Senin, 02 Juli 2018



One of the major weaknesses of crypto currency is the lack of TRUST.

Since the project began in February 2018, they have been airborne, open and dispute, and held events for the users

In another to get the "TRUST", which is one of the elements for cryptocurrency, the team has maintained 
community slowly without bombastic ads.


Posicoin is a cryptocurrency created by imagining the famous character "Posi Hame-Kun" born in the Internet culture.

The project will rediscover the aesthetic content that Japan has ignored since the war and will form a logical discussion and make a statement in branding strategy.

It is likely that the Japanese characters Cute can also become popular in watching the market, so this project will also approach them.

The founding member of the project said that it is currently one of Japan's most hottest Crypto related projects in Japan for the time being.


What's remarkable about this project is that they do not do ICO, because ICO is not allowed in Japan. Instead, they are distributing Posicoin completely for free through different community development schemes such as referrals and other activities they still plan to get out more.

When you join a dispute channel by reading this article, at this early stage of development, you will be among the few individuals who will be considered the pioneers of the project.

It is a huge privilege to be part of a team that pioneered such a new project in Japan.

The mechanics of the air drops are easy. They will give you 100 times the amount of experience level you have in disputes. This means that if you have level 1 as your activity level on the disputes channel, you will be given 100 PosiCoins. If you reach level 30 then you will get 3000 Posicoins.

You basically earn points just by chatting and will basically allow you to get more Airdrops.

In addition, in addition to getting Posicoin just by participating in chats on the channel of disputes, you can also earn by a split invitation.

Here are some important facts about PosiCoin:

The project started in Japan with the founders and Developers of Japan

In this project, no ICOs and tokens will be distributed freely for community development.

Although there has been no official exchange for POSCICOIN, which has been traded in 
PosiCoin is Token ERC20

Ticker Symbol is POSI

Maximum Supply is 334,000,000

40% token will be distributed freely, 10% will be used for advertising, 20% for project, 20% for stock listing, and 10% for administrator.

Username: danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

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