Hallo guys,
Back I came up with a post that might be of little use to your information. Please allow me to re-create a review of what is Contract Vault. Just check it out.
What is Contract Vault?
Contract vault is a platform designed to provide convenience, where anyone can use, develop, customize and even resell legally-valid contracts.
It's a very simple contract like pulling and dropping. Market to sell with a safe environment and watched by many people. Contract Vault is also designed as a home for automated smart contracts, where each contract will also lead to money transfer and the document is instantly updated.Contact Vault will be a new world of trust in the field of contractual agreements.
The problem with the current contract
difficult contacts. smart but not really smart contract.
At the present time the lawyer services industry is expanding rapidly with smart contracts, but how can lawyers, consumers, developers and corporations benefit from this technology?
There are 4 issues or challenges in the current smart contract that Contract Vault wants to finish :
Use of Contract
The background of the contracts is often poorly arranged and unclear and sterile and can not be adapted or developed, and also too much legal knowledge is charged to the consumer.
Contract manufacturing
The making of contracts is difficult, inefficient and tortuous and boring even for professionals. Inefficient and rigid consumer collaboration usually just email each other documents.
Smart contract
Intelligent contracts that are complicated and expensive, can not be accessed by everyone.Often unsafe and not in accordance with the applicable legal entities.And smart contract only for certain cases can not be reused.
Access to legal and technical counsel for smart and conventional contracts is expensive and difficult to process quickly.
The solution is in Contract Vault
Within Contract Vault platform users can create their own customized and reusable templates or can also access various verified templates, also can be used to generate conventional contracts or smart contracts only. Lawyers can also provide immediate advice and access to secure contracts intelligent applications in Contract Vault like SmartDossiers to collaborate with clients as efficiently as possible. Blockchain experts can also directly offer their expertise and services in Contract Vault. So businesses can quickly evolve to suit the needs of users with smart contract implementation.

Pengguna Utama COntract Vault
Pelanggan perusahaan
Firma Hukum
Profesional hukum
Pebisnis Kecil
dan Pengembang Mengapa harus bergabung dengan Contract Vault ?

Penjualan token VLT adil ,terbuka,tujuannya nyata dan produknya juga memiliki pasar yang sudah terbukti.
Platform kontrak cerdas adalah masa depan.Contract Vault melihat banyak kasus contract di dunia nyata yang perlu dikembangkan.Ini akan menjadi kenyataan dan kita wujudkan bersama
Kemajuan teknologi digital sedikit banyaknya mengganggu industri hukum.Dengan bergabung dengan penjualan token VLT dapat membantu membentuk masa depan dunia hukum itu sendiri.
Kontrak cerdas dapat dihubungkan dengan kontrak tradisional dengan Aplikasi TrulySmart sehingga keduanya benar-benar bermanfaat
Anda sudah termasuk sebagai pendukung para inovator hukum,perintis teknis, yang teguh dalam misi Contract Vault
Dengan bergabung dengan Contract Vault anda sudah membant umembari solusi kepada pengguna biasa untuk dapat mengakses ke alat hukum dan teknisnya yang mungkin belum pernah mereka miliki.
Detail Token
Yurisdiksi : Malta
Penerbit Token : Token Vault LTD
Singkatan : VLT
Menerima : Ethereum ERC-20
Total supply : 900.000.000 VLT
Minimum Target : 1.000.000 CHF
Maksimum Target : 45.000.000 CHF
Penjualan Token
Pre-crowdsale : 1st Des 2017 - 31st jan 2018
Phase I : 01 Mei 2018 - 15 mei 2018
Phase II : 01 Juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018
Sekian ulasan saya tentang Contract Vault.Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat langsung mengunjungi situs resmi dibawah ini :
Website : https://www.contractvault.io/
Whitepapar : https://www.contractvault.io/token/#document-assets
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3463255.0
Lightpaper : https://www.contractvault.io/files/lightpaper.pdf
***Penulis: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a
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