I would like to introduce to you an extremely potential project and attract many investors
What is CBNT?
CBNT is a professional and decentralized community content sharing platform based on blockchain technology with the DPGC (Decentralization Professional Generated Content) ecosystem model. Initially, CBNT will focus on the blockchain and the professional content of financial investments. CBNT will create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content providers / articles, content readers (viewers), advertising publishers and token owners. In the CBNT community, regardless of whether you are satisfied with the generator or content viewer, both parties can receive the Mining Rewards token. Along with the growth of CBNT and the increase in traffic, all the benefits of many advertisements will also be distributed to all participants.

About CNBT
CBNT is an arrangement of sharing proficient substance in light of square chain innovation and part of the DPGC (Decentralized Professional Generated Content) demonstrate in which speculation content identified with proficient fund will be shared. CBNT plans to make a win and win circumstance for article journalists, perusers and token holders. Both substance makers and perusers will get mining prizes in view of their endeavors. At the point when the stage builds movement begins to expand then they will put promotions, the income created from the notice will likewise be dispersed among all members as indicated by their work.
Later on, the CBNT people group is an open and straightforward association with a token speaking to all rights to the stage. Each CBNT holder can take an interest in network races, business basic leadership voting, different exercises, lastly, accomplish bunch shrewdness basic leadership. All information are openly and straightforwardly recorded on the blockchain, in this manner accomplishing the foundation of a dispersed network association.

Innovations in CBNT communities: participation in mining, 100% profit sharing; community autonomy model; Practice the “wisdom of the group” of self-management decentralized operations.
All participants of this ecosystem can receive 100% of the rights and benefits, respectively, thus obtaining a win-win system “content, traffic and advertising.”
CBNT-style ecosystem consensus

In the start home page of authors will be open for advertising and revenue generated from that will be split between authors and its followers. Content creators will be awarded the most and all followers must to have to pass KCY to ensure high quality users. Spam free system will enable advertisers to take decision about buying ads and increase ROI. Advertisement revenue generated will be shared between all token holders by taking hourly snapshot. CNBT personal team and other thirty party users will be allowed to vote and become part of improved advertisement system.
CBNT Mining System:
CBNT tokens will be discharged from the Mining pool at a settled time each day as a motivating force. The impetuses will be isolated into 3 sections: 45% for writers (content makers), 45% for content watchers and communicators (likes, remarks, sharing), and 10% to CBNT token holders whose tokens are in a bolted state.The rating right of the substance will be given to the perusers, and every peruser has diverse voting weights. The estimation of astounding substance on CBNT essentially originates from the mining conduct of watchers.
The esteem weight of watcher’s mining is mostly made out of the accompanying variables:
Token Amount: Part of the mining estimation of the watchers is gotten from the quantity of tokens held. The more to-kens held, the higher the heaviness of the mining esteem and the more the mining impetuses will be remunerated later on.
● Contribution Value: Each client has his own particular commitment esteem (like Alipay Sesame Credit Score), which is fundamentally used to gauge how much the client adds to the network.
● Sharing: When sharing is effective, it records mining conduct, and the substance esteem will likewise increment.
● Commenting: Readers that compose quality remarks on content. On the off chance that the remark is enjoyed by others, both the analyst and the creator can be remunerated mining motivating forces, and the commitment estimation of the commentator will be included as the quantity of preferences increments.
● Liking: Every powerful like on brilliant substance can build the estimation of your substance’s mining motivations.
● CB Value:Each watcher has constrained mining capacity. Each mining will expend a specific CB esteem. The CB esteem is just used to control whether the mining conduct can be remunerated, as opposed to the parameters for controlling the mining conduct.
● Behavior Rank: so as to energize the watchers and communicators who uncover top notch content, the sooner the clients mine substance (sharing, remarking, and preferring), the more substance mining impetuses they will get.
System Structure :

Token Information:
Token Symbol : CBNT
Total Supply : 10 Billion
Token Type : ERC20
Token Distribution:

March 2018
CBNT project start-up; preparation for the business rules, process design, and communication with content creators, etc.
Sep. 2018
Listing of CBNT Beta version; invite community members to form a beta team and complete a system test.
Oct. 2018
listing CBNT 1.0 version, available for IOS and Android users.
Sep. 2019
Gradually achieve group wisdom decision-making, and establish a self-operated distributed community with ecosystem co-construction, community co-governance, and revenue sharing, and in which each CBNT holder can participate in community elections, business decision-making activities, etc.
Team Members:

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Author: danil21
Eth : 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a
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