Greetings of the Credito community, hopefully this blog can be useful for your search, here's the Review:
Credito is a decentralized credit intelligence network that delivers credit value, transaction value and credit market with Ethereal Blockchain, Smart Contracts and IPFS, which increases visibility and reliability. Credito brings financial inclusion to "credit invisibles" by providing accurate and reliable credit score. The credit card fraud deficit in 2015 was $ 21.8 billion, according to a 2016 report by Nilson. This represents a 162% increase from the 2010 figure of $ 8 billion. Losses for 2016 are already estimated at more than $ 24 billion, and this loss is expected to reach $ 31 billion by 2020.
The total value of credit and debit card transactions by 2015 is $ 31 trillion. While the total value of credit card transactions grew nearly 7 percent per year, credit card fraud grew 16 percent annually. These losses occur throughout the system, including point of sale, ATM and online transactions. While EMV chip technology has reduced the rate of in-store fraud, it does not help online fraud.
Di sisi lain, platform peer-to-peer (P2P) termasuk di antara segmen layanan keuangan dengan pertumbuhan tercepat. Transparency Market Research memperkirakan bahwa "peluang di pasar peer-to-peer global akan menjadi $ 898 miliar pada tahun 2024, naik dari $ 26 miliar pada tahun 2015. Pasar diperkirakan antara 2016 dan 2024 tumbuh sebesar 48 persen Pasar untuk pembiayaan alternatif semakin populer di tahun-tahun belakangan ini. Sementara perkiraan pertumbuhan untuk pinjaman P2P sangat menjanjikan, salah satu tantangan terbesar adalah menyediakan sistem untuk mengurangi aktivitas penipuan dan berisiko karena hal ini mengakibatkan hilangnya kepercayaan dan kepercayaan di kalangan investor.
Informasi Utama
Analisis usang dan informasi yang tidak lengkap
Perjanjian pinjaman adalah kontrak pintar
Sebagai solusi untuk masalah di atas, kami telah menciptakan Credito Network atau hanya Credito . Jaringan terdesentralisasi yang didasarkan pada blokade Ethereal, ditambah dengan kontrak cerdas dan Interplanetary File System (IPFS5), yang menyediakan Credit Intelligence dan Decentralized Lending Marketplace.
Credito mempromosikan aktivitas industri perbankan yang meluas dan mahir dengan mengizinkan spesialis pinjaman sumber dan sumber fiat dan digital untuk memperluas pinjaman kepada orang-orang dan institusi dengan kondisi kredit yang belum berkembang atau muda. Ekosistem menyediakan solusi yang memungkinkan setiap pemberi pinjaman terverifikasi untuk secara aman dan aman memberikan kredit kepada peminjam yang terverifikasi.
Desentralisasi menawarkan lebih banyak keamanan dan kepercayaan diri. Ini adalah cara untuk mengatur segala sesuatu dengan cara yang tidak memerlukan kepercayaan pada orang lain. Kepercayaan dieliminasi dengan menjalankan kode yang tidak memerlukan manajemen, administrasi, atau server terpusat. Dengan melakukan desentralisasi pinjaman, kita tidak memerlukan bank atau perantara untuk melakukan transaksi pinjaman.
Desentralisasi melalui penggunaan kontrak cerdas juga menghilangkan kebutuhan akan kepercayaan antara peminjam dan pemberi pinjaman dan menciptakan pinjaman yang dapat dipercaya dan transparan yang tidak tersedia di pasar saat ini.
Kontrak penilaian memiliki 2 fungsi utama:
Menanggapi permintaan skor kredit individual
Tinjau permintaan pemindaian transaksi pihak ketiga. Ini juga melacak keseimbangan dan metrik penggunaan.

simpul analitis
For each analysis node, the lease monitors the following metrics:
The total number of requests assigned: The total number of requests approved by the node, both met and not met.
Total number of completed queries: Total number of completed requests completed by a node. This can be averaged based on the number of requests assigned to calculate the completion rate.
Average response time: The timeliness of the node response, which is the efficiency indicator of the node. Average response time is calculated on the completed request.
Node Reputation: Reputation of nodes based on previous scores transactions. All nodes verify and reconcile each other, if most nodes return the same value, the node is trusted. This reputation system helps identify and remove bad nodes from the network.

Loan agreement process:
The creator makes a credit order in CreDApp requesting a loan by promising Token A as security for Token B, determining the interest rate, LVR and expiry time desired, and signing the request.
CreDApp adds the maker's dynamic credo report to the request, verifies that the author has enough token A and freezes it until the loan is serviced or the loan request expires, and sends a request through Credito.
The attacker cuts the request and decides to fill it.
The recipient submits a request signed by the manufacturer with his signature to Credito.
Credito authenticates the Author's signature, verifies that the request has a smart assurance management contract by transferring security to a smart contract.
CreDApp stores and executes Smart Contract on Ethereal Blockchain and Token B is transferred from Taker to Maker.
Distribution Tokens
In order to grow, Credito will launch a one-time token generation ("TGE") event and a crowd of people, with 50% of tokens available for public sale. The TGE will start with a loan offer of 1 billion will be provided as follows:

To find relevant details and join Credito social media please follow some of the following links:
Username: danil21
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