Jumat, 21 Februari 2020



Blockchain Technology was designed

to be disruptive. Disruption comes from decentralisation and autonomy. The DAO or the

Decentralised Autonomous Organisation, as a structure, was born the same day Blockchain

Technology was revealed to the public. It is, in our opinion, the most advanced model of

worldwide human collaboration to date. It is indeed THE NEW ECONOMIC MODEL

FOR THE 21 CENTURY. The potential of a DAO is enormous and has still to be explored.

It is given by the Intelligence, the Know-How and the high Moral Standards of its

contributors. The contributors can make progressive proposals within the DAO targeting

innovative technologies from different sectors like Energy, Farming, Healthcare, Insurance

just to mention some examples. The performance of the DAO increases manyfold if it can

operate in the physical world. And exactly this is what the GEOMA DAO will DO.

The GMD Token is build as an ERC-20 Utility Token.The Token Contract can be seen: HERE


Only 21.000.000 GMD - ERC20 Utility Tokens have been minted. Token Distribution will

be as follows:

5% representing :-1.050.000 GMD will be used for the Bounty, Airdrop and Exchange

Liquidity Program.

1% representing:- 210.000 GMD will be distributed to early contributors and founders.

94% representing :- 19.740.000 GMD will be distributed to contributors

0.4 USD/1GMD for early birds during the Bounty Campaign

0.7 USD/1GMD After the Bounty Campaign until the IEO

1 USD/1GMD IEO price

Giving the Nature of the Project and its real world applications GMD /GMDST tokens can

be swapped at a rate of 100 GMD/1GMDST.

GMD Token Holders can earn by stacking at a maximum rate of 10%/year.

GMDST Token Holders will earn monthly benefits from the projects of the DAO.

Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

***The Geoma DAO Progressive Decentralized Autonomous Organization***

Blockchain Technology was designed to be disruptive. Disruption comes from decentralization and autonomy. The DAO or the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, as a structure, was born the same day Blockchain Technology was revealed to the public. It is, in our opinion, the most advanced model of worldwide human collaboration to date. This is indeed THE NEW ECONOMIC MODEL FOR THE 21 CENTURY.

The potential of a DAO is enormous and has still to be explored. It is given by the Intelligence, the Know-How and the High Moral Standards of its contributors. The contributors can make progressive proposals within the DAO targeting innovative technologies from different sectors such as Energy, Farming, Healthcare, Insurance just to mention some examples. The performance of the DAO increases manyfold if it can operate in the physical world. And exactly this is what the GEOMA DAO will achieve: Create Cashflow and Wealth for its Contributors.

About The Geoma DAO

The Geoma DAO, through the Geoma Dao Association, is a strong advocate for Blockchain Technology and its implementation.Service will be offered to Companies which search to improve their performance in the Economy using the Blockchain.Beside this, the DAO will create cashflow opportunities for its members through some of the following proposals:

Real estate

Real Estate is one of the classic cash flow creators. Geoma DAO will engage this market on the one hand building ownership, which can be rented out for monthly benefits, and on the other hand buying and reselling properties.

Food Tech

The food industry caters to the most basic of human needs. However, over the years, the industry has grown unsustainable and many changes will occur in the near future. The change will be led by three main drivers: Demographic changes, environmental developments and changes in consumer behavior - all of which will affect, and be affected by, new technologies. The new needs will be met using developments in FoodTech, a sector which is expected to reach $ 700 billion by 2030. Mechanical Farming is one of those new innovations. The Geoma DAO will get involved in this new wave of upcoming technologies.

Health Care

Growing Medicinal Cannabis in a controlled environment is an opportunity which is opened up through the legalization of Medicinal Cannabis throughout Europe and the World ... An EU Commission report shows that the Medicinal Cannabis Market will reach 56 billion Euros in 2035. opportunity and create cashflow for its members.


The World is hungry for sustainable Energy. New Technologies in Energy Production is emerging day by day. As we leave the old world based on fossil fuels and progress into the world with clean Energy the Geoma DAO will take action in this field.


Arthur Fleischer-Business Architect

Florin Vranceanu-Business Lawyer

Adrian Toma

Sylvester Anichebe



Research of 2000 Blockchain Projects and their potential impacts in the Economy of the Future.


Creation of the GMD Utility Token


Launch of the GEOMA DAO Webpage.

February 2020

Bounty and Airdrop campaign

March-May 2020

Formation Phase of the DAO. Vote on the best Blockchain for DAO usage. First Project Proposals. Vote on Projects


Begin of Project implementation. Current preparations. Proposals and Vote for the best IEO Exchange.

June-July 2020

IEO. Building Structure and Community.

Info token

Token: GMD

Platform: Separate Blockchain

Type: Utility

PreICO price: 1 GMD = 0.0074 ETH

Price in ICO: 1 GMD = 0.0074 ETH

Tokens for sale; 20,895,000

Investment info

Min investment: 0.0074 ETH

Accepting; ETH, BTC

Distributed in ICO: 99.5%

Soft cap: 10,000 ETH

Hard cap: 100,000 ETH

Further information visit below:

Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Kamis, 20 Februari 2020

***OLPORTAL- Menggunakan Kecerdasan Buatan Untuk Merevolusi Media Sosial***


Saya berasumsi seperti apa kehidupan tanpa internet dan media sosial. Kemajuan teknologi membuat kita menikmati cara berkomunikasi yang mudah dengan keluarga dan teman secara digital. Ada banyak cara berkomunikasi secara digital, misalnya aplikasi messenger. Melalui aplikasi messenger, kita dapat mengobrol dengan ribuan keluarga dan teman secara bersamaan. Ketika hari berlalu dan teknologi semakin membaik, kami mulai melihat emoji dan simbol emosional lain yang menggantikan pesan teks. Faktanya adalah bahwa para emoji, gif, dan sebagainya menambah kesenangan komunikasi. Gif dan emoji menjadikan obrolan kami lebih populer dan menghemat waktu dalam mengetik teks panjang.

Namun, ada tantangan dalam menggunakan emoji dan gif di berbagai aplikasi media sosial; kami memiliki pandangan dan makna yang berbeda di semua karakter tersebut. Saya telah melihat kasus di mana orang menyalahgunakan emoji ini. Haruskah kita terus menggunakan pesan teks sebagai satu-satunya cara untuk menyampaikan obrolan kita? Tidak, karena kata-kata bahasa Inggris itu sendiri sulit dimengerti dan kami juga menyalahgunakannya.

Dengan inovasi teknologi blockchain, OLPORTAL percaya ada cara di mana kita dapat maju untuk menikmati komunikasi yang lebih baik melalui penggunaan berbagai aplikasi media sosial. Mari kita lihat apa yang berfungsi OLPORTAL untuk membantu tentang bagaimana kita berkomunikasi.



OLPORTAL adalah platform yang ingin menggunakan blockchain dan kecerdasan buatan untuk membantu dan meningkatkan cara kita berkomunikasi. OLPORTAL akan menjadi messenger terdesentralisasi pertama dalam kata sekarang, platform ini dibangun pada jaringan saraf dan akan berfungsi menggunakan kecerdasan buatan. Platform OLPORTAL dirancang dengan ratusan bot kecerdasan buatan yang memiliki karakter dan karakter kepribadian yang berbeda. Ini akan tersedia bagi pengguna untuk digunakan saat berbicara satu sama lain.

Platform OLPORTAL dirancang untuk penggunaan yang mudah; yang harus Anda lakukan adalah masuk ke messenger, memulai obrolan dan memilih emoji atau gif yang sesuai dengan keinginan Anda dan tekan "kirim."


Anda tidak boleh menjadi guru tata bahasa sebelum Anda dapat mengobrol dengan keluarga dan teman-teman Anda. Anda dapat memiliki percakapan yang menghibur dengan rekan-rekan Anda melalui messenger OLPORTAL tanpa mengetik satu kata pun

Platform OLPORTAL telah menciptakan ekosistem dengan neurobot OLAI yang membuat percakapan menjadi mudah, menyenangkan, dan lebih cepat. Bagi seseorang untuk membuat pernyataan yang bermakna, dia perlu mengetik setidaknya 20 kata. Sebelum seseorang yang mengetik 20 kata, seseorang yang menggunakan neurobot OLPORTAL harus membuat 10 pernyataan bermakna menggunakan kepribadian bot.

Ada alat yang mengoreksi dan menempatkan pengguna ke cara yang benar untuk mengatakan sesuatu selama percakapan.

Platform OLPORTAL menghemat waktu dan energi kita yang berharga yang biasanya kita gunakan dalam mengetik pesan teks yang panjang.



Langkah pertama oleh OLPORTAL untuk meningkatkan dan membantu kami dalam berkomunikasi satu sama lain adalah pembuatan iMe Messenger

iMe Messenger

iMe adalah teknologi pertama yang dirancang oleh OLPORTAL. Teknologi ini sengaja dirancang untuk membantu pengguna yang merasa kesulitan atau bingung pada kata-kata yang tepat atau hal-hal yang benar untuk dikatakan pada titik percakapan. Jadi teknologi iMe membantu pengguna menemukan cara yang lebih baik untuk mengatakan sesuatu. IMe Messenger menciptakan membuat percakapan lebih menyenangkan dan juga menyelamatkan ibu jari kita dari kesulitan mengetik kalimat panjang. Utusan iMe dilengkapi dengan kata-kata robotika otomatis. Ini berarti iMe messenger dapat mengetik beberapa kata atas nama kami.


Platform OLPORTAL melalui tim telah menghasilkan ide untuk merevolusi cara komunikasi. Teknologi OLPORTAL memiliki ratusan bot kecerdasan buatan yang akan mengubah dunia media sosial. Kecerdasan buatan dan teknologi saraf telah ada selama beberapa waktu sekarang tetapi tampaknya kita tidak memanfaatkannya. Berikut ini adalah proyek yang akan mengoptimalkan efek kecerdasan buatan dalam kehidupan kita bersama. Mari kita dukung proyek ini untuk menjadikannya proyek yang sukses.

Tetap disini karena saya akan mempublikasikan informasi lebih lanjut tentang proyek ini.


Anda dapat memperoleh informasi lebih lanjut tentang OLPORTAL dengan mengikuti tautan di bawah ini;

Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a



The problem of communication efficiency can be solved with the help of neurobots. The previous idea belongs to the OLCF Corporation possessing the OLPORTAL product - the cross-platform mobile application with the function of users’ social media and messengers binding. Due to the fact that the development of an “intermixer”, which can serve as a basis for the realization of the final version of the product, has been already finished, the company plans to start the second stage of the OLPORTAL messenger’s production. This stage is the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in OLPORTAL and completion of the project’s decentralization.

Let’s return to AI. According to preliminary information obtained from OLPORTAL’s chiefs, the development of the application is moving towards AI and blockchain technologies. By observing the current trend of conducting communications in messengers mainly, many people have arrived at a conclusion that our world needs a new and more efficient application solving basic problems of communication, which are low speed and lack of security in chats.

In order to eliminate this problem, developers decided to apply hybrid neural networks to create smart, self-evolving chat-bots (OLAI). LCFNN.6 (Local communication function on Neural Networks, level 6) will be applied for the implementation of this technology. The feature may release us from the necessity to type messages, as the system will suggest entire phrases or sentences that can be used like possible answers in dialogues. Besides, users will be able to teach their OLAI to communicate with people in their manner of speaking or even in a way any character from a movie or cartoon does it.

The function of Artificial Intelligence dialogues will release users from the necessity to type messages and can even provide users with the possibility to earn by uploading bots, which learned some interesting and useful skills from their owners, to the OLPORTAL ecosystem’s marketplace, where bots can be bought by other users of the application.

According to the OLAI developers, such neurobots will provide us with the opportunity to communicate with friends and relatives more frequently and quickly. It can save a great amount of time that we use to spend on typing messages.

You can get more information about the project on the official site of OLPORTAL - olportal.ai.

You can get more information about OLPORTAL by following the below links;

Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a




Melihat betapa cepatnya dunia maju, dalam waktu singkat, sistem dunia akan melampaui harapan manusia.

Perkembangan terkini dalam teknologi adalah perkembangan menarik dalam sistem global, yang terlihat di berbagai sektor dunia.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) adalah salah satu inovasi inovatif yang sangat berguna dalam berbagai karya kehidupan.
Ini hanyalah salah satu dari banyak inovasi sistem digital, karena ada banyak sekali teknologi pengubah kehidupan lainnya, yang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan sistem dunia dan memperbaiki kehidupan populasi global.

Teknologi Blockchain adalah sistem baru lain yang ikut berperan, dan dengan cepat menjadi alat yang lazim di dunia saat ini.

Ini telah menjadi alat hebat yang digunakan di berbagai industri digital, untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan meningkatkan efisiensinya.
Sejak kelahirannya sebagai alat revolusioner, teknologi Blockchain telah melihat tingkat adopsi dan penggunaan global yang besar, sebagai hasil dari berbagai manfaat yang dikaitkan dengannya.

Salah satu fitur hebat dari Blockchain yang benar-benar membantu adopsi adalah sifatnya yang terdesentralisasi, karena ini membuatnya lebih menguntungkan, mengikuti kenyataan bahwa sistem tidak dikendalikan oleh badan terpusat.

Jadi, Blockchain telah menjadi kunci di balik banyak industri yang sukses, serta sistem yang ditingkatkan.

Tetapi Tata Pemerintahan dari setiap sistem sangat penting.
Dan sayangnya, banyak sistem yang masih beroperasi dengan sistem tata kelola terpusat, bahkan sebagian besar sistem berbasis Blockchain.

Jelas bahwa ini bertentangan dengan semua yang diwakili Blockchain (desentralisasi).
Diatur oleh badan terpusat membatasi teknologi Blockchain dan membuatnya tidak produktif di sistem.

Ini adalah masalah yang benar-benar perlu diperbaiki, jika Blockchain beroperasi maksimal, pada sistem apa pun yang diadopsi.
Dan untungnya, ada solusi permanen untuk itu.


GEOMA adalah sebuah sistem, yang namanya didapat dari kombinasi Geo dan Manajemen, yang berarti manajemen bumi.

GEOMA DAO (Organisasi Otonomi Terdesentralisasi) diarahkan untuk mencapai sistem manajemen atau tata kelola yang efisien, sehingga dapat meningkatkan arus kas dan manfaat bagi penggunanya.

Struktur Organisasi Otonomi Terdesentralisasi (DAO), akan digunakan oleh platform GEOMA untuk mengubah sistem ekonomi global, dengan mencapai peningkatan berkelanjutan, sehingga menciptakan masa depan yang hebat bagi dunia.

Sekarang, salah satu hal hebat tentang GEOMA DAO adalah beroperasi melalui kontrak pintar Blockchain, untuk kinerja maksimum, dan berjalan seperti Blockchain, tetapi dianggap sebagai Blockchain yang unggul, karena model tata kelola yang ditingkatkan.

Agar GEOMA DAO berfungsi dengan baik, diperlukan anggota, yang disebut kontributor.
Para kontributor DAO menjalankan kemampuan tata kelola mereka dengan membuat keputusan, dan melaksanakan kegiatan tata kelola reguler, seperti debat, memunculkan proposal dan memberikan suara, yang akan dilakukan melalui portal tata kelola.

Semua ini akan dilakukan pada sistem Blockchain, sehingga dapat meningkatkan transparansi dan keandalan

GEOMA memberi kontributor DAO, kesempatan untuk mengusulkan dan memberikan suara pada Blockchain yang terdesentralisasi yang harus dibangun dan dikembangkan untuk kinerja yang lebih baik.Jadi kamu melihat? Geoma mengusulkan sistem yang sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi, di mana orang lain selain sistem memiliki suara dalam proses tata kelola.
Sistem GEOMA tidak seperti yang lain, karena mendapatkan keputusan kontributor melalui proposal, mengimplementasikannya melalui pemungutan suara oleh kontributor, semua ditargetkan untuk menciptakan sistem yang menguntungkan bagi penggunanya, dan meningkatkan sistem global.


GEOMA DAO telah mengembangkan mata uang asalnya sendiri yang disebut GMD.
GMD adalah token utilitas ERC-20 yang fungsional dalam sistem.

Ini digunakan untuk berbagai jenis transaksi pada platform GEOMA, dan memberikan kekuatan kepada pemegangnya untuk mengambil bagian dalam aktivitas sistem, seperti proposal, pemungutan suara, dan setiap aktivitas tata kelola lainnya.


GEOMA telah membawa Organisasi Otonomi Terdesentralisasi (DAO), ke kehidupan nyata, yang akan sepenuhnya mengubah sistem tata kelola yang tidak efisien yang saat ini dimainkan saat ini.

Ini tidak hanya akan merevolusi teknologi Blockchain, tetapi setiap sistem lain di mana ia telah diadopsi, karena menghilangkan tata kelola terpusat yang terlihat dalam sistem tersebut, dan menggantinya dengan Organisasi Otonomi Terdesentralisasi.
Setelah adopsi penuh, GEOMA DAO akan membawa dunia ke ketinggian.

Kunjungi situs webIkuti di twitter dan LinkedIn.Lihat whitepaper

Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

***GEOMA DAO - A Decentralised Autonomous Organisation which cares for the Future***


Blockchain Technology was designed

to be disruptive. Disruption comes from decentralisation and autonomy. The DAO or the

Decentralised Autonomous Organisation, as a structure, was born the same day Blockchain

Technology was revealed to the public. It is, in our opinion, the most advanced model of

worldwide human collaboration to date. It is indeed THE NEW ECONOMIC MODEL

FOR THE 21 CENTURY. The potential of a DAO is enormous and has still to be explored.

It is given by the Intelligence, the Know-How and the high Moral Standards of its

contributors. The contributors can make progressive proposals within the DAO targeting

innovative technologies from different sectors like Energy, Farming, Healthcare, Insurance

just to mention some examples. The performance of the DAO increases manyfold if it can

operate in the physical world. And exactly this is what the GEOMA DAO will DO.

The GMD Token is build as an ERC-20 Utility Token.The Token Contract can be seen: HERE


Only 21.000.000 GMD - ERC20 Utility Tokens have been minted. Token Distribution will

be as follows:

5% representing :-1.050.000 GMD will be used for the Bounty, Airdrop and Exchange

Liquidity Program.

1% representing:- 210.000 GMD will be distributed to early contributors and founders.

94% representing :- 19.740.000 GMD will be distributed to contributors

0.4 USD/1GMD for early birds during the Bounty Campaign

0.7 USD/1GMD After the Bounty Campaign until the IEO

1 USD/1GMD IEO price

Giving the Nature of the Project and its real world applications GMD /GMDST tokens can

be swapped at a rate of 100 GMD/1GMDST.

GMD Token Holders can earn by stacking at a maximum rate of 10%/year.

GMDST Token Holders will earn monthly benefits from the projects of the DAO.


Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Senin, 17 Februari 2020

***About Juiice****

About Juiice
Creative people by default, and this attribute gets a fresh breeze with each new media. The internet, along with other modern technologies, gives wings of creativity like never before. Not only can everyone express themselves in any way imaginable, his work can easily be seen throughout the world. This gave birth to a completely new art: digital content produced by virus users.

This art encompasses almost everything that can be imagined, from stunning natural photographs and video shows of various talents to trendy jokes, funny clips, and original thoughts. On the other hand, at any time tens of millions of viewers are entertained, amazed and even enlightened by this snack. the womb. It's like free fast food entertainment.

We established Juiice as an art gallery of viral micro content, which will entertain visitors and encourage writers to spread their creativity, talent, sense of humor, interesting ways of thinking. There is no super power or additional skills needed to participate, it can't be just a photograph or symememe.

We think users are valuable resources from any platform, but are exploited without proper compensation. On our platform, anyone can participate by contributing and spreading not only to some of the top celebrities with millions of followers and receiving prizes for their participation. No matter where you live, blockchain technology enables the world's most valued.

Juiice is a gallery for viral user-generated content that rewards creators and influencers!
The internet, along with other modern technologies, gave birth to a new art form. Everyone can express themselves in any way imaginable and their work can be easily seen throughout the world. From video performances of various talents and stunning nature photographs to trendy jokes, funny clips, and cat memes. On the other hand, tens of millions of viewers are entertained, amazed and even enlightened by this snack content. It's like free fast food entertainment, which we consume every day.

Users create rich platforms without any compensation!
There are many online exhibits about user-generated content that are interesting and funny. With our uploads, jokes, likes and shares, we all help them become multi-billion projects. These sites monetize megabucks, but creativity and user sharing do not get anything in return.

Unlike other portals, Juiice will give micro creators prizes for shows that they usually do for free!
2020 will be a year of micro influence from all over the world. Juiice is on a mission to reward customers and even ordinary users for their involvement. We will share advertising revenue among our active community, so that everyone will be motivated to contribute and spread quality content.

The Gamified system will encourage and value involvement and creativity.
Based on advertising revenue, our algorithm will reward quality interactions such as uploading and sharing with Juiice Credit. This virtual currency can be converted to Juiice Tokens (ERC20 tokens), which can be redeemed with a crypto wallet or to an exchange. Users can also tip good creators with Juiice Credit, give it to charity or buy virtual items such as icons and stickers.

Q1 2019
-POC (proof of concept)
Q2 2019
-MVP (minimum eligible product)
Q3 2019
-Web web platform (Juiice.com)
- Private Sales Closed (10% of tokens)
Q4 2019
-Applying to IEO
-Gamification added to the Juiice platform
-Features: create groups, pages
-Juiice Learning School
Payment of the first reward for the user
Q1 2020
-App Realeased on Google Play and Apple Store
-Tokens transaction information platform
- Extension of features on the platform
- Tools for micro influencers
Q2 2020
Live streaming option
-Own game added to Juiice
-Cooperate with celebrities / influencers online
Q3 2020->
- Integration of AR (augmented reality) features
-Juiice Chat App (secure encrypted chat)
-Juiice Photo App with facetracking features

Token Sales Summary
• Juiice token (Ticker: JUI) is a fully compliant ERC-20 utility
• The total number of JUI Tokens that will be generated during
Token Making Event: 50,000,000,000 JUI
• No additional tokens will be generated in the future and all tokens,
not sold in Sales Tokens, will be burned.
• The total number of JUI tokens that are reserved for Sales Tokens (the
Private and Public Sales): 30,000,000,000 JUI (60%)
• Minimum contribution amount (soft cap): 1,000,000 USD
• JUI token price: 1 JUI = 0,0002 USD *

Total number of JUIICE Tokens generated: 50,000,000,000
60% of tokens will be sold at ICO to get funds for further products
international development, operation and expansion
10% of the tokens will be given to early angel investors, true believers, who are
showed a lot of confidence and provided rocket fuel for our idea
7% of tokens will be given to our advisors and ambassadors who help
projects with their knowledge and expertise
3% of tokens will be added to the Juiice.com prize pool
10% of tokens are reserved for the Juiice Foundation.
4% of the token is intended for the initial stocking of the bounty pool to be given
contributors, who help build and compile our entity database
6% of tokens will be held by the project founder and the rest of the team
help bring the project to life with their hard work and dedication

Total number of JUIICE Tokens generated: 50,000,000,000
40% Marketing
20% Product Development
15% administrative and operational costs
15% business development
5% legal fee
5% IT infrastructure

Type - Utility
Price - 1 JUI = 0,0002 USD
MVP / Prototype - Available
Platform - Ethereum
Receive - ETH, BTC, BCH

Juiice Com

Mladen abBabić - CEO
Zokki Rehar - COO, Product Manager
Igor Šinkovec - CSO
Junior Presezniak - Senior Developer
David Tomsic - Editor and Head
Silvo Fortuna - Community Manager
Sanja Babic - Content Manager
Anurag Singh - iOS Sr. Developer / Fluper
Gopal Gupta - Sr. Android / Fluper developer
Himanshu Yadav - Sr. NodeJS Developer / Fluper

Ožbej Drmota - IEO & Blockchain Advisor
Daryl Naidoo - IEO / ICO Advisor
Mallikarjuna Naidu - Blockchain Advisor
Hadi eenDeen - Soacial Media Advisor
Robert Gazvoda - IEO & Startup Advisor
Nikola Korbar - Crypto Advisor
Tilen Chuk - Gamification Advisor
Anzhe Hurry - Gamification Advisor
Vivian ‍Cheang - Brand Ambassador
Roel De Leeuw - Brand Ambassador

Event / News
Bitcoin Cash Meeting with Roger Ver - Ljubljana 21.05.2019
Porto Piccolo, Italy - Business Meeting 01.06.2019
Aami Art & Culture Program, Slovenia 04.06.2019
Binance Meetup Rimini, Italy 12.06.2019
IT Forum Rimini, Italy 13.06.2019
Crypto Now, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 15.06.2019
Workspace - Office in Ljubljana, Slovenia 01.10.2019
Delta Summit - Part 1, Malta 03.10.2019
Delta Summit - Part 2, Malta 04.10.2019
Blockchain Life 2019 Moscow, Russia 16.10.2019

We Are Registered & Ranking





Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

***IRIS HYDROGEN ARC Ecosystem is the world's first mining blockchain project that protects the environment!***

I greet the dear subscribers of my channel, lovers of cryptocurrencies and investments, as well as newcomers to the new promising blockchain sphere, be sure to subscribe, we will together with you consider the development of new projects and niches for investments. It will be interesting, let's go!

* I present for your consideration a unique company

IRIS HYDROGEN ARC Ecosystem is the first mining project in the world that protects the environment through a unique energy concept that makes mining bitcoins not only very profitable, but also uses the forces of nature.

* The company's mission is to protect the environment.

Using wind, solar and hydrogen technologies for crypto-mining of agriculture, which is environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Benefits of ARC IRIS Hydrogen Mining

The operation of mining equipment requires low maintenance and operation costs. Arc Iris is one of the most modern and fastest mining hardware. The interface is designed in a simplified form, so that any user can easily interact with him and carry out their mining activities without any technical difficulties.

ARC IRIS is multifunctional, it is designed in such a way as to mine any type of cryptocurrency (alt-coins), and hardware is cheaper to purchase due to large purchases. The hardware is flexible, users have the ability to switch the mining power for mining the various types of available altcoins.

This does not require huge capital for cloud miners who do not have a lot of capital to organize their mining operations.

Effective customer service has become available. Unlike a traditional mining farm, where there is always heating and noise, it does not have these terrible qualities. It is very easy to easily get with Arc Iris.

ACI Token

In addition to the fact that ARC IRIS offers its user equipment, therefore, ACI tokens will also be available for the project, with which users can not only buy project equipment. But he also pays for the service and has a number of other advantages compared to those who do not have such coins in their wallets. If we touch on the topic of benefits, the founder of ARC IRIS guarantees significant discounts to all users for the maintenance of their installations, most of which store several internal ACI coins in their wallets.

In total, the developer plans to issue 1 billion coins, of which only 60% are available for public sale. The remaining coins with an initial value of 0.1 dollar will be distributed as follows

Our unique solution.

Amazing, profitable and environmentally friendly methods of cryptocurrency mining

Iris Hydrogen Arc has an effective and innovative model for successfully solving the problems associated with the resources, environment and energy of the modern mining community.

Our system focuses on the synergistic effect of solar energy and the newly discovered energy source, hydrogen. This virtually unlimited access to primary energy is a guarantee of the success of our mining technology.

Thanks to the brilliant combination of photovoltaic technology and fuel cells, we can significantly reduce the external power supplied to the production system, which makes such work much cheaper and more attractive.

Arc Iris Hydrogen (ACI) is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology. ACI-Coin is based on the Arc Iris Hydrogen platform itself and on the Scrypt POW algorithm. This makes ACI-Coin safer. ACI-Coin is used as a payment method in various projects, including mining, distribution of wastewater treatment plants and medical hydrogen equipment. All contracts and bonuses in this project are paid in ACI coins.

* TOTAL DELIVERY : 10,000,000,000

* ICO DELIVERY: 1,000,000,000

* PRE-SALE: December 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 - 1 ACI = $ 0.025


* January 1, 2020 - January 31, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.05

* February 01, 2020 - February 29, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.06

* March 01, 2020 - March 31, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.07

* April 1, 2020 - April 30, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.08

To implement this task technically, you need a good team and specialists. The company .. has qualified and experienced experts in their field. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the team, you can visit their pages in linkedin, well, and study all third-party reviews.

The project is very promising, has an idea and development potential. What they do is of great interest to partners, the development and creation of a product really needs to be implemented and used. Well, you must remember that investing in startups is still a risky activity, and of course it is very profitable. Be sure to carefully study all the resources on the site related to the company, view the technical document. Add to the social. networks such as twitter, facebook, as well as telegrams there you can ask questions to the team. To search among many real projects that deserve not only attention, but also real investments.

#arciris #acicoin #hydrogen #hydrogenwater


Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

***ACI Coin ( Green Coin For Profitable Bitcoin Mining )***

#ACI-Coin #Mining, #Bitcoin Mining, #Cryptocurrencies, , #Hydrogen, , #Water treatments plant, #Hydrogen water, #Solar power, #Wind energy, #Hydrogen Energy, #environmental Protection, #active environmental protection, #Hydrogen solutions, #Hydrogen for cars, #Hydrogen in medicine, #Hyrogen in cosmetics #Mining Power

Do not think that mining bitcoin here is not physical, where there is land or land being dug up. Bitcoin miners are computer processes that continue to work to keep transactions on the blockchain.

The need for electricity to make the computer turn on is greater than providing electricity to 20 European countries. If the comparison is there are only three countries in Africa that use more electricity than electricity needed to mine bitcoin, namely Algeria, Egypt, and South Africa.

Until now it is estimated that the use of electricity to mine bitcoin for a year requires an electricity supply of 29.05 TWh (1TWh equals 1,000,000,000 KWh). And that number is equivalent to 0.13 percent of electricity usage per year in the world.

The report also includes the consumption of electric power in bitcoin mining has increased by 30 percent in the last month. This is expected because the value of bitcoin has also continued to increase over the past few months.

Iiris Hydrogen Arc Ecosystem is the world's first mining project that protects the environment with a unique energy concept. Bitcoin mining is not only profitable, but also harnesses the power of nature to make it environmentally friendly using innovative technologies.

Arc Iris aims to undertake next-generation integration projects for sophisticated cryptocurrency mining that are done in an environmentally responsible manner. This provides a secure long-term investment with reverse cryptocurrency exposures, but it is safe against cryptocurrency volatility by ensuring the lowest operating costs. The project plans to strengthen cryptocurrency miners using hydrogen technology. We create a cost-effective and efficient cryptocurrency mining facility with a strong infrastructure backbone. Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin mining are powered by hydrogen energy with the best sustainable practices.

The cryptocurrency mining industry has formed since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, which has been innovative and noteworthy for years. Mining can be done using a variety of processing equipment, depending on the call type and mining algorithm and the protocols that follow. Bitcoin requires very powerful equipment, such as ASIC devices, to enable profitable mining throughput. However, each type of cryptocurrency mining requires a lot of processing power and a large amount of energy use at the same time.

Why choose iris arc

The latest and newest mining hardware
Fastest mining hardware
Low operating cost
Low maintenance cost
Cheap hardware due to bulk purchase
Nice user interface
Alternative Currency Mining (Altcoin)
Reliable and reliable mining partner
Facilities that transfer mining capabilities to mine cryptocurrencies that come with us provide the flexibility needed to take advantage of emerging market opportunities.
Downtime can be ignored because various technicians handle the mining work in progress and solve the problem immediately.
Honest and Transparent Cloud Mining Service
Cloud mining users who do not need a large investment to set up their own mining tasks do not have a high initial cost.
Direct mining output even for new users using cloud mining contracts due to hardware already running
There is no loss for cloud mining users due to deprecated hardware.
There is no need to hire a technician to manage the hardware.
There is no hassle or problem associated with the mining work itself, such as heating, loud noise, etc.
Prompt and prompt customer service

with no hardware to create passwords monetary
cost-effective and unique that is not a threat to the environment and use of intelligent cloud-mining facility for ! Start with the power of hashes with us today!

Industry and Market Overview The
cryptocurrency mining industry has been innovating and notable for several years since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. But operating costs, especially energy consumption, are key considerations for the entire cryptocurrency mining industry.

Project and feature
The project I want to talk about today is ARC IRIS. And the main goal is to replace the existing dangerous energy sources with cheaper and environmentally friendly ones. And the sun and water will help all this business. Yes, I do not think so. To begin the qualitative revolution of electricity, we need the synergy of these two resources, using tools developed specifically for hydrogen production. This is inherently not only an excellent source of energy, but also 85% cheaper than other coal and non-renewable sources of energy that produce electricity in the modern world.
Thus, the founders of the IRC ARC project will be a great partner to help many mining farmers significantly reduce their costs, so as not to lose not only the mining industry, but also the production capacity of the same bitcoin mining. Another cryptographic token.

Outlook and Benefits
In addition to all the above features, ARC IRIS is ready to offer cloud computing configured for all cryptocurrency mining processes. It should also be noted that this equipment is not only a tool for the accumulation of electricity, but also provides all the services that come with the mining equipment itself. In other words, the multiple installations developed by the IRC ARC founding team were able to qualitatively replace all participants in the mining industry, the most expensive installations requiring special places and expensive equipment.

In addition to the fact that ARC IRIS provides user equipment, this project allows users to access their own ACI tokens, which can't be purchased only by the project equipment. But it also pays for maintenance and has several advantages over those who do not have a coin in their wallet. Dealing with the topic of benefits, the founder of ARC IRIS guarantees a big discount for all users who provide installation services, most of which keep a lot of internal ACI coins in their wallets.

ARC IRIS WALLET The ARC IRIS wallet is in January 2020 to put market

The developer plans to issue a total of 1 billion coins, with only 60% being available for public sale. The remaining coins with an initial value of $ 0.1 are distributed as follows (see figure).

In conclusion, I want to note the state-of-the-art approach to the problems that exist in our world. I am happy to meet someone who wants to make the world better, cleaner and more efficient. To do this, develop such a wonderful project idea.

Naturally, when the project is in the early stages of development. But if thousands of people trust him, he can occupy the best position among all mining equipment. However, all processes are much more economical and efficient, which can yield very good returns.
That's why you're a good friend, take a closer look at ARC IRIS. Perhaps you are one of the active participants. We suggest that you study ARC IRIS in more detail so that your actions and decisions are clearer.

Our road map

With the help of our team, sponsors and investors, this is the main step we want to achieve.
Q2 2019
Project conception and market analysis
Q3 2019
ICO planning and team building
Q4 2019
Pre-ICO and ICO launch
Q1 2020
Start from business development
Q2 2020
Beta phase development and release
Q3 2020
Start mining
Q4 2020
Marketing and advertising campaigns

The Iris Iris Hydrogen team combines a passion for mining industry experience with a proven track record in finance, development, marketing and licensing.


In short, I want to highlight the high-tech approach to problems that exist in our world. I am very happy that there are people who want to make our world better, cleaner and more efficient. Development of phenomenal design ideas.
Of course, while the project is at an early stage of development. However, if thousands of people believe this, he can surely take the leading position among all mining machines. Ultimately, all processes are far more economical and efficient and therefore ready to demonstrate excellent profitability.
So a good friend. See ARC IRIS. Maybe you are one of the active participants. I suggest you take a closer look at ARC IRIS to make your actions and decisions easier to understand. To this end, at the end of my review, you will find all of the project's required resources that contain the most accurate and basic information about ARC IRIS. I am glad to help. Thank you and goodbye!

Complete information:

Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

***ARC IRIS is ready to show us cloud computing that is configured for the cryptocurrency mining process***

It's hard to ignore the fact that our world is currently on the verge of an environmental disaster. As much as we do not want to deny it, our world needs a qualitative change with the help that the amount of emissions to the atmosphere and waste from human activities will be reduced. But so far, many countries have slowly but surely thought about it. Some fields of business and development do not have viable alternatives to continue their activities in the context of a more ecological direction.
And I'm talking of course about cryptocurrency. In fact, few people know and understand that a large amount of electricity is spent on the production of one bitcoin. The amount for one year exceeds the volume of energy consumption throughout the country. Like Austria. Think about it! To be honest, according to the calculations of many experts, the percentage of electricity consumption by cryptocurrency is revealed worldwide and turns out to be 1% of the total amount of electricity consumed by humanity. It was incredible!
But it's not just the fact that it's a lot of surprise. And the fact that in most cases the energy that supplies the entire cryptographic mining process uses electricity, which is generated from non-renewable energy sources such as coal. And as you remember, when coal burned, it released a large amount of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Which in turn not only destroys the entire ozone layer of our atmosphere, opening up space for cosmic radiation, but also forms a greenhouse effect, causing the same global warming. The consequences faced by millions of people every year.
Of course, it will be very difficult to solve all these problems overnight. However, however, the development team has found a way out of this situation and is ready to show us the most feasible and environmentally friendly conditions to get energy to mine cryptocurrency currencies. Interested in knowing the details? Then don't be distracted and read my review to the end!

About the project and its features
The project that I want to tell you today is called ARC IRIS. And the most important goal is to replace the existing dangerous energy sources with those that are cheaper and environmentally friendly. And the sun and water will help all of these businesses. Yes, you do not think so. To start a qualitative revolution in electricity, the synergy of these two resources will be needed with the help of specially designed hydrogen extraction tools to be activated. Coal in its nature is not only a very good energy source, but also 85% cheaper than competing coal and other non-renewable energy sources that can be used to produce electricity in the modern world.
As such, the founders of the IRC ARC project intend to become leaders not only in the mining industry, but also excellent partners where many mining estates will be able to significantly reduce their costs, so as not to lose productive capacity to mine the same Bitcoin and cryptographic tokens the other.
Prospects and benefits
In addition to all the features above, ARC IRIS is ready to show us cloud computing that is configured for the cryptocurrency mining process. What is here is very important to note that this equipment is not only a tool for the accumulation of electric power, but also a mining equipment with all of the following services. That is, the multi-installation developed by IRC's ARC founding team was able to replace qualitatively for all participants in the mining industry, most expensive installations that require special places and expensive equipment.
Besides the fact that ARC IRIS offers its user equipment, so this project will also be available and ACI tokens with which users can not only buy project equipment. But it also pays for maintenance, and has a number of other advantages over those who don't have such coins in their wallets. If we touch on the topic of benefits, the founders of ARC IRIS guarantee significant discounts to all users for the maintenance of their installations, most of which keep a number of internal ACI coins in their wallets.
In total, the developer plans to release 1 billion coins, only 60% available for public sale. The remaining coins with an initial value of $ 0.1 will be distributed as follows (see figure):

In conclusion, I want to note the high-tech approach to problems that exist in our world. I am very happy to see someone who wants to make our world better, cleaner, and more efficient. Develop phenomenal project ideas like this for this.
Naturally, while the project is in the early stages of development. However, if thousands of people trust it, it can certainly take the leading position among all mining equipment. However, all the processes are far more economical and more efficient, and are therefore ready to show a very good profit ratio.
Because of that, good friend. Take a closer look at ARC IRIS. Maybe you will be one of the active participants. And to make your actions and decisions clearer, I suggest you study ARC IRIS in more detail. To do this, at the end of my review, you will find all the necessary resources of the project, where the most accurate and basic information about ARC IRIS is collected. I am happy to help. Thank you for your attention and see you again!


Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Senin, 03 Februari 2020

***The left - STRIKE***

Relictum Pro est un registre distribué sans fin avec des systèmes de contrats intelligents développés, décrivant (formalisant) chaque événement de la vie humaine, de l'achat et la vente de biens et services, l'enregistrement des événements logistiques, le suivi du droit d'auteur et l'interaction avec des entités juridiques, y compris un certain nombre de transactions Mandiri (contrat intelligent) dans n'importe quel domaine d'activité.
Avez-vous vu la vidéo ci-dessous:https://youtu.be/dNOywJxHU_Y
Modèle tokenomique de la genèse des tokens GTN

Génèse des émissions totales de jetons GTN, pcs - 10000000000 GTN
Taux d'hébergement 1 GTN, $: $ 0,0045

Distribution de la genèse du token GTN, y compris:

50% - Premiers investisseurs
38% - Équipe
9% - Dépenses de marketing
3% - Conseillers et experts

Carte routière
Q2 - 2019

Création du concept de blockchain 5.0
Création du premier document formalisant les dispositions générales du concept - Livre blanc
Création du deuxième document formalisant les dispositions techniques du concept - Yellowpaper
Pré-vente (juin 2019)
Q3 - 2019

Création d'une version alpha du produit, TEST-NET (0.1)
Création d'une version alpha du produit, y compris une application mobile pour Android / Windows, sortie de STAGE.TEST-NET (0.5) et DEV.TEST-NET (0.5)
Q4 - 2019

Lancement de la procédure STO / Token Sale (9 décembre 2019)
Création d'un récepteur d'émission relique
Q1 2020

Poursuite de la procédure de vente de jetons / STO (2019/2020)
Sortie d'une version stable de l'application, création d'une blockchain de production
Q2 - 2020

Poursuite de la procédure de vente de jetons / STO (2019/2020)
Achèvement de la procédure de vente de jetons / STO (2020 juin)

Développement d'ensembles de contrats intelligents sur la plateforme conçus pour différents domaines de la vie: assurance, casino, logistique, médecine
Q4 - 2020

Créer un réseau privé
Développement du réseau, croissance du nombre de nœuds
Q1 - Q4 - 2021

Poursuite de la procédure de croissance du réseau
Vulgarisation de Relictum Coin (RLC)
Développement d'ensembles de contrats intelligents sur la plateforme conçus pour différents domaines d'action gouvernementale:


Alexander Strigin - CTO
Franco Fiore - COO
Nikolai Osipenko - CMO
Ekaterina Volkova - Conseillère
Jorge Sebastio - Conseiller
Fernando Martinho - IT-Security - conseiller
Matthias Mende - influenceur Crypto

Lien important

Bitcointalk profile link: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a