Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

Platforms and Services C2 Legacy LOC

Platform and service C2 Legacy LOC 
simic (25) inico • 8 days ago

Recent crypto-competition, such as bitcoyne, has become a hot topic in the news. This digital money, which relies on a distributed block system to record and verify these transactions, can completely change the business process. Virtual currency also creates new wealth for investors, making financial freedom a more achievable goal than ever before.

One of the benefits of financial freedom is that it is a valuable asset to distribute to your chosen heirs, but it can be difficult to discuss virtual assets. Most password conversions involve creating an account called a private key or password-protected wallet. As with bank passwords, account holders are advised not to share private keys with others. But what happens to your digital assets when you leave just one person who knows your password?

Traditional property management services do not have a satisfactory answer to this question, which is expressed by a coherent entrepreneur and social engineer, Maria Antoinette Tichler. She decided to take 10 years of experience developing mobile applications and digital marketing and found C2Legacy, the first property management service based on blockbuster.

What is C2 Legacy? 
C2 Legacy is a Digital Will platform that uses block-chain power to securely transfer ownership of digital assets when an elected policy holder dies. First, the company establishes a digital death certificate provided by the Federal Social Security Administration or other verified provider to verify that the original owner of the krypton actually died. Over time, we hope that no country will be able to completely eliminate the world government in this process and affect the transfer of digital assets.

After confirmation of the death, the company's core chain chain commences the wise agreement originally set by the owner and transfers the cellar property in a manner that is considered appropriate. If the intended recipient already has a wallet with an encrypted currency, you can send money directly to that currency. Otherwise, they can be transferred to a previously empty wallet available through a private key known only to the heir.

If the future heir does not know about cartridges or wallets with encrypted calls, C2 Legacy provides services to help you gain access to the new hold. This makes it easier than ever to transfer your digital assets safely!

Why is it better to give my private key to the heir? 
Sharing the private key poses a security risk, regardless of how much you trust the inherited heir. In addition, heirs often fight for the property of the heir, which may result in undesirable conflicts in intimate homes. The C2 legacy platform helps you maintain a harmonious relationship with your nearest wishes without creating conflicts between heirs.

Why is Maria Antoinette Tichler the perfect person for C2 Legacy Leadership? 
Tichler has a passion to make technology more accessible. Prior to the C2 Legacy, we started a nonprofit called Growing Up Mobile to help local young people with insufficient knowledge to know how to use modern technology for fun. Since then, this program has become one of the largest youth service programs in the world.

She also had a personal relationship with the mission of C2 Legacy as her son's father died unexpectedly, and her son was paid for his services at Bitkoyne. This has sparked the need for C2 legacy in her mind and has been a passion for all successful entrepreneurs to succeed.

Want to learn more about C2 Legacy? 
Visit C2Legacy.io and follow the Twitter company to learn more about their professional asset management services. C2 Protect your digital heritage with legacy!


***Username: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

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