A binary option is a financial derivative tool that forces traders to predict the true direction of the price movement for the underlying asset at any given time. The forecast horizon varies from several minutes to several months.
It is enough to predict one of two possible options - an increase or decrease in the price. If the assumption is accurate for a given point in time and the asset price changes in the specified direction, the trader earns. And vice versa, they lost.
Each trading pair consisting of quotations (currency, indices, stocks, metals, minerals, oils, etc.), Can be considered as a basic asset for a binary option.
Betex is built on the Ethereum contract, which provides transparency, fair behavior and the results being defrauded in trading in binary options.
With Betex, traders will bet against each other and will never fight with platform providers or other intermediaries. Built with Blockchain technology, unlike traditional platforms, Betex will provide access to data in real time, thus providing absolute transparency of the system. Thus, there is no doubt that all users are treated equally and fairly.
Users will form a large pool of liquidity for each underlying asset in order to maximize user collection. Platform commissions will be only 5%, liquidity will come from a collection of conventional brokers, and the broker will be integrated into the platform using the white label mechanism. This is the only platform where 95% of the funds are distributed among traders who make the right assumptions. 2.5% (half commission fee 5%) of the total turnover of the platform will be distributed among the owners of BETEX tokens in accordance with the number of tokens that they have.
Betex model: -The project
charges a service charge, while traders make bets against each other.
-No deposit is required and there is an instant automatic withdrawal of funds. This is possible because of the use of intellectual contracts.
- Traders who accurately determine future changes receive 95% of the funds. From the point of view of success, the trader's profit largely depends on the ratio of correct and incorrect results;
Trade is realized with the help of markers ERC-20. They are stored and represented in the block chain Ethereum, which allows you to conduct operations on the platform in real time or later. Open data access does not allow intermediaries to change the results;
The work is built on a combined level - it is a completely open and transparent process: it is recorded and presented for public access in real time.
Betex - adheres to the mission of ensuring transparency in all financial markets and that can finally eliminate the problem of mistrust.
First of all, the project seeks to re-open the binary options, introducing the correct business logic into the value system of each.
You can access and interact with the Betex ecosystem by being:
- Investors
- Broker
Users can access and interact with Betex through:
-Web interface (Ready) ;
-Mobile applications - (Developed) ;
- Desktop applications - (Developed) ;
This form of organization provides many advantages, but has one major drawback - limited scalability.

BETEX Token Pre-Sale - More than 1 million dollars!
Date: 04.12.2017 - 20.12.17
Price: 1 BETEX = $ 2.00
Minimum purchase amount: 15 000 BETEX
Received currency: ETH, BTC
BETEX Pre-Sale Token Round 2
Date: 10.01.18 - 18.02.18
Price: 1 BETEX = $ 2.50
Minimum purchase amount: 5000 BETEX ETC
BETEX token sales
BETEX Token Sale
begins on March 1, 2018 and will last until March 31.
The cost of the token is $ 3. The hard seal is $ 9,000.
All participants will pass through KYC, the minimum purchase is 0.5 ETH or 0.05 BTC.
Tokens will be registered with the SEC after the end of the ICO, after which trade payments and direct payments will begin.
Website | https://betexlab.com/
Whitepaper | https://betexlab.com/betex-wp.pdf
Twitter | https://twitter.com/betex_tokens
Username: danil21
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