Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

Tipper- Platform

Gambar mungkin berisi: satu orang atau lebih dan teks

For most people, the internet consists of surfing the World Wide Web, and engaging with the few dominant social networking platforms they use to interact with the world. 

In the current situation, our social media platform - through which we experience an interconnected world - has been centralized, and is controlled by some great platform owners. This convergence has led to a massive infrastructure, which has created high maintenance costs, so this social media platform must be supported by corporate advertisers. Although this paradigm has benefited some people and has allowed for the growth and adoption of the internet to date, it also severely limits the true potential of the internet.

We are now at a turning point in history. The internet today is full of various problems that annoy us all now: fake news, fake views, bait clicks, ad space inflation, ad cheats, and arbitrary demonization contents. As a result of this problem, we all lose in the current paradigm.

Most importantly, it's a common user, who - while contributing the most to the current social media ecosystem - ironically does not receive the least bit. Currently, the user is used but he is not compensated. Actually, users are not at all in monetary equations. Popular content creators are also very short of compensation, relatively speaking. Advertisers also suffer because they are forced to go to a watering hole that is muddied by the mega platform owner who deliberately ignores the rampant advertising fraud or can not control it.

Introducing Tipper

With Tipper, we usher in the next paradigm of social media. We spent the last decade in control of the circulation of digital content, now it's time to master the art of distributing digital wealth. Initially, a social network was born, now evolution gave rise to Social Economics Tipper.

The Mission Of The Tipper Project

Time spent online is more than just the past now; This is the fundamental way of living that occupies most of human life. The enormous amount of energy and human resources that go into social media - time, creativity, energy and money - is very under-utilized and can be used for something much larger. This enormous energy is put into social media, it needs to be transformed into economic opportunities, especially as we move further into the era of automation. 

Tipper's ultimate goal is to capitalize on a large amount of human energy, time and resources to create an economic ecosystem in which everyone has monetization opportunities at every level in one place.

Tipper is the first decentralized social media platform established with two-way monetization. This next generation platform will balance the equation of monetization and benefits for all users by providing incentives on cultural tips; a platform that empowers and benefits the creators of popular content, common users and advertisers alike; a platform that harnesses the combined power of the people to bring about revolutionary change for individuals and collectives. 

Companies like Uber and Airbnb, have recognized the power of exploiting people and their resources (cars, rooms), have embraced the future, bringing monetization opportunities to the masses. These companies change the world because they create a way for the average person to generate more income.

Thus, Tipper will become a Social Media where Uber and Airbnb become drivers and people with spare rooms, but with content as a commodity that users will monetize. The Tipper platform will allow anyone to monetize money from their online activities and earn much more from life.

4 Tipper Pillars
Tipper creates an economy where previously there was only activity through a new paradigm of peer-to-peer tip culture tips. Social Economy Tipper relies on four foundation pillars. These four pillars have been designed to encourage a new paradigm of peer-to-peer monetization. The four pillars act as an engine of economic stimulation and create an incentive structure that forms a new value proposition between users, creators and advertisers.

1. Tipping - Change "Like" To Tip

No more like - just a tip. A new paradigm is born.

"Like", "vote", and "views" limit the output to express appreciation, which spends an unprecedented chance of monetization for countless users who push social media with all their skills, creativity, and energy. But tipping is unlimited, because of the diversity of sentiments and human emotions.

Tipper not only makes money on a particular post, but now there's no limit to what you can get in that post, unlocking Pandora's chance box that never existed before, and telling a whole new meaning. Tipper creates a world where a post can pay for your coffee or make you a millionaire. Tipper is the final "ecosystem ecosystem" that pays both ways and thereby provides a 'tip' incentive. The more users stimulate the social economy by giving tips to other users, the more chances they get to get it.

2. Content Investing ™
For the first time, Tipper introduced the world to the Content Investing ™ creation feature. Tipper will be the first Market Market Content in the world, where all users can invest and get content from each. The revolutionary two-way monetization opportunity is unlike any other.


The World Tip we live in is full of exciting and unforgettable moments - moments we collectively share and celebrate. The winning goal of the game, which made the performance of history. Now, for the first time, with Tipper, the moment that binds millions, will produce millions. Tipper now allows the creator of the moment, and the people who celebrate it, to monetize it together by letting the user give a tip these days. Currently it will be used to raise funds to purchase income-generating assets for the community. Momentized revenue will return to Tipper Social Economy TM, for peer-to-peer circulation. A new era of people funding that serves the community.

4. Ads Model Tipper

Tipper is about monetization for each user, so people can grow. That's why 100% of all advertising revenue goes into the Tipper platform addressed to users - where it should be provided. This revolutionary incentive is designed to stimulate Tipper Social Economics, because billions of dollars of advertising will spread among the public. This is made possible by the low cost of Tipper's decentralized network.

Branded Tips is also a game change model for advertisers. This is a revolutionary double advantage, because advertisers buy advertising space (currency traffic) and also get their money converted into Branded TipsTM (smart tip with messages) they tip directly to the users they want to achieve.



Roomi Sahi - Co-founder & CTO 
Saroop Sahi - Co-founder & CEO 
Bazid Sahi - Co-founder and CMO 
Mumtaz Ahmad - Senior Developer (PhD) 
Jonathan Stolle - Senior Developer (PhD) 
Jamil Ahmed - Software Architect (PhD) 
Munawar Ahmad - Senior Developer (PhD) 
William Hua - Hacker | Developer (PhD Candidate) 
Joshua Miles - Program Manager (B.ENG | MBA) 
Naveed ul Islam - Hacker | Developer 
Samadhan Malpure - Senior Developer 
Robyn Knowles - Communications 
Basil Ansari - Advocate 
Weiyuan Wang - Asia-Pacific Liaison 
James Leung - Program Manager


 Mirza Tahir - Technology Advisor (PhD) 
Zach Daniels - Advisor 
Meredith Darden - Advisor

Quick Links

Username: danil21
profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1544106

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