network ™ manifests more than words on paper; it's trying to get an idea in the roadmap. GLN offers functional products, games that can be played on their platforms, and has undergone extensive beta testing. Now with the introduction of cryptocurrency, the LOOT position bothers and forever changed the gaming industry.

Contact Information

Username: danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Game Loot Network - Ubah industri game dengan teknologi Blockchain

Perkembangan teknologi berkembang pesat, sehingga industri game online berusaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi pengguna setia, memberikan konten multimedia seperti audio, video, perangkat lunak dan permainan. kematian Istilah ini sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan distribusi media penyiaran online, seperti internet, melalui metode distribusi fisik, kertas, compact disc dan kaset video VHS. Istilah distribusi online sering diterapkan pada produk yang berdiri sendiri; Gadget yang dapat diunduh untuk produk lain sering disebut sebagai konten yang dapat diunduh. Dengan pengembangan kemampuan bandwidth jaringan, distribusi online telah menjadi dominan pada abad ke-21.

Bersama kami, Anda pasti bisa melakukan apa pun yang Anda inginkan karena kami 7 juta. Platform hiburan yang dibangun ke dalam blok rantai. Didukung secara strategis, kami telah mengumpulkan mitra pengembangan yang gimnya telah selesai diunduh lebih dari 100 juta.


Platform distribusi online Loot Network berfungsi seperti toko aplikasi, tetapi dengan lebih banyak fitur dan uang elektronik. Dikombinasikan dengan teknologi blockchain, Cryptocoin asli dari Game Loot Network, Loot Encryption, yang memungkinkan platform menjadi toko revolusioner untuk semua Game.

Platform game Loot Network mengubah versi game dengan portal komunitas mobilisasi modal terpadu. Esensinya terletak pada kenyataan bahwa para perancang mempresentasikan ide permainan mereka dalam katalog di layar platform. Rekomendasi mereka mungkin termasuk screenshot, presentasi, atau bingkai dari permainan. Setelah itu, pengguna yang menawarkan penanda Loot untuk mendanai proyek-proyek yang menjanjikan telah membangkitkan minat mereka. Sebagai imbalan cryptocoins mereka, para pendukung menerima persentase pendapatan dari judul yang akan datang. Dengan demikian, kelompok terdesentralisasi menciptakan permainan tuntutan demokratis. Skema ini cukup sederhana dari pekerjaan itu.

Setelah proyek akhir selesai, mereka menghasilkan pendapatan, baik untuk pengembang maupun pendukung. Akibatnya, seniman independen memotong biaya dan pemain menerima pemasukan dari game yang membantu mereka.

Pengguna dapat:


Untuk mengatur turnamen game

Dan, tentu saja, menghasilkan uang.

Ada tiga komponen utama untuk Platform GLN yang ada: 
• Aplikasi Loot Hub; 
• Loot Cloud mendukung platform game; 
• Loot Cove User Portal.

1) Aplikasi LOOT Hub 
Pengguna yang telah mengunduh aplikasi Loot Hub dapat: 
• Menggulir daftar game GLN yang tersedia di toko aplikasi mereka; 
• Lihat dan ubah informasi profil pengguna mereka; 
• Beli kartu yang dapat digunakan untuk membeli item dalam game; dan 
• Tukar hadiah dari situs web Loot Cove.

2) LOOT Cloud 
Gaming Platform Loot Cloud Gaming Platform adalah teknologi server high-performance, fault-tolerant yang memperluas fungsi middleware dan platform penerbitan game untuk keseluruhan gamut. GLN. Platform Loot Cloud Gaming menyediakan kemampuan berikut yang memungkinkan pengembang game cepat beralih permainan mereka ke platform GLN: 
• SDK multi-client: SDK tersedia untuk semua platform mobile utama serta Unity , 
• Portal Pengembang Game: Memungkinkan Pengembang Game untuk mengonfigurasi gim mereka agar bekerja dengan Platform GLN; 
• User Authentication mengaitkan akun pengguna dalam game yang diunduh dengan akun GLN mereka; 
• Manajemen Uang Virtual; 
• dukungan turnamen; 
• Papan skor;
• Prestasi; 
• Pengalaman; 
• Verifikasi server pembelian dalam aplikasi (penting untuk deteksi penipuan); 
• Manajemen harga dan promosi; 
• pemberitahuan push; 
• Tabungan Game; 
• Integrasi jaringan sosial; 
• kombinasi; 
• Game Analyzer 
• Banyak fitur lain yang sangat penting untuk permainan.

3) Portal penutup LOOT Portal 
Loot Cove adalah aplikasi web yang diakses pengguna: 
• Lihat informasi profil pengguna mereka termasuk nama pengguna dan saldo tiket; 
• Mengkonfigurasi pengaturan jejaring sosial; 
• Lihat riwayat hadiah; 
• mengubah imbalan; 
• Beli tawaran dengan token; 
• Menawar barang.

Fitur terpisah

Mendaftar di Game Loot Network. Biaya pendaftaran adalah $ 125. Untuk ini, Anda mendapatkan beberapa "alat untuk bekerja" dan judul Ambasador (seperti mitra panggilan GLN).

Undangan 3 orang ke perusahaan. Ketika tautan referral Anda terdaftar dengan 3 orang, Anda akan menerima komisi $ 250.

Penghasilan Pasif dari Game Loot Network. Setelah menyelesaikan dua poin pertama, Anda akan menerima penghasilan pasif $ 5 per hari.

Di bagian "Menghasilkan Uang", Anda dapat menemukan banyak sumber penghasilan.

Di sini Anda hanya memainkan permainan favorit Anda, Anda dapat menghasilkan uang nyata. Sebagai contoh: Permainan Loot Token diberikan. Pertarungan pemain rata-rata dengan sistem peringkat online terakhir dengan prestasi hampa. Perasaan yang kuat disediakan untuk pemain profesional dalam frame E-Sport yang tidak dapat diakses. Dengan bantuan pengguna Game Loot Network, pengalaman nyata yang menyenangkan, hanya dapat pengalaman dari game favorit mereka.


Token jarahan memainkan peran moneter untuk hadiah di platform. Dengan bantuan Loot, pengguna platform akan memiliki kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam turnamen dengan head tilt, menghasilkan pendapatan berulang melalui permainan yang terfokus, membeli insentif game, lelang online, dapatkan lebih banyak pendapatan, dan akhirnya unduh game yang dibuat khusus untuk platform. Loot akan berkembang, menyediakan ekstensi untuk aplikasi.

Informasi ICO

Token: Loot 
Platform: Ethereum 
Harga: 1/9 / 2018-1 / 10/2018 Harga: 1 LOOT = 0,35 USD 
Terima Pembayaran: ETH 
Soft cap: 5 juta USD


Jika Anda mencari ICO yang menjanjikan untuk tujuan investasi maka Anda dapat bergabung dengan Game Loot Network ICO. Proyek ini dipersiapkan dengan baik dari aspek teknis dan bisnis, dengan laporan dan roadmap yang sangat luas dan transparan. Saya menemukan bahwa proyek ini sangat potensial dan layak untuk diinvestasikan. Saya akan berpartisipasi dalam proyek ini untuk berkontribusi pada pengembangan platform, saya berharap bahwa proyek ini akan terus berkembang, semoga proyek ini sukses besar!

Lihat detail selengkapnya di

Bitcointalk ANN Thread: php? topic = 3180001

***Nama pengguna: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a 

***Gameloot - Memberikan sayap baru untuk bermain game***


Anak usia tiga tahun terlalu kecil untuk buku dan sekolah tetapi tidak pernah terlalu kecil untuk permainan. Anak-anak kecil cukup pintar untuk bermain game sendiri. Game adalah cinta. Orang-orang dari semua kelompok umur naksir game. Game memberi orang banyak alasan untuk menyukainya. Ini adalah aktivitas yang meningkatkan imajinasi seseorang. Game adalah sumber hiburan luar biasa yang tidak memiliki pinggiran dan selalu di luar batas. Game karena alasan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya adalah memerintah hati. Game adalah hobi yang menghubungkan kita dengan orang lain. Ini adalah obat yang membuat kita bahagia, bebas stres dan santai. Game membantu banyak orang berkumpul bersama, sekelompok orang berubah menjadi keluarga melalui game. Permainan terbuka untuk semua, ini menghadirkan sisi kreatif Anda. Jadi pada dasarnya siapa pun yang tidak punya apa-apa adalah jago main game, game mengaktifkan otak Anda dan meningkatkan pemikiran Anda. Ini adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkan yang dicintai oleh semua orang. Bermain game membangun komunitas, menghibur kita, dan menggerakkan ekonomi. Game menghadirkan satu dari kehidupan monoton dan menambahkan beberapa kegembiraan untuk itu. Namun sayangnya, masalah anggaran menghambat orang-orang terampil untuk mengejar impian mereka. Bahkan ide permainan terbaik tidak disediakan dengan pendanaan yang tepat.

Game loot network adalah platform yang dibuat untuk memfasilitasi semua pecinta game. Jaringan berfungsi seperti app store tetapi memiliki lebih banyak. Didukung oleh teknologi blockchain, platform ini lebih unggul dari app store dalam banyak hal seperti keamanan, transparansi, dan privasi. Ini berisi alat-alat untuk bermain, membeli dan merancang game. Jaringan jarahan permainan adalah platform kelas dunia yang menyediakan sumber daya dan pendanaan bagi mereka yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan permainan mereka sendiri. Pendanaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan masalah token Loot oleh jaringan gameloot. Loot adalah token yang digunakan setiap game di platform, ini adalah mata uang game dengan nilai nyata nyata. Kita dapat mengubah kemenangan kita menjadi uang fiat dan menggunakannya dalam kehidupan nyata. Siapa pun yang ingin mengembangkan permainan mereka menunjukkan ide-ide mereka ke platform. Pengguna kemudian menggunakan Loot untuk mempromosikan ide mereka, memberi desainer anggaran pengembangan. Hal terbaik tentang platform adalah pengguna dapat membuat game mereka sendiri dengan penerbitan yang terdesentralisasi. Platform ini memberikan peluang terbaik kepada seniman yang layak membantu mereka memberantas masalah anggaran, ide siluman, dan pembajakan.


Gaming adalah industri yang sangat luas yang terdiri dari permainan tanpa batas yang terkait dengan minat siapa pun dan semua orang. Ini adalah sumber hiburan dan kebahagiaan yang lengkap. Kita tahu bahwa dunia saat ini penuh dengan individu yang terampil dan berbakat. Semua yang perlu dilakukan adalah memberi mereka sumber daya yang mereka miliki. Platform pengembangan game 'Gameloot' membantu orang-orang dengan pendanaan dan alat-alat lain untuk mengembangkan permainan mereka sendiri. Platform ini membuat game mengembangkan rintangan gratis dan terjangkau bagi mereka yang tertarik. Platform secara tidak langsung membantu dalam menjaga ekonomi dan menyediakan pekerjaan bagi banyak orang yang menganggur. Platform global yang cerdas ini dibangun oleh pengembang blockchain dan penasihat yang bukan amatir tetapi memiliki teknologi yang sangat berkualitas. Menurutku, platform pasti memegang potensi untuk menjadi platform gaming terhebat di industri game, dengan tujuan menjadi yang terbaik dari semuanya. Bakat-talenta baru adalah masa depan ekonomi dan dengan mendukung mereka, proyek ini memberi bantuan ekonomi. Di dunia yang penuh dengan korupsi dan keserakahan, platform yang aman dan transparan seperti itu pasti sangat bermanfaat bagi semua orang.

*Nama pengguna: danil21*
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a


Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about the crypto coins and a follower of good projects. In this new publication I would like to introduce you to the TYDO project . I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but TYDO blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we're going to the following topics:

If we observe how society has evolved, from tribal societies we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world due to the advent of technology and Internet. 

The TYDO platform aims to solve the problems and weaknesses of the existing Trading Terminals, maximize the benefits and minimize the risk with a simple and highly customizable interface. Using the best available graphics available from TradingView, TYDO offers a unique commercial automation solution developed to execute your business strategies and ideas with high efficiency.


TYDO is a modern multifunctional platform designed for efficient interaction with the exchange of cryptocurrencies. The TYDO platform includes the following products:

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Commercial terminal with automation capacity and built-in technical indicators.

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Market to exchange strategies and exchange ideas, as well as automation solutions, between TYDO users with TYD tokens.

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The Social Commerce Platform will allow users to create smart investment communities through the exchange of business and investment experiences, and the creation of networks among them. Experienced traders can share their trading signals based on their trading ideas or strategies, portfolio structure and business history.


Customized commerce terminal interface

Operating in more than 50 main exchanges of cryptocurrencies

High quality multifunctional TradingView graphics for all compatible exchanges and trading pairs

More than 100 built-in technical indicators

Develop your own strategies and business indicators with a compatible Pine Script programming language

High level of accessibility (Web / iOS / Android)


Create a series of conditional business orders for complete automation or some of the business ideas developed in TYDO or TradingView

Automated trading strategies developed in TYDO or TradingView (with the Pine Script programming language)

Make a decision about buying / selling in manual or semi-automatic mode with Telegram


TYD tokens are standard ERC20 tokens based on Ethereum that can be used by many wallets.

Token will be used as the only currency to interact with the TYDO platform.

The TYD token will be transferred approximately 1 week after the sale of the primary token is completed. After this TYD can be exchanged in the exchange.

The TYD team and the founder token will be blocked for at least 12 months after the sale of the token expires. The blocking period for private investors will be at least 9 months.


Presale in May 2018

Principal amounts of sales of tokens PRESENT IMMEDIATELY

Token category: currency to interact with the TYDO platform (utility token)

Symbol: TYD

Fiches to be published: 200,000,000 TYD

Tokens to be offered during the sale of tokens: 140 000 000 TYD

Basic exchange rate: 1 ETH = 12,000 TYD

Cryptocurrency accepted: ETH, KICK

Pre sales:

Coming soon in April - May 2018

Soft Cap 500 ETH

Hard Cap 1,000 ETH

Top sales of tokens: soon the information

Soft Cap 1,000 ETH

Hard Cap 10,000 ETH


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TYD Token will be used to obtain full and unrestricted access to TYDO products: Trading Terminal, Marketplace and Social Trading Platform.

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TYDO users will be able to exchange business strategies, ideas, indicators and automation solutions for TYD Token in TYDO Marketplace.

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TYD Token will give you the opportunity to subscribe to other TYDO users in the TYDO social trading platform to follow your trading signals, view portfolios or your trading history.

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TYDO will charge a small fee in Token TYD of each transaction in TYDO Marketplace and Social Trading Platform. At least 25% of the transaction fees collected will be distributed among the holders of active tokens.

Join our team and buy your TOKENS TYDO now and enjoy the benefits offered by the most advantageous platform in the market. Do not waste any more time and join our Telegram group so that you can communicate with us and clarify any questions you may have. Do not miss this great opportunity offered by the TYDO project. 

Take advantage of the available bonuses from the early stages of pre-sale. (ICO). Visit our WEBSITE so you can find out more about the benefits of this great project. 

For more information we invite you to visit the following Links:


***Username: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a