Kamis, 01 Maret 2018

HONOR - Decentralization Ecosystem On-Demand Jobs

Issued on the 15th of FEBRUARY 2018

Pasar kerja otonom di seluruh dunia sangat besar dan berkembang pesat. Statistik Tenaga Kerja AS menunjukkan bahwa angkatan kerja meningkat dari 17% di tahun 1989 menjadi 36% hari ini, dan diperkirakan akan mencapai 43% pada tahun 2020. Di seluruh Amerika Latin, kurangnya lapangan kerja telah berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan signifikan pendaftaran tenaga kerja kaum muda di pasar tenaga kerja otonom. Menurut laporan terakhir Organisasi Pemuda Ibero-Amerika (OIJ), ada lebih dari 157 juta milenium di Amerika Latin. Pada tahun 2020, 50% angkatan kerja dunia akan berusia seribu tahun dan lima tahun kemudian, volumenya akan meningkat sebesar 75%. Saat ini, tingkat pengangguran di kalangan kaum muda tiga kali lebih tinggi dari tingkat di kalangan orang dewasa.

HONOR coin adalah token berdasarkan teknologi blockball Ethereal. Ini adalah fitur utama dalam platform Jubs baru yang dijelaskan dalam proyek ini. Pengguna dengan HONOR dapat menukarkan layanan mereka ke platform Jubs, menggunakannya dalam layanan tambahan atau mendaftarkan mereka ke profesional tambahan atau menukarkannya dengan mata uang fidusia di bursa mitra.

Bagi generasi penerus, kewiraswastaan ​​akan menjadi karir baru, pelayanan akan menjadi pekerjaan baru, dan kripto, mata uang baru. Kami berasal dari platform Jub melalui crypton keselamatan utilitarian dari HONOR, kami adalah konsep baru tentang pengalaman kerja dan pengenalan karir informal, yang sebelumnya hanya ditawarkan oleh jalur karir terpusat dari organisasi besar.

HONOR muncul di luar kriptoanalisis transaksional, namun juga merupakan utilitas token yang memperkuat seluruh JUBSplatform. Ini termasuk: Pasar desentralisasi untuk penawaran dan permintaan pekerjaan, layanan dan tugas. Konversi kredit bank, angsuran dan uang fidusia dalam pembayaran kripto berulang atau layanan berulang. Keabadian sejarah informal pekerjaan dan identifikasi profesional tidak berubah. Penghargaan perawatan, denda dan reputasi profesional secara transparan. Resolusi yang dapat dipercaya dan bertentangan dalam layanan online dan offline. Rekaman komunikasi dan asuransi pertanggungjawaban kolektif tidak berubah. Selain penyediaan layanan dan eksekusi penjaminan jangka panjang.

Platform JUBS pada awalnya muncul sebagai solusi bagi siapa saja yang membutuhkan bantuan profesional untuk menyelesaikan tugas atau melakukan layanan, dapat menemukan orang-orang yang dapat dipercaya antara jaringan teman dan wilayah Anda, sehingga proses pemberian layanan offline ke lingkungan teknologi, memusatkan perhatian pada kebutuhan pengguna rata-rata. Dihadapkan dengan pengembangan dan konsolidasi teknologi blokade Ethereal, konsep baru aplikasi desentralisasi menawarkan jalan yang paling menjanjikan bagi impian JUBS untuk menciptakan masa depan yang berkelanjutan bagi hubungan kerja modern.

The JUBS platform has award engines with smart contracts that generate economic incentives for user actions that show a good reputation. Service providers will receive awards through award engines on top of criteria, including service quality evaluations, participant courts cooperation, promotion of marketing actions, and new professional customer conversions to the platform. All these structures generate favorable incentives for exponential growth. BUILDING THE REGISTERED GOVERNANCE The objective of JUBS is to facilitate self-learning, self-study, self-study, self-help technology, customs, and subscribers with the goal of maintaining an open government.

With the emergence of the beautiful Ethereal blockbain technology, JUBS continues to expand this development by improving how things work around and also by introducing new age money; cryptocurrency HONOR is a crypto used to run the JUBS platform and lubricate financial transactions around. for more mind-blowing facts. Now let's go deeper. Unemployment is a big fear for almost every country in the world because the number of hands that are able to form the workforce now exceeds the number of jobs available. Across Latin America, the lack of employment has contributed to the significant growth of youth participation in the autonomous labor market.
JUBS strives to enter in the Latin market, HORST cryptocurrency builds on smart contracts with a mission to streamline, and gains daily experience in hiring third-party services and tasks, supporting a new culture of on-demand remuneration based on skills, performance and professional reputation.

Smart contract is code that works exactly as scheduled without possible downtime, censorship, cheating or interference from third parties. They enable you to create an entire market without the need for intermediaries in the process and are developed based on clear, auditable, transparent and irreversible specific rules.

Blockchain technology offers unprecedented possibilities of success, grants and rewards between customers and service providers. Basically, this is an open ledger, which can catalog transactions between two parties efficiently and transparently

With the increasing growth of the cryptocurrency market and the mainstreaming of blockchain technology, we can envisage mass adoption, in which certain currencies dominate the overall market movement of the market. The mission of JUBS is to play this role initially in the Latin American service ecosystem to continue expanding into global markets.


The cryptocurrency HONOR (HONOR cryptocurrency (HNR) will be distributed with an HNR ratio per 1 ETH to participants based on daily rates in the initial contribution period, beginning on 15 January 2018. The initial contribution period will run for 4 weeks or less than 24 hours if the USD 15M ceiling is reached.

Will be available 63 million coins with a total value of 100 million. All revenues relating to the initial contribution period will be used to finance research & development, information security and the international expansion sector. 5% of the currency will be used as working capital between the large HONOR membership phase and the buyback of the investor currency in the partner exchange, the other 5% will be part of the award machine as an incentive for good reputation and court involvement among platform users Also 10 % of the coins will be distributed evenly among JUBS team members, whose numbers will be frozen in the smart contract for 2 years. The remaining value will be distributed between launch marketing and project advisor.

HNR will be sold in a fixed ETH relationship with the bonus period. The goal is to raise the equivalent of $ 15 million in ET by selling 100 million HONOR tokens, which will determine the exchange rate and will be determined shortly before the execution of the contract.

According to the Howie test, tokens that have utility functions on the platform and the investor or buyer not getting any reward or interest simply by investing in tokens are considered to be utility tokens. HONOR currency must be used by superiors on platforms to hire and accept jobs. HONOR coins have utility functions in our platform.

HONOR Sales Token will start on January 15, 2018, with a value of US $ 0.15 and a hard hat of US $ 15 million.Here Detailed;
Token Sale.
Token Sale start: January 15, 2018
End of Sale Token: March 19, 2018
Hardcap: 15 000 000 $
Number of tokens: 100,000,000 HONR
Token Price: 1 HONR = 0.15 $

For More Clear Information, You Can Visit The Following Link:

Username bitcointalk: danil21
profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1544106

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