Sidera is a new platform that allows users to perform calculations in crypto currency using smartphones, smart clocks, and other similar devices.

Sidera is a comprehensive and complete solution for contactless smart cards from a retail and POS point of view, including full application of links to all components. This includes the port terminal ready and working and POS points. All of these components will be widely used with open source and open specifications.
Sidera will provide bonus network for participants through free equipment suppliers for retail stores in European countries. Users will be given a bonus to participate in the network of sidera. Its key features are the ease and availability of using this technology, as well as the ease of payment using mobile devices and smart watches.

The unique features of Sidera Wearable Device (DWD)
BitSmart is a hardware wallet that you can use on your wrist. It is fully decentralized and synchronized with network blockers.
Additional functionality - provides functions such as automatic detection of transaction addresses, mobile notifications, individual clocks, transparency mode, price alerts, QR bar generators, transactions, and more. This Wearable device also uses smart BitSmart software that will provide the latest news, weather news, and the ability to transact using this device. In the near future on this device will be added the possibility of two-factor 2FA authentication. The BitSmart software will be released with open source OPEN SOURCE, which the community can use to add new features.
Offline offline close to the wrist - this Wearable device has proxy projection that will allow a smart clock to communicate with other BitSmart devices using Bluetooth or Wifi connection at a certain distance. This feature will make it easier for users to make transactions only by bringing the wrist of the sender and receiver more closely.
The POS payments use an internal NFC module. This device comes with an internal NFC module, which allows very fast processing of POS payments. The NFC system is developed more subtly in the current NFC appeal. You can shop at the store using NFC very easily and quickly.
Automatic detection of transaction addresses - SmartWatch BitSmart devices Users can send more bitcoins or crypto currencies in a more revolutionary way, which automatically determines the transaction address. If you receive a notice about Bitcoin or another crypto currency address, the address will be automatically detected, and then you will be given the opportunity to confirm the transaction notification or send the funds to a specific address.
Entropy Generation with your hand movements - BitSmart tool can generate entropy for your wallet just by moving your hand. This function is designed using the built-in accelerometer sensor.
Bitcoin or ERC20 wallet. Your money can be stored in the OFF-CHAIN purse on your watch. Use encryption protection, which is reliable and does not fail.
Wearable device security level (DWD)

Unique identification systems - encrypted key encryption or encryption keys using unique identifier methods created with the user's hand movements, sweat, sweat, and other elements, are a unique part for everyone. Smartwatch comes with a sensor that will receive and decode the body, then the sensor will give access to your hardware wallet.
Ghost Mode - Ultra Security is used in special mode, ie in Ghost mode. With this mod, your wallet will not be detected by other devices. Ghost mode will also change the clock mode to normal normal hours, so it does not look like a crypto currency purse. Security in locks with military-grade encryption.
Secure Anti-Claim System - this system will provide a high level of security with private keys stored in an isolated software environment of the device. This super-secure partition will be encrypted at the AES-2048 army level, which no one can breach, which makes it safe from theft. BystSmart Smartwatch is a separate device, and the friend's app does not keep your private key. Only you can have a private key, written in 12 random words, to access your funds. You must keep it in a safe place, because it can not be recovered.
Information about token
Target: $ 15,000,000
51.000.000 Token ERC20 eQUOS
1 USD = 0.5 eQUOS
CAP SOFT: 1.5 million US dollars
(if soft cap is not achieved during initial distribution and distribution, funds will be refunded)
HARD CAP: 15,000,000 US dollars
(after hard cap is reached, donation will be terminated)
1% of the funds raised will be donated to charitable organizations.


Project team:
Information about the project team can be found at:
Here is more information about the founders and project team members with a link to their profile on the link
Questions and Answers about Sidera
A: Where did you come from?
B: The company is based in Vilnius, Lithuania. This option was created because we already have financial and banking partners that will allow us to release NFC functionality with cryptographic CFPT transformation.
A: When did the company start?
B: The company was launched in April 2018. The constituent group was established in September 2017.
A: What's your biggest win now?
B: Our biggest win is when we make the first transaction with our future prototype.
A: Who are you trying to image into your product?
B: Our products are developed not only for community cryptologists. Our ultimate goal is to release a worldwide crypto-currency scale that attracts non-crypto users with something simple and clever. With the help of our Flatware, we can be grateful for the utility of the interface as a whole. Our research shows that with financial integration, banking, medical, fitness, it is possible to reach 1 billion users!
A: What suggestions will you give to others who want to build their own business?
B: Great and creative dreams. Do not be afraid to push your limits, imagine something impossible. Nothing is impossible, and you can achieve anything if you are willing to sacrifice yourself and surround you with great people!
A: Tell us about your team?
B: Our team is made up of a group of powerful and crazy marketers and developers working with our consultants and partners. Our partners are the most outstanding people in the world of blocks and technologies.
A: What are your plans for the future?
B: We want to release Sidera's friend app (which will allow you to manage some SmartBit features) after the focus is closed (September 30). The next step is to fill in three new gTLD: .bitcoin .blockchain .btc. This will allow you to register your name. in April 2019 we will release our beta. Device shipments worldwide will begin in June 2019.
A: What is your favorite technical tool?
B: We really like the IoT device, so SmartBit was born. When we were kids, we started eating bread and IT. Today, everything that is innovative and innovative makes us crazy.
A: What technology tools would you like to use to help you?
B: We work with innovative transparent screens for our smart laptops with integrated solar panels that will help us achieve a minimum battery life of 21 days. But I gave this news before it was released!
A: What else do you want to add?
B: The first concept of Sidera and SmartBit was developed in the bedroom at Beijing University, and the founder learned Chinese.
A: How can people get in touch with you?
B: First of all, our official site You can see our entire project. Then we have our international channel, where you can meet directly with the founders:
Linkedin: company About company | / Sidera -blockchain-Technologies
From my point of view, this project is interesting with new ideas and has excellent development potential. Ratings on icobench sites are estimated at 4.3 points

***Username: danil21***
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a
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