Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

ImmVRse Platform

straw meet again with me boils, today i will explain about imm vrse. It is true that under the success of travel to face the future, an entrepreneur must continue to strive for more victories. I'm here to bring an article called ImmVRse Platform blessed with decentralized app (DAPP). Immediately understand ImmVRse. 
ImmVRse is a decentralized application (DAPP) and etetation based on ERC20 setandar, for an eco system developed by the VRtualise TEAM group. All of these are designed to trade tokens in various exchanges around the world, so it does not guarantee fast or fast price increases. The token sale transaction is a web application distribution based entirely on English law.
ImmVRse is also used as a currency and will serve as a means of payment. All who follow Immvrse must understand all the risks that will occur in the future.

ImmVRse is a registered brand identity of the VRtualise center company. VRtualise is a registered trademark of VRtualise Ltd, registered in the UK and Walees, registered offices at 160 London Road, London, UK, house registration number 10623588. For security and compliance with UK data protection law, VRtualise is registered at the Office of the Information Commissioner , registration number ZA246772. All other registered trademarks that are highlighted are the copyright of their respective owners to make it easy for their masters. 
Decentralizing the reality of virtual reality
Virtual reality is the next largest consumer technology platform. with the ability to interact with the world. ImmVRse will contribute to building the future of the media by developing the largest decentralized creative platform of autonomous and autonomous networks that utilize crypto described as tradable commodities. Goldman Sachs has estimated that VR technology has the ability to grow into a $ 110 billion industry by 2025.

ImmVRse will be a community of creators to show their talent and creativity to the world and instead be rewarded with work and contracts. Some of the main attributes of this platform are:
Decentralized Payments & Autonomy
The Peer to Peer Smart contract set by the company & freelancer
No Financial Controller or Mediator
Expose Creator VR to Top Brand
IOS Android Original App, Web
Gift-Based Prizes (tokens) for Creators and Audience

ImmVRse offers a revolutionary platform for brands that want to branch out into the new and exciting VR world, enabling them to hire creators quickly, easily.
Advertisers will buy IMV to pay for advertising. Part of the profits will be distributed to content producers and public audiences.
Users will receive IMV as a form of payment to watch videos.
Viewers can store their tokens in their ImmVRse ™ wallet or sell them on the exchange.
Brands will be able to search through decentralized search engines and recruit / recruit content producers through ImmVRse.
Companies will be able to pay for jobs using IMV and Ethereal.
Cryptocurrency traders, hedge funds and financial services will be able to swap ImmVRse tokens (IMVs) through multiple exchanges.
Token Detail
ImmVRse will distribute 33.33% (100 million IMV) of total circulation during ICO. 52.70% token will be maintained as a form of capital reserve. Out of a total of 300 million IMVs, tokens will be distributed in the following ways:

Funds drawn from ICO will be allocated in the following ways:


More Information Visit Link Below:

Username: danil21

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