Senin, 18 Juni 2018

***Keamanan Sepeda dan Lainnya Dengan ShareLock***

Jika Anda tinggal di kota besar yang sangat bergantung pada sepeda untuk berkeliling, Anda akan memahami betapa mudahnya sepeda Anda dicuri. Banyak orang bertanya-tanya apa solusi terbaik untuk masalah ini.

Jawabannya - ShareLock , kunci sepeda teknologi pertama, yang dapat digunakan di Jerman dan Amerika Serikat.

ShareLock adalah kunci sepeda yang terhubung ke aplikasi yang meningkatkan keamanan pada sepeda Anda. Karena kunci memiliki pelacakan GPS, Anda akan selalu tahu lokasi sepeda Anda. Ini juga dapat mengingatkan Anda jika sepeda Anda dicuri. Manfaat lain untuk Berbagi Kunci adalah bahwa kunci dikontrol oleh aplikasi di ponsel Anda, sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir kehilangan kunci lagi, dan itu memungkinkan sepeda untuk disewa oleh warga sipil lainnya pada siang hari. ShareLock tidak hanya akan mencegah pencurian sepeda, tetapi juga akan membantu Anda menyewa sepeda atau memiliki sepeda sendiri yang disewa oleh orang-orang di area umum Anda.

Apakah Anda seorang penyewa sepeda atau ingin menjadi penyewa sepeda, ShareLock sangat cocok untuk Anda. Dalam aplikasi, pengguna dapat menerima token yang memungkinkan Anda memiliki akses ke ratusan sepeda yang tersedia. Dengan kata lain, token adalah kunci untuk dapat menyewa sepeda dengan aplikasi. Jika Anda tertarik, pra-penjualan dimulai sekitar 38 hari, dan mendaftar / membuat akun itu sederhana.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut:

Nama penulis: danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Bike safety and more with ShareLock


The ShareLock platform provides a simple interface designed to be shared and bridged between traditional bicycle sharing and the general bicycle industry. ShareLock's comprehensive service offering aims to provide a variety of key components to the cycling industry and to serve Peer2Per bikes, which share a marketplace, their own product and their own fleet. We plan to offer a wide range of services that are not yet available. Through a user-friendly but also user-oriented environment we want to enable our customers in a short time a bicycle. In addition, to rent safely and to meet the needs of private and commercial users. Our vision of providing an all-in-one option

ShareLock is a revolutionary bike that uses GPS technology for maximum safety. Combined with our app, users want to use their bikes to reward and reduce congestion in bustling cities and reduce emissions to make a cleaner city accessible to all.

Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Google+ ShareLock on completing the startup phase. To meet our expectations in terms of production, sales and marketing, we will increase our workforce to around 25 by the end of 2018.

After our CEO stolen the Santos bike for the fourth time, we found a solution that could potentially increase the safety of bicycle locks. In addition, they are often used as a fraction of the day. By increasing their availability, we can not only offer our customers an advantage, but also a convenient means of transport for our end users.

The castle is currently in the prototype phase. After many hours of research, there are still many new developments in this area.

Since ShareLock includes GPS tracking, the possibility of theft is significantly reduced. Bicycles want to be locatable at any time. We are currently employed by various insurance companies to obtain the best possible result in the event of a claim.

We currently have no EIA due to the ongoing development of the product. Initial projections indicate that it is in line with other high quality bike locks that are unable to generate revenue for the owner. We think the question is, how much can I do with ShareLock?

ShareLock announces its official Bounty program, which aims to raise awareness and awareness

reward our community for their support.

A $ 1.5 million ShareLock token and 750K at ETH (if hardcap has been reached) will be awarded to the Bounty program.

The program runs until the end of the token sale.

The bounties are paid within 30 days of the end of the jet.

25,000,000 of 500,000,000 SHX tokens are available as a reward.

5% of all donations want to be assigned to the bounty program.

But we also want to offer our supporters a unique opportunity.

For more information: 

***Author: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a


Tentang ShareLock

Platform ShareLock menyediakan antarmuka yang sederhana, yang dirancang untuk berbagi dan melayani sebagai jembatan antara berbagi sepeda tradisional dan industri sepeda umum. Layanan ekstensif yang ditawarkan oleh ShareLock bertujuan untuk menyediakan berbagai komponen kunci dari industri sepeda dan melayani sepeda Peer2Per berbagi pasar, produknya sendiri, tetapi juga armada sendiri. Kami berencana untuk menawarkan berbagai layanan yang belum tersedia. Dengan lingkungan yang ramah pengguna tetapi juga berorientasi pengguna kami ingin memungkinkan pelanggan kami dalam waktu singkat sepeda. Selain untuk sewa aman dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna pribadi dan komersial. Visi kami untuk menyediakan opsi all-in-one mendorong pertumbuhan pesepeda, kesehatan pribadi.

ShareLock adalah sepeda revolusioner yang dirancang untuk memberikan tingkat keamanan tertinggi sambil menyediakan teknologi GPS. Bersamaan dengan aplikasi kami, pengguna ingin mendapatkan sepeda mereka untuk hadiah dan bantuan dalam mengurangi kemacetan di kota-kota sibuk dan membantu mengurangi emisi untuk memungkinkan kota yang lebih bersih bagi semua orang.

Bagikan di Facebook Bagikan lewat Twitter Bagikan lewat Facebook Bagikan lewat Twitter Bagikan lewat Google+ BagikanLock di akhir fase start-up. Untuk memenuhi perkiraan produksi, penjualan, dan pemasaran kami akan mencari peningkatan staf hingga sekitar 25 pada akhir 2018.

Setelah CEO kami, sepeda Santos dicuri untuk keempat kalinya kami menemukan solusi yang berpotensi meningkatkan keamanan kunci sepeda. Selain itu, mereka sering digunakan sebagai pecahan hari. Dengan meningkatkan ketersediaan mereka, kami tidak hanya dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi pelanggan kami tetapi juga metode transportasi yang nyaman bagi pengguna akhir kami.

Kunci saat ini dalam fase prototipe. Setelah berjam-jam penelitian, masih ada banyak perkembangan baru di bidang ini.

Karena pelacakan GPS disertakan dalam ShareLock, ini sangat mengurangi kemungkinan pencurian. Sepeda ingin dapat dilacak setiap saat. Kami saat ini terlibat dengan berbagai perusahaan asuransi untuk menawarkan hasil terbaik jika terjadi kerusakan.

Kami saat ini tidak memiliki RRP di tempat karena pengembangan produk yang sedang berlangsung. Proyeksi awal menunjukkan bahwa itu sejalan dengan kunci sepeda high-end lainnya yang tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan bagi pemiliknya. Kami yakin pertanyaannya adalah seberapa banyak yang dapat saya buat dengan ShareLock.

ShareLock mengumumkan program Bounty resminya, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan 

berikan penghargaan kepada komunitas kami atas dukungannya.

Total token ShareLock senilai $ 1,5 juta + 750K di ETH (jika hard cap tercapai) akan diberikan kepada Program Bounty.

Program ini akan berjalan hingga akhir penjualan token. 
Hadiah akan dibayarkan dalam 30 hari setelah akhir penjualan token.
25.000.000 dari 500.000.000 SHX token tersedia sebagai hadiah. 
5% dari semua uang yang dikumpulkan ingin dialokasikan ke Program Bounty. 

Tetapi kami juga ingin memberi para pendukung kami peluang unik.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut:

Nama pengguna: danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

LIGERCOIN-Memastikan Keadilan Dari Hasil Pemain Baik Secara Online Dan Offline.

Perkembangan dunia meodern memaksa semua aspek kehidupan untuk berkembang juga. Ini adalah salah satu hukum alam yang sudah tak terbantahkan lagi karena ada satu perkembangan maka ada aspek lain yang juga berkembang untuk memenuhi atau mengikuti perkembangan ini. Perkembangan zaman adalah salah satu faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Banyak aspek kehidupan dipengaruhi oleh kemajuan dunia ini. Munculnya berbagai teknologi dan informasi untuk menjadikan aspek religius kehidupan juga dituntut dalam bentuk online. inilah yang saat ini membuat banyak aspek kehidupan atau aspek kehidupan untuk berganti bentuk dari yang terlihat dapat dilihat dan berhubungan sekarang hanya bisa dilihat tanpa berhubungan. Salah satu yang mengalami kondisi semacam itu adalah di dunia perjudian. Game judi umumnya memiliki sistem untuk memegang kartu atau properti perjudian lainnya. tetapi dengan dunia modern di bidang teknologi dan informasi, perjudian bergeser ke perjudian daring. ada begitu banyak jenis perjudian yang mengalami transformasi bentuk dari perjudian darat hingga perjudian daring. salah satu dari banyak kasino online perjudian. ini adalah salah satu jenis permainan judi yang paling banyak dinikmati oleh banyak orang. Seseorang suka roulette, seseorang suka blackjack. Dan hari ini saya akan mencoba membuka untuk Anda proyek yang sangat menjanjikan yang disebut LIGER. Tim pengembanganLIGER sedang mencoba membangun platform bagi kami yang akan melekat dalam pengembangan proses yang ideal, menerapkan pemikiran cepat dan transaksi cepat. Dan anonimitas dan keamanan sekarang siap untuk memenangkan hati kita dan memberi kita fitur-fitur canggih dari permainan. Dalam implementasi saat ini, LIGER paling cocok untuk penggemar game online dan olahraga fantasi. Tanpa perantara, itu langsung menghubungkan pedagang dengan pengguna dan membawa lebih banyak bisnis. Itu sebabnya LIGER harus menjadi pilihan Anda untuk berdagang.
Moto utama dari platform ini terdiri dari 3 penyebut, Adalah untuk memastikan keadilan hasil, memastikan keamanan, memastikan kerahasiaan lengkap

Proses bermain PADA platform liger didasarkan pada teknologi Blockchain. Dan ini adalah bagaimana kami memahaminya menjamin pemain keadilan hasil baik online maupun offline. 
LIGER akan memastikan kerahasiaan lengkap, karena semua transaksi dalam rantai blok dan dapat diidentifikasi hanya melalui pengenal unik. Semua upaya peretasan dan serangan terhadap privasi pengguna akan secara otomatis dilarang, dan karena tidak akan terlibat dalam proses yang akrab dengan sistem perbankan kami, kecepatan transaksi akan menyenangkan kami.
Tim LIGER untuk meluncurkan kasino sendiri, serta penyewaan ruang bermain di kasino lain. Semua konten LIGER (online dan offline) akan memiliki permainan dan proses yang dikembangkan menggunakan teknologi blockchain. Dan kemudian saya semua terkejut, bayangkan saja rencana platform mitra akan beroperasi, yaitu manajemen lalu lintas akan bertanggung jawab Pedagang Tied-up , Semua pengguna LIGER menggunakan Token internal akan mendapatkan gratifikasi karena menggunakan LIGER sebagai metode pembayaran.

Apa model bisnis Liger? 
Setiap bisnis yang sukses selalu menciptakan diferensiasi dengan mengidentifikasi tren aktif dan mengembangkan bisnis sesuai dengan tren ini. 
Menggunakan kemajuan teknologi untuk menciptakan produk dan layanan yang berbeda adalah dasar dari semua bisnis yang sukses dari Alibaba ke Microsoft ke Apple. Pembentukan kompatibilitas dan dengan demikian loyalitas pelanggan melalui ekosistem yang mendukung adalah kunci. 
LIGER menggunakan keamanan dan transparansi teknologi blockchain untuk memastikan keadilan hasil di ruang permainan online. LIGER menggunakan SMARTCONTRACTS untuk pembayaran kepada semua pemegang token yang membuat prosesnya dalam waktu-nyata, tanpa batas, tidak Mengganggu dan jujur.
LIGER berkomitmen untuk menciptakan komunitas pengguna, penyedia layanan dan konten yang mendapat manfaat dari ekosistem unik yang ditawarkannya.

Dan apa yang Liger lebih unggul dari pesaingnya? 
Tentu saja, ini adalah kecepatan dan biaya - transaksi dilakukan secara real time. Tim LIGER akan memiliki hubungan dengan kasino offline, yang akan memberikan kesempatan untuk menerima LIGER melalui POS. 
Mudah digunakan-sangat mudah digunakan. Dompet Liger akan diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem POS yang terpasang. 
Keuntungan. Pengguna Liger akan menerima insentif dalam bentuk chip tambahan di kasino online dan offline. 
Kemudahan akuisisi-dapat dibeli secara real time di bursa. Tujuan bisnis perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut:
Mencapai pangsa pasar 1% dalam nilai lebih dari 5 tahun sejak didirikan di tiga industri yang diidentifikasi (kasino online dan offline dan olahraga fantasi). Nilai terkonsolidasi adalah sekitar $ 500 miliar. Diperkirakan akan mencapai $ 600 miliar pada 2022, yang diperkirakan akan menghasilkan peningkatan $ 4,9 juta. Kami akan berusaha untuk memastikan bahwa $ 5 miliar akan diselesaikan melalui LIGER. AMERIKA SERIKAT. Untuk mengelola LIGER sebagai mata uang yang dipilih. LIGER akan menggunakan teknologi Blockchain untuk membuat konten dan utilitas yang memadai melalui cryptocurrency liger.


Dan sekarang waktunya telah tiba untuk berbicara tentang ICO JUMLAH SAAT INI: 2,7 MILIAR (LIC) 
TOKEN HARGA: 1 LIC = 0,025 € 

18 April - 10: 40% bonus

11 Mei - 11 Juni: Dapatkan bonus 25%

Peta jalan

Kami tidak perlu meragukan rencana ini. Implementasi teknis pada tingkat tinggi. Dan proyek ini memiliki potensi investasi yang sangat tinggi.

Untuk menikmati manfaat LIGERCOIN Anda dapat mengunjungi tautan di bawah ini:

ETH Saya:0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a


Image results for liger bounty

Hallo .. If you are interested in joining the Liger project or you are interested in joining the Liger project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision during the Liger project

. What is Liger Coin?

Liger is Cryptocurrency which brings together two Giants: a growing Gaming Community and Emerging Blockchain Technology. Liger aspires to 'Cryptocurrency of Choice' for the Gaming Industry. Liger creates Utilities for Tokens by creating an extensive Gamer Community (Fantasy Casino / Sports & Sports Betting) and Service Providers through the 'peer to peer' exchange feature of Blockchain Technology. Liger interrupts the existing process by removing all intermediaries in Games, Fantasy Sports, and Live Sports Betting Industries. 

Where is Liger? 

Liger is based in Malta. The Crypto Friendly Government and Casino legacy of Malta create a perfect synergy with Liger. 

What is Liger's main goal?
* To achieve 1% market share based on value within 5 years from the start across the identified Industries (Online and Offline Casinos, Sports Betting and Sports Fantasy) 
* To encourage LIGER as the preferred currency for the identified Industries. LIGER will use Blockchain Technology to create adequate content and utilities through the LIGER crypto currency. 
* To provide superior transaction speed to Users and Service Providers with complete safety and transparency assurance. To provide all stakeholders, hassle free and real time settlement.

Is Liger Tokens Token Utility or Security Token or currency? And how? 

Token Liger is a Utensian token as Token Holders can take advantage of Liger tokens only on Liger's affiliate online casino portal, fantasy sports website, live sports betting, and the most unique Live Bets in real casinos via Liger Mobile App. Liger with its unique locking mechanism based on Howey's Test allows token holders to risk their tokens with Liger to make them part of profit sharing. Therefore, Liger is not a currency or security token.

What are the advantages of Liger for users? 
* Direct participation in Offline Tables from Home comfort through Liger App. 
* There is no negative impact on the Credit Rating due to spending time in the Casino or other Gaming POS. 
* Instant credit from Win to wallet at Liger Tokens. 
* Zero Interference from Government & Financial Institutions on spend. 

What are the advantages of Liger for merchants? 
* Reduced Customer acquisition costs through direct contact with a large Game Community. 
* Transaction costs are negligible when compared to Conventional Banking costs. 
* Incremental funds through Staking mechanism. 
* Penetration and reach to Gamers from Geography are restricted through online integration.

What features do I get as a Liger gamer? 

Benefits of Liger for Gamers Multiply -

* Gamers will get extra chips as promotions to use Liger Token on their own Line and Offline Offline Casinos, Online Casinos, Fantasy sports, and Live Betting sites. Such bonuses will NOT be available to fiat users. 
* Liger Token will be accepted at a large number of identified Traders in the Industry. Therefore, Liger Tokens will have a high utility. 
* Liger Token holders will be able to place bets on the Live Casino table from remote locations.

How can my credit rating not be affected by using Liger? 

With Liger, its use is completely anonymous and Gaming Fans are not afraid of Negative credit ratings based on Bank's perception of Game and Betting Industry.

IGER as Game changer
LIGER comes with the best process, faster transactions, and the smartest thinking. Its sophisticated security and anonymity features are all set to win hearts and games.


Liger Tokenomics




What is at stake? 
Spying is a unique Liger mechanism directed at participants who purchase Tokens during the ICO phase for 'Long Term Asset Creation'. 
Such users can risk their tokens to the Casino. Their tokens are used to bet on behalf of the next Casino. Part of the Casino victory is then redistributed to them in the ratio of their contribution to the entire set of Token at stake. 
This allows non-gamer Community members to get consistently and hold their tokens for 'long-term' where their token 'works' for them through the Staking mechanism.
Liger ensures 'fair play' through the implementation of SMARTCONTRACTS to decide the overall allocation of the Staking amount and for the casual, quick and transparent caseload of Casino victory through SMARTCONTRACT. 

The formula for deciding the maximum bet for Qtr is as follows - Below, please find the formula for quarterly disbursement of the number of winners - What are the advantages of Token Burning?

Token Burning is based on the main principles of 'demand-supply management'. With aggressive acquisitions and new casinos, token demands are encouraged at the Casino. A% of Liger Casino's victory is 'burned' thereby, removing it from circulation. This process is implemented through SMARTCONTRACTS so it does not require human intervention. Increased demand, coupled with a decrease in Token inventories, pushed prices up on the Exchange. 
What are the benefits of Liger for ICO participants with the goal of 'Making Long Term Assets'? 
Opportunity to be on the casino side through Staking mechanisms that lead to opportunities for long-term asset creation. 
Asset-backed tokens with Liger's own Casino.
The unique mechanism of burning Token leads to an increase in demand on the Exchange. 

Will Liger be accepted easily? 
Liger will ensure a large base of Offline and Online Casinos, Fantasy Sports, and Live betting sites accept them. Liger Token is a utility token. The efficient Acquisition Team will work on wide acceptance across traders. 

What happens if Soft Cap is not achieved? 
We have full confidence in the Project. However, SMARTCONTRACT Token Management will refund contributions to all relevant Wallet addresses if non-achievement of Soft Cap. 

When will the Liger Token be published?
Token will be transferred to the wallet mentioned by the participants after the end of ICO (11 June). Please note that participants will be able to see their allocation status via the Dashboard after they log in. KYC approval process takes time and therefore please be patient. 

How many% of the overall Token is allocated to ICO for participants? 
Participant CO & Soldiers Sales - 75% 

Can US and Chinese investors invest? 
Only accredited investors from the US and China who can apply for purchases and applications will be subject to verification by taking into account compliance. 

Do you have a limit on the number of tokens one person can buy?
The minimum purchase limit is set at USD 100 and of course there is no maximum limit. 

What exchange will Liger register? And when? 
Liger is in talks with all the credible exchanges available for trading. Compliance and formality are in progress and we are confident of issuing a listed exchange before August 2018. 

Can you guarantee price growth when trading begins? 
Liger has introduced a catalyst methodology called Combustion where the percentage of "X" of Token Liger will be burned periodically then maintaining the exact demand vs supply ratio at which demand for Liger Token will always be over supply. There by promising stable price growth for investors.

Will your mining facility be open for business at the end of a token sale? 
No mining is involved at all at Ligercoin. Tokens have been mined in advance on the Ethereum platform. 

Can people invest in Liger ICO? 
Yes! Only if the public is a registered entity and has a clear mandate of compliance with regional jurisdiction. 


Why does Liger need blockchain? 

Liger aspires to create a transparent ecosystem in which users can bet on both sides based on their individual preferences. You can bet against the house to be part of the casino revenue by staking the tokens with Liger. Therefore Liger relies on Blockchain Technology because this unique locking mechanism works best with decentralized blockchain applications. 
2. What is the current status of blockchain development? 

This product is in the stage of developing the current architecture, Ethereum, Hyperledger fabric, blockchain Eris is the basis for our service. The final structure must be frozen in mid-May 2018.




era of cryptocurrency opens up new possibilities in the gaming market. LIGER offers you the freedom from the economy of any country, but the high level of control that can be provided by blockchain technology. 
This is why LIGER is the right way:

- Faster Transactions With Negligible Costs

Completion with merchants via LIGER directly without additional processing fees attached to it. Furthermore, the LIGER wallet will be integrated with POS installed in offline casinos.

- Taking Safety To The Next Level

Every transaction is done, encrypted and added to the ledger in Blockchain. This eliminates the possibility of deletion or destruction of any type, thus achieving the maximum safety protocol.

- Increased Credit Ratings

With the anonymity that LIGER offers for the use of their Tokens in Casinos, unlike in the case of Credit / Debit cards, a Gamer will be isolated from any kind of adverse credit rating by a Financial Institution.

- New-Age Technology

Implementing safe and destructive Ethereum Blockchain, LIGER is aimed at receiving traders in Online and Offline Casinos, Live Games, and Fantasy Sports Portals.

- Trusted Platforms

Using Smart Contracts to implement payment results in transparent and conflict-free transactions. 



LIGER TRADE is best suited for Online Games & Fantasy Sports demands. Sans Intermediaries, connecting traders with users directly and bringing more business. This is why LIGER should be your choice to trade

- Fast and Safe

Settlements Rapid settlements between users and merchants as opposed to conventional processes, make the completion time almost non-existent. Over time, LIGER aims to integrate the 24x7x365 day payment service.

- Ease of Reach

As a merchant, you can share unique offers to LIGER users. In return, users can act as your online and offline offer promoters.

- Captive & Volume Better Customer Base

A large number of Gamers in the LIGER Community, free of geographical restrictions, ensure repeat visits at the same merchant location. Reduced monitoring also leads to higher spending by users in the casino.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing which Liger project is currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information and of course You will be able to talk directly to or their team, at the link.

For more information and join Liger's social media today please follow the following sources:

***Username: danil21***
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

***LIGER as Game changer***

LIGER comes with the best process, faster transactions, and the smartest thinking. Its sophisticated security and anonymity features are all set to win hearts and games.

LIGER is here with better process, faster transactions, and smart thinking. Its sophisticated security and anonymity function is ready to win hearts and games. 
Instant Sports1Place BETS with Live Dealer and Live Sports 
Casino1Play "FOR" casino and not against unique liger mechanism 
Ligar coin1LIGER COIN The most accepted currency in the offline casino world

LIGER is best suited for online gaming needs and fantasy sports.Without intermediaries, it directly connects merchants with users and brings more business. That's why LIGER should be your choice to trade.

For what ICO? 
The original coin offer (ICO) is a method of financing Liger's success and covering costs for subsequent years. 
How do users use Liger? 
Ensuring fairness of 
LIGER results should develop and develop games using Blockchain technology. It guarantees the fairness of the players both online and offline. 

LIGER security will provide full confidentiality, as all transactions are in a block chain and can only be identified through a unique identifier. User privacy involvement and violation will be automatically protected, as the usual banking system will not be involved. 
LIGER will provide easy-to-use wallets with immediate exchange on all major crypto exchange exchanges to ensure that TAT never interferes with LIGER users.

LIGER content will have its own casino and part of the game room rental at other operating casinos. All LIGER content (online and offline) will have games and processes developed using blockchain technology.

What are the advantages of the service provider?
Speed ​​of Completion
The LIGER team will provide a quick settlement between users and merchants, as they do not have to go through the complicated normal process of completion through the bank.

Traffic traffic 
LIGER will partner with Tied-up Traders in managing traffic to their casinos / websites. All Token LIGER users will be encouraged to use LIGER as a payment method. This will take them to Merchants who accept LIGER as their preferred payment method.

Ease of achievement 
Sellers will have the opportunity to share their offerings with potential users using the LIGER website, since LIGER owner databases will be the ideal target group to promote their offerings both online and offline. 
What is Liger's business model? 
Every successful business always creates differentiation by identifying active trends and developing a business according to this trend. 
Using technological advances to create different products and services is the foundation of all successful companies from Alibaba to Microsoft to Apple. The creation of compatibility and, therefore, customer loyalty through the supporting ecosystem is the key.

LIGER uses the security and transparency of blockchain technology to ensure fairness of results in the online game space. LIGER uses SMARTCONTRACTS to pay all token holders that make the process real-time, seamless, interference-free and fair. 
LIGERaims to create a community of users, service providers and content that benefit from the unique ecosystem it offers.

How is Liger better than its competitors? 
Speed ​​and cost - transactions in real time. Possibility of immediate settlement of traders on the stock exchange. 
Reception - High recognition. The LIGER team will have bindings to the physical casino to receive LIGER via POS. 
Easy to use - very easy to use. The Liger wallet will be integrated into the installed POS system. 
Advantages. Liger users will receive incentives in the form of additional chips in online and offline casinos. 
Simplicity of acquisition - can be purchased in real time on the exchange.

What is the business purpose of Liger? 
Liger's business objectives are as follows: 
To achieve 1% market share by value for 5 years from the date of manufacture in the three identified industries (online and offline casinos and fantasy sports). The cost of consolidation is about 500 billion dollars. And is expected in 2022 will reach 600 billion dollars. We will strive to ensure that through LIGER is concluded 5 billion dollars. USA. To control LIGER as the selected currency. LIGER will use Blockchain technology to create adequate content and usability through the LIGER crypto currency. 
Ensure maximum transaction speed for Users and Service Providers with complete security and transparency assurance.
Provide free consultation to all interested parties in real time.


TOKEN PRICE: 1 LIC = 0,025 €
April 18 - May 10: 40% of bonuses
May 11 - June 11: Get a 25% bonus
BONUS -ICO Week - 01: 25% Bonus * 
-ICO Week - 02: 15% Bonus * 
-ICO Week - 03: 10% Bonus *

era of crypto currency opens new opportunities in the gaming market. LIGER offers you the freedom from the 
economy of any country, but the high level of control that can be provided by blockchain technology. That's why LIGER 

is the way:
A faster transaction at a lower cost 
Dealer settlement via LIGER happens immediately without any additional processing fees attached to it. In addition, the LIGER wallet will be integrated with a POS installed in a stand-alone casino.

Taking security to the next level 
Every transaction is encrypted and added to the list in Blockchain. This eliminates the possibility of deletion or falsification of any kind, thus providing the maximum security protocol. 
Credit rating upgrade 
With the anonymity LIGER offers to use its tokens in the casino, unlike credit / debit cards, Gamers will be isolated from negative credit ratings by financial institutions.

New-Age Technology
Implementation safe and secure from unauthorized access Ethereum Blockchain, LIGER aims to recognize merchants in online casinos and offline casinos, sports games with live games and fantasy. 
Trusted platforms 
Use Intelligent Contracts to make payments in transparent and conflict-free transactions.

Victory for TRADE 
LIGER is best suited for online gaming needs and fantasy sports.Without intermediaries, directly connect merchants with users and bring more business. That's why LIGER should be your choice to trade 
Quick and Secure Calculations 
Quick calculations between users and merchants, unlike conventional processes, make the completion time almost non-existent. Over time, LIGER seeks to integrate the 24x7x365 day payment service.

Lightweight coverage
As a merchant you can share the unique offer of LIGER users. In turn, users can act as promoters of their online and offline offerings. 
best captive and volume subscribers of 
a large number of Gamers in the Liger community, with no geographical restrictions, ensuring repeat visits to the same site from merchants. Reduced monitoring also leads to higher costs for users in the casino.

Liger is a top-level blockchain technology that provides secure crypto currency for online games and offline casinos; and access to Fantasy Sports. It provides liquidity through regular and large adoptions, thus minimizing issues such as confidentiality, taboo, liquidity, speed of completion and security. These are generated on the Ethereum platform with the standard ERC20.

What is the Liger time scale?


Additional information:

Username Btt: danil21
Address Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a