Kamis, 08 Maret 2018


We love it and we participate in it. Events. Each one of you has certainly attended or even organized an event, be it a music concert, a comedy show, a play or even (private) parties. The event industry is one of the oldest but steadily growing industries. Every day thousands of events happen all over the world. As an event manager, organizing an event is not an easy task. From planning to hiring the right people to the right marketing, the whole process takes time. Many events have to be canceled because the number of participants is too low, especially because the network was too small or the marketing campaign was not good. By using blockchain technology, a solution to this problem is found

What is KickCity? 
KickCity is a decentralized event management and marketing platform at Blockchain. The basic idea behind KickCity is to connect people through the blockchain to expand the network. This idea is realized with a reward system that allows each participant to benefit from the whole system.

How does this work?
When a new event is set, providers can assign KickCity tokens (KCY, more info later) for their reward-based marketing campaign. At the beginning of the campaign, each participant can participate in the event by using the smart contract to generate a unique link similar to a referral link. The Smart Contract can track all activity, how often a link was clicked, and how many registrations / sales were made. Each participant can share the link on their own network (for example, by telling friends on social media platforms, social media chats, etc.). With each correct registration and purchase, a reward will be assigned to the "advertiser", but cashback will also be granted to the buyer in the form of KCY tokens. Purchases for event tickets can be made via BTC, ETH, KCY and Fiat money are made. Since most of the event participants are mainly depositing FIAT money, KickCity will also accept FIAT, but will pay off the rewards in KCY tokens to provide a quick fix for FIAT to Crypto, as well as to preserve the economy. In short, participating in KickCity not only benefits event managers from new event attendees, but also rewards advertisers and buyers in the form of KCY tokens and cashback. The following graphic summarizes how this works but participating in KickCity not only benefits event managers from new event attendees, but also rewards advertisers and buyers in the form of KCY tokens and cashback. The following graphic summarizes how this works but participating in KickCity not only benefits event managers from new event attendees, but also rewards advertisers and buyers in the form of KCY tokens and cashback. The following graphic summarizes how this works

KCY tokens: 
As mentioned earlier, the KCY tokens are the official KickCity cryptocurrency for their ecosystem. For example, tokens are used by event managers to build their marketing pool, but they are also rewarded to promoters and participants who attend and participate in the events.

Here is some information about the KCY tokens and sales:

Publication date: 01.03.2018
End date: 31.03.2018
Target: $ 12.5 million
Total amount: 250 million KCY
Total amount for sale: 160 million KCY, unsold KCY will be burned
1 KCY cost $ 0.1
Payment method: BTC and ETH
For early investors there are bonuses (15% on the first day, 10% on the day 2-10, 5% on the day 11-20)

The budget is used for:

50% Marketing
30% development and team
13% administration
7% continence

road map


For more information, please visit the following link:

Username: danil21

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