Kamis, 27 September 2018





Empower every business with a strong platform and powerful tools to expand their market reach and secure their business activities, while opening the door to unlimited opportunities for small and medium businesses, through transparency of market parameters and low entry barriers to competition, enabling growth and wrong trade economic prospects.


Catena tends to implement revolutionary technologies and algorithms using blockchain technology, to build strong platforms that will disrupt and ultimately change the way economic trade performs.

Catena is a decentralized trading and exchange platform built primarily on Blockchain technology and introducing new algorithms and AI protocols to enhance the trade economy.

Decentralization and Catena Technology
Catena Architecture:
AI Matching Orders made only for Catena's decentralized platform empowering ETP (an efficient trading platform) with a significant increase in the number of successful transactions, if customers search or sell and rely entirely on search engines and match them, the efficiency of the the platform decreases dramatically, while adding to these other obstacles, trade is a real challenge event in today's globally connected world.

The Catena AI and ETP matching sequence provides a robust solution for a rapidly growing trade economy, guarantees new market entrants / traders and business opportunities for all participants in business transactions.


Efficient Trading Platform (ETP)

ETP (Efficient Trade Platform) was developed to benefit from blockchain technology to serve global trade growth and overcome its main challenges, ETP is a platform that can manage every aspect of buyers. , this platform comes from direct experience from the development team, to provide a smooth but powerful trading platform that can serve a variety of products and services from cryptocurrency, digital assets, to commodities, and global trade. .

ETP features include:
• Inability to fake 
• Disintermediation and ease of transfer 
• Transparency and ease of audit 
• A fast and powerful way to match buyers and sellers orders 
• Decentralization 
• Efficient order execution with alignment with smart contracts 
• All in one smart contract that involves all parties related to a trade

ETP is the seller / match and match them accordingly. Opening buyers' opportunities and having sellers on the same order, because it can adjust buyers orders from large MOQ (minimum order quantity) with multiple buyers and solving different supply chain parameters based on different shipping options, if needed, to build a single execution contract that can bring this trade to success.

Users or clients do not need coding experience, but it is only an interface to select and allocate certain requirements for an agreement, and Catena will do the rest.

The possibility to match different buyers and sellers, in a single contract, create a strong economy and eliminate many obstacles and restrictions with quantity, delivery time, shipping instructions, and also empower small traders, market makers and service providers to have tough business transactions.

ETP .jpg architecture

Having a wide spread platform that allows digitization of assets, will help increase your assets around the world, so you can own your property in China when you have never been there, and the small portion of the main value, while all this can be tracked and audited through ETP, this will increase trading / investment activities in the stock exchange and lay the foundation for an advanced trading economy, where anyone can become a buyer / seller or trader.

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Catena Order Matching AI (COMAI)

AI Matching Order strategic runs algorithm using mathematical modeling from game theory to allocate the best routes on the exchange, to conduct ideal business transactions, to find each other rather than scientifically rooted guidance for all parties in a business agreement to find the optimal solution for win -win situations that are looking for repeat business in the future.

The matching sequence of Catena AI (COMAI) applies to any product trading, from cryptocurrency to commodities such as cotton, oil, or gold, the same algorithm applies to finding better offers and opportunities for our clients, this is a revolutionary technology that will help is more advanced than all exchanges and trading platforms, where traders will use Catena primarily to find the final deal and the smoothest transaction.

With complicated real-life problems, analysis begins by simplifying the problem into important things:
a) Ask for axioms and principles 
b) Reduce dimensions (n-players to 2-players) 
c) Reduce available strategies

Where the following rules for matches produce rational, stable and predictable behaviors and outcomes:
• Rules (1): All players can pursue the maximum profit based on a predetermined prize table. 
• Rules (2): Every time the player starts a movement in a certain set of matches, the remaining movements (actions) of all players in matches are determined according to Rule (a). 
• Rules (3): Each match setting in the payment table can only be used once in a set of matches.

Decision Making and Strategy Model Overview.jpg

COMAI Architecture.jpg

Examples of 

Business Case Business Cases: Catena 

Atrade in goods and products using theapple crops, faces many problems with distributors, wholesalers and retailers, reaching its final customers, problems such as amounts, payment terms, shipping schedules, registration. ... etc., and above he also has to explore shipping options according to the order, below is a diagram showing how this can be completed at Catena Exchange using ETP and COMAI.

Business Cases of Goods and Products

Business Case: Many buyers and one Digital Asset

A buyer wants to buy real estate in Canada when he lives in China, and the seller wants to sell his property in Canada, both enter into an agreement with Catena exchange based on their valuation and requirements, some buyers can have the same property together as long as they have a request in exchange for investing in property, buyers and buyers. Law firms can place their offer to legalize this agreement and settle it in accordance with the terms of the contract insuring all parties who are satisfied, the buyer then has the option to trade this property token in Catena, because brokers can offer the option of buying selling for it (all properties or parts of it) at any time, which makes their merchandise very smooth and facilitates market access with increased opportunities.

Business Cases Many buyers and one Digital Asset .jpg

Business Case: Catena as a platform without trust

A local trader is looking to bring a set of toys from China; he is online to find suppliers on various platforms (such as Alibaba or made in China), so this business transaction is successful, both parties must trust each other.

Even though none of them has any business together, they might go to the bank for this transaction, but it would not be comparable to bank fees, and if that is a big problem, then everything is about how they trust a centralized system to carry out this transaction.

Catena here serves as the right medium for this transaction to run from an agreement worth 1 dollar to millions of dollars, Catena is the right choice because both parties will feel satisfied and safe with their money and products, because the structure is decentralized on the blockchain , this is diagram that illustrates how this transaction happened in Catena.

Catena Business Case as a platform without trust .jpg

Business Case: Catena Decentralized Barter Ecosystem

COMAI's main advantage is the opportunities between buyers and sellers for various products. and conditions, thus increasing the overall volume and value of the system.

For example, if the Client wants to sell apples, and then uses the funds to buy a car, he will sell the funds, but in exchange requires funds to buy media exposure, and clients (C) who want to buy apples but will sell food because this is a restaurant, and so on, this is a form of barter ecosystem, which enters into a loop that continuously creates more markets and opportunities along the way.

With powerful tools like AI, this market can be expanded massively, and the fact that all this is done on a decentralized platform gives the whole system the advantage of security and trust.

Business Case C as Decentralized Barter Ecosystem .jpg

Post Milestone Sales Token
Crypto Decentralization of exchange
After the token sales are complete, we will conduct a soft launch of our decentralized exchange for cryptocurrency and digital assets trading, this will enable us to have a good start for our platform and collect as much as possible. . 
Displaying ETP and COMAI for exchanges Adding both features will be market changers for the stock industry, because there are no existing exchanges or trading platforms that empower their customers with such tools, which is also important to mention in this case. features like Stop Loss, Take Profit, Stop Loss Limit, Take Profit Limit, Trailing Stop.

The Smart ETP contract code will be available as an open source on Github for continuous development and feedback from the community, this will include a series of smart contracts that govern any trade or transaction on the platform.
Trade in commodities, products and services

In this milestone, Catena will introduce its true power through the availability of trade, products and services, one of the key features of this publishing and trading of digital assets, where anyone can issue digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain or Catena blockchain open to trading.
Barter Ecosystem

Bringing more customers and with higher trading and processing volumes on our platform, it will definitely open the way to introducing the barter ecosystem, which we believe will change the entire trading economy and how it operates today. The Barter Ecosystem develops with the time of increasing the involvement of clients and customers.
Global expansion

Although the platform is a geographical area, this platform is considered a global platform since launching, but in this roadmap section, we believe that more involvement and trust will be benefited. whole system, which is why we plan to improve their operations and income.
Sales Token

The CATENA token is a compatible ERC20 on the Ethereum blockchain, distributed by Catena during the token sales phase. CATENA tokens are an important utility coin for a functioning system because they function as an activation key for each smart contract to function, and will empower empowered trade transactions by Catena.

For each transaction that takes place on the Catena Platform, and to make this transaction processed, the transaction owner pays a fee for Catena which will be a percentage of the total value of the smart transaction, this fee is paid to Catena only in the CATENA token.

Like, we want to facilitate the global and domestic trade, the scope and use of CATENA and the wallet puts forward various utilities, so that people can use them regularly, every day.

Catena will issue 250 million tokens and will not be published again in the future.

Token Buyers will have the option to receive CATENA tokens in their wallet as soon as the token sale is complete. Whenever Catena decides to use another blockchain protocol, ERC20 will be accepted for 1-to-1 exchange.
Date of sale of Tokens and Tokens

The Token price is set at 0.1 USD / Token, the start date of our token sales will be announced on our website and various social media channels. The Token Sale hat is allocated for 10 Million USD.
Sales Token Stages and bonus schemes:

The Token Sale Stages and bonus.jpg scheme

Token Distribution

Token Distribution.jpg

Budget allocation

Allocation of Dana .jpg

Catena will use escrow services to control and audit fund transactions, in addition to the regular internal audits by the Catena team, this means that all payments received for CATENA are in connection with the CATENA account and will be held in escrow in multi signature wallet. The key will remain with the Catena core team and internal audit team.

Core Team and Organizational structure

Core Team and Organizational Structure.jpg



For more information:

*** Username: danil21 ***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a  

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