Selasa, 30 April 2019

OOOBTC's leading crypto exchange

Crypto Exchange is a digital market where traders can exchange one cryptocurrency for other digital currencies or for fiat currencies. In other words, cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms that act as intermediaries between cryptocurrency buyers and sellers.

OOOBTC is a gateway platform and exchange for cryptocurrency and Crypto-ecosystem located in Singapore. OOOBTC provides system functions that are as diverse as spot trading, futures trading, free trade, all decentralized trade networks and trade. In addition, it meets the needs of many investors. The trading system has a strong security mechanism and reliable basic architecture, which gives investors reliable trading experience.

In addition, the unique online trading model of the ooobtc platform will efficiently match the depths of major exchange markets throughout the world while providing higher liquidity. Relying on the entire network trading system, OOOBTC believes the ooobtc platform will be the largest liquidity provider of digital assets in the world. SECURITY has taken careful steps such as cold storage systems, 2-factor authentication, and encryption technology to encrypt your personal account information, which allows you to ensure the protection of your funds. security is the most important aspect of business practice.


OOOBTC recognizes security in insight because it protects client support with enhanced development, for example, cool storage frameworks, 2FA confirmations, and enhanced encryption to encode client single record information.

OOOBTC includes being fast and ready for exchange because it uses progress groupings, for example, Google Spanner and Bigtable. This exchange framework will make it useful to treat requests quickly for up to one million exchanges to be consistent.

OOOBTC is a shocking trade that makes people untouched. Exchange can be completed between temporary clients in the same way getting fees out of low exchange fees.

35% - Airdrop, Bounty and Public Shares
30% - Community development, Marketing and Partnership
25% - Locked for Technology development
10% - Founder and Development Team

55% - Trading petitions
20% - Distribute OBX based on OBX balance
10% - Distribute OBX based on the user's asset balance
10% - Airdrop
5% - Suggests new users

Q2 2017:
Conduct market research and verify technical and market feasibility.
Q3 2017:
Organize the project team, get project approval and develop products.
Q4 2017:
Launch of the main project. OOOBTC launched Singapore's Largest Eye Crypto Exchange.
Q1 2018:
Public API Release, develop a new Prototype capable of more than 50,000 polling stations
Q2 Q3 2018:
Launching a new UI and enhanced exchange / UX with massive upgrades for merchants including the world class UI that is responsive to mobile users.
Q4 2018:
OOOBTC launches atomic exchange Trade (Cross-Atomic transactions)
Q1 2019:
Launch of OOOBTC tokens (OBX TOKEN), the launch of the ooobtc token which will be the backbone of the exchange. Assistance, prizes, trade competitions, lists of competitions among solid projects.
Q2 2019:
Launch of a new award program for platforms, full worldwide promotion and ooobtc exchange marketing
Q3 Q4 2019:
OOOBTC version 2.0 launches a mobile application with 100% friendship. More crypto game integration
Update new road maps and Continue the development of exchanges. Fiat pairing and Debit card integration

I believe OOOBTC has a lot of potential if it can maintain the focus and tempo of achievements that have been achieved so far; currently one of the world's top 30 exchanges by volume in Coinmarketcap. However, that is indeed an exchange to watch out for.

More about OOOBTC Exchange:

Facebook: https: //

OOOBTC Exchange - about & bounty program

OOOBTC is a gateway and exchange platform for cryptocurrencies and Crypto-ecosystem located in Singapore. OOOBTC provides diversified system functions such as spot trading, futures contract trading, over-thecounter trading, whole-network trading, and decentralized trading. Moreover, it satisfies the needs of numerous investors. Our trading system has a robust security mechanism and reliable underlying architecture, which provides investors with a dependable trading experience. Besides, the unique online trading model of the ooobtc platform would efficiently match the market depth of major exchanges around the world while providing even higher liquidity. Relying on the whole network trading system, we believe the ooobtc platform will become the largest liquidity provider of digital assets in the world.

Exchanging crypto to fiat or exchanging fiat to crypto is one of the major problem faced by many cryptocurrencies and exchange, newbies find it so hard to key into cryptocurrencies, or trade cryptos on exchange due to lack of converting them back to fiat or fiat to cryptos. OOOBTC exchange aims to keep things very simple and fast for beginner users looking to delve into the cryptocurrency space. Even if you have never heard of Bitcoin or Ethereum before, OOOBTC does a very good job at creating a welcoming and informative page that invites users to explore this new endeavor.

Based on the precise and secure technology, our terminal is prepared to provide reliable and quality serives which make sure you are able to trade any of ooobtc currency pairs free from all the worries
OOOBTC is listed on coinmarketcap with over 26,000 btc trading volume, OOOBTC can be accessed seamlessly on the web, Android, iOS, PC, Mac OS, and the H5 mobile browser. In addition to covering digital assets that have been recognized widely, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, OOOBTC will also set up a professional research team, upholding the concept of openness and cooperation, and picking highquality blockchain digital assets around the world.

Revenue Structure
Our revenue will be generated from this sources

The OOOBTC token will serve as the driver of our platform and not only valid in our exchange but will be used across well known exchanges, It is a reusable ERC20 token that is freely transferable on the Ethereum blockchain and can be held within the our integrated wallet or any ERC20 compatible wallet, at the discretion of the user. OBX Token can be purchased directly on the platform or from external markets and exchanges. To support the project of OOOBTC exchange, we will launch different promotion campaign. The total supply of the OOOBTC native token is 3 billion (3 000 000 000) and no other token can be created.. NO PUBLIC SALES, NO ICO WILL BE HELD.


OBX Token is an ERC 20 standard token and when held on the exchange will enjoy dividends shared from the total platform revenues. The amount of Obx bonus is calculated based on the amount of asset held at 00:00 on a daily basis and the trading fee of ooobtc at the current hour which is normally distributed at 02:00 UTC (UTC + 8) everyday. Usually all users get their bonus within 24 hours. The bonus will be paid directly to users account without the need of manual collection. You need to hold at least 1000 OBX to obtain the bonus and keep them for more than 24 hours. We will make a
unified payment to users for OBX bonus, please rest assured and wait for the bonus arrive at your ooobtc account. The daily dividend received by the users is not a fixed number, the more OBX you hold the more profits you will receive.

Bounty Allocation: 1,000,000(1 Million) OBX

Facebook Group Campaign = 20%
Twitter Campaign = 20%
Reddit Campaign = 20%
Blog site Campaign = 10%
Bitcointalk Discussion = 10%
YouTube Campaign = 10%
Telegram Campaign = 10%


You Must join ooobtc Telegram chat and ooobtc NewsTelegram Channel = 1 Stake
Add “ supporter” to your Telegram username = 1 stake
Using ooobtc Avatar in telegram DP 2 Stakes
At least five comments in your/other telegram group weekly = 4 stakes

for any kind of bounty issues only ask in ooobtc bounty chat

username : danil21

Miracle tele Miracle Tele - Blockchain Mobile Operator with Token Rewards

Image results for MIRACLE TELE

Just not so long ago, it was hard to imagine what application will find virtual coins in our daily lives. Today it is almost impossible to find the areas where would not got kriptovaljuta. Kriptovaljut popularity raises questions over the methods and technologies that will ensure their accessibility for ordinary people.
As you know, historically, telecommunication services comprise a very important, but fairly monopolistic market sphere. All levers are in the hands of giant corporations that promote their services to users wishing to view more than neglecting innovation and technological approach to telecommunications. However, the level of service and the quality leaves much to be desired. Although telecommunications is considered the industry which involves the introduction of new technologies and the prospects for achieving sustainable long-term growth.

At present, most mobile operators around the world provide their clients with contracts for 12 or 24 months with strict conditions and unrewarding offering unlimited national calls and traffic but don't offer with this cheap international roaming or value-added services. Technology progresses, people want from their mobile phones is something more than just a means of communication. 
Miracle Tele offers tools to help set a new standard for the telecommunications industry to become more competitive and innovative. Blokchejn Miracle Telewill serve for the transmission of mobile data and essential traffic connecting while dozens of local mobile operators and hundreds of thousands of customers and enjoy preferential rates and a variety of services.

In addition, an additional tool in the form of a token TELE allows you to receive the token holders interesting bonuses and awards. The same increase transaction throughput and scalability provides lower payment for transfers, Exchange, purchase and transaction approval time and energy consumption. What distinguishes blokchejn Miracle Telefrom blokchejna Bitcoin. 
Asset though is considered to be virtual but real used during the provision of mobile traffic and airtime. That contributes to the inevitable and steady growth of the value of the token TELE and protect it from market turmoil and volatility. In addition, over time, we plan to issue prepaid debit cards that will support both tokeeny TELE, and other kriptovaljuty and will be available for use throughout the world.

At the end let the main points that distinguish project off Miracle Tele it competitors

Some of the lowest rates for services in the telecommunications market without hidden fees.
Blokchejn. Deploy blokchejn network on top of telecommunications infrastructure allows all holders of tokens TELE receive rewards and bonuses.
Zero documentation. Quick registration without contracts and documentary requirements for ordering a SIM-card.
Innovations. Introduction of modern communications services and financial instruments. 
All this makes Miracle Teleinnovative and modern product that offers its customers efficient means to use complex communications, handy tools and advanced financial services in one place following global trends in our modern everyday life.

More Information :

username : danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Miracle Tele - opsi layanan komunikasi yang didukung oleh teknologi blockchain modern.


Sangat menyenangkan bahwa kita hidup di abad kedua puluh satu. Pada abad ketika di sekitar kita hanya satu set besar berbagai adaptasi dan teknologi, yang masing-masing diarahkan ke beberapa bidang keputusan. 

Sulit membayangkan bagaimana kita akan hidup tanpa sarana dasar komunikasi massa kita, seperti Internet dan komunikasi seluler. Lagipula, sebelumnya dimungkinkan untuk mempelajari beberapa informasi penting hanya dari buku atau surat, setelah melalui radio dan televisi, dan kemudian melalui telepon kabel dan perangkat komunikasi lainnya. Sekarang komunikasi seluler telah menjadi bagian integral dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari, kami memberlakukan persyaratan yang lebih ketat. Kami ingin bidang-bidang ini ditingkatkan dari tahun ke tahun dan menawarkan kepada kami kondisi terbaik dan paling menguntungkan untuk hubungan. 

Topik pembicaraan kita hari ini adalah komunikasi seluler dan masalahnya, serta solusi inovatif dan prospek pertumbuhan. Tetapi sementara saya tidak akan pergi terlalu jauh ke depan dan mencoba untuk menyebarkan Anda sejumlah poin negatif yang dihadapi oleh hampir setiap pengguna jaringan seluler.

pertama, dari tahun ke tahun kami memperhatikan bahwa biaya telekomunikasi dan layanan seluler terus meningkat;
kedua, kita sering harus membayar lebih untuk opsi-opsi tambahan yang jarang kita gunakan atau tidak gunakan sama sekali, tetapi mereka wajib, jadi kita membayarnya;
ketiga, pasar untuk operator seluler tampak bagi kami sebagai struktur monopolistik, sehingga ia menentukan aturannya sendiri yang harus kami pakai;
dan keempat, biaya panggilan internasional benar-benar yang paling mahal dari semua fungsi operator seluler yang ada. Tidak masalah negara mana Anda adalah pelanggan.

Untuk mengatasi ketidakadilan ini bisa menjadi cara yang cukup mudah. Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah menyelesaikan sistem yang ada dengan teknologi tambahan, setelah itu akan menjadi yang paling nyaman dan dapat diakses di semua sudut planet kita. Pada prinsipnya, dan membuat tim profesional yang sangat kuat telah mengembangkan proyek yang benar-benar baru dan tidak biasa. 

Tentang proyek

Proyek yang akan dibahas hari ini disebut - Miracle Tele. Miracle Tele adalah simbiosis struktur dan teknologi yang menyatukan jaringan lebih dari 10 operator seluler di seluruh dunia sambil menerapkan semua proses mereka pada rantai blok jaringan. Semua kombinasi ini akan secara signifikan mengurangi biaya semua opsi layanan komunikasi, serta memperluas batas yang dimungkinkan oleh panggilan internasional, privasi, transparansi, dan biaya rendah.

Selain itu, Miracle Tele dengan tindakannya tidak hanya akan mencegah pengembangan seluruh pasar telekomunikasi, tetapi juga akan mendorongnya untuk berkembang ke arah yang baru. Bagaimanapun, Miracle Tele akan secara bersamaan berkembang di lebih dari 160 negara, yang akan memungkinkannya menjangkau hampir 1 miliar pelanggan di seluruh dunia. Dan ini baru permulaan, mengingat pertumbuhan yang cepat dari semua proses teknologi dalam masyarakat. 

Fitur desain

Seperti yang Anda ketahui, Miracle Tele akan muncul di hadapan kami dalam bentuk yang sedikit berbeda, tidak begitu tradisional, seperti yang biasa kita semua alami. Miracle Teleintends menggunakan jaringan nirkabelnya untuk menyediakan kepada kami, sebagai pelanggan seluler, layanan yang lebih menguntungkan dan berkualitas tinggi daripada operator seluler tradisional. Mengapa? Dan bagaimana ini mungkin, karena bagian dari operasi akan berhubungan langsung dengan operator seluler terbesar di dunia.

Saya akan mencoba sedikit menjelaskan:

pertama, Miracle Tele tidak sengaja bermaksud menggunakan infrastruktur yang ada dari operator besar lainnya, sambil mengurangi bagian terbesar dari biayanya;
kedua, penghematan ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk fokus pada kualitas layanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan Anda, serta mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan pengembangan Anda sendiri;
ketiga, Miracle Tele akan mengalokasikan seluruh saluran komunikasi udara sehingga pengguna tidak hanya dapat bertukar data, pesan teks dan panggilan masuk / keluar dalam kerangka "operator" mereka, tetapi juga menukar koin crypto.


Adapun keuntungannya, ada cukup banyak dari mereka dan hal pertama yang ingin saya perhatikan adalah bahwa Miracle Tele adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar secara resmi yang memiliki semua sertifikat lisensi yang diperlukan untuk kegiatannya. Selain itu, Miracle Tele adalah proyek telekomunikasi pertama dari jenisnya yang mendukung format ini dan dikembangkan dengan dukungan teknologi blockchain modern. Selain itu, keuntungan dapat dengan mudah dikaitkan dengan seluruh sistem kesetiaannya kepada klien, yang bertujuan untuk mendukung dan membantu semua pelanggan dari jaringan Miracle Tele. Pada saat yang sama Miracle Tele siap untuk menawarkan peningkatan kualitas interaksi sistem dengan pelanggannya dan sistem pendaftaran yang disederhanakan dalam jaringan telekomunikasi. Dan juga untuk menyediakan komunikasi murah dan roaming internasional seharga 0,2 EUR di lebih dari 160 negara.

Rincian ICO

Jika kita berbicara tentang token proyek, fungsi utamanya adalah untuk memungkinkan pengguna membayar layanan telekomunikasi mereka dengan mereka, serta untuk membeli opsi tambahan dengan nilai tambah. Pada saat yang sama, token Tele berkontribusi untuk menghasilkan keuntungan, yang akan dibebankan dua kali seminggu dengan ketentuan mereka sendiri. Token itu sendiri memiliki basis blockchain Ethereum dan basis token ERC-20 standar. Di masa depan, para pendiri Miracle Tele berencana untuk mengembangkan jaringan blockchain mereka sendiri untuk menyederhanakan semua proses saat ini dan secara langsung menggunakan token mereka. 

Distribusi token adalah sebagai berikut:


Mengingat posisi masing-masing operator seluler saat ini, tentu saja mereka tidak dapat memberi kami fitur dan kemampuan yang tersedia di Miracle Tele. Selain itu, Miracle Tele telah membebaskan diri dari segala batasan dan batasan teritorial, memberikan pelanggannya tarif roaming termurah di lebih dari 160 negara di seluruh Dunia. Yang secara alami memiliki efek positif pada persepsi umum dan pengakuan massa luas masyarakat. 

Saya merekomendasikan Anda untuk mempelajari proyek ini secara lebih rinci, karena ulasan saya adalah format pengantar murni. Untuk melakukan ini, Anda akan memerlukan semua sumber resmi di mana Anda dapat menemukan semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan. Tautan ke semua file sosial dan media dapat ditemukan di bawah teks ini. Dan itu untuk saya dan sampai jumpa!

Sumber daya resmi proyek Miracle Tele:

nama pengguna: danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a



What is a product protocol?

Product Protocol is an open source protocol for conducting crowdfunding / promotion campaigns based on the release of digital assets, integration with all business processes, fund management and financial transactions.

Product Protocol is aimed at creating a platform that allows an entrepreneur to mark their assets and raise funds for scaling.

The Product Protocol company can expand more than ever before. A universal token for marking any assets allows you to instantly create a digital asset, and a decentralized market will allow people from all over the world to buy it.

The MEDIA Protocol forms a platform that excludes arbiters from clients and performers. In the plus, these two interests will remain. However, this is not all without exception, which is given by a team of creators. The MEDIA protocol will also be paid to simple users because of their impact on the landing stage (hyperlinks, content display, sympathy and antipathy, thanks to the note). Is the beginning interesting to you? In this case, disassemble further.

The main thing is that it creates the original MEDIA protocol platform in this way, in this case, the fact that content founders interact directly with clients and visitors, in the absence of anyone who does not need arbitrators.

The content creator will be able to earn revenue through their work, as well as from users (using subscription payment function), and therefore from advertisers who provide targeted traffic to them.

In this way, the user will be able to get the markers of the plan. Through the placement of content in public networks or with advertisers through the display of advertising.

The MEDIA protocol can be used by software developers to create additional components that work in distinct relationships. Additional software for semi-production, using platform capabilities, was previously released and is called CryptoCatnip. You can download this application on the company's website and get it before (revenue plan markers view past crypto-like.

All formed applications to the desktop will begin to become around certain concepts of the board and content content.

The MEDIA Protocol will not only be a link between the creator and the client, but also intends to explore the property of the proposed content and submit it to the participants. By the other, the value at the expense of the previous display will not be the one or theoretic and fuzzy in this case, but it will be fully reasoned and suitable for traffic, audience interest, conservation and other conditions.

Let's consider how the PPO token will be distributed:

30% - marketing and first tokenizirovannye products

35% - development fund

10% - salary, legal services

10% - technological support

15% - team

Consider the details of the cradsail in quantitative terms

65 000 000 PPO - ICO

WTO 15 000 000 - team and partners

15,000,000 PPO - Platform Support

5 000 000 PPO - marketing and consultants

Let's look at the Road Protocol product protocol. It indicates the plans and objectives of the project developers as intermediate and core. Marked financing stages and tasks for which it is directed. Acquainted with this card, we see that the company has already made it, at what stage is at the moment and what are its plans for the future.

A high-quality roadmap will tell investors when you can expect a rise in the price of tokens.

The first stage is 2017 - Q2 / 2018

Formation of an idea. Team formation.

The second stage is Q3 / 2018

Private presentation for market leaders. Marketing company.

Third stage Q4 / 2018

Create an MVP. Road shows. Part-time sales. More than 10 companies have confirmed their integration with the platform.

Blockcain and cryptographic forms of money are moderately new achievements that emerging emerging markets. Due to the fact that recently digital forms of money by themselves and the standard interest in them are developing rapidly, this innovation has suggested rising into many new companies, attracting assets through the ICO, or with an increasingly common choice. Most enterprises are identified with the alleged tokenization.

The problem of the liquidity of the token is effectively explained by the result of the protocol, with the choice of the release and sharing of blocks of blocks completely one block cache, any movement tokenizirovannogo resource occurs only on one platform. Exchange, exchange, distribution to the final buyer, exchange of tokenized item for this real reality, each last part of which is carried out through the protocol of the product.

An integral part of the tokenization calculation at the product protocol stage is the innovation of Open API and IoT, which creates an expanded copy of the advantage, which is gradually associated with the first. This is a detailed, detailed description. It will be sufficient to provide 100% of the computerized ID of each unit of aggression.

For each type of market, there should be buyer products that are subject to a buyer's request for a (fundamental) status assessment. It's a bit, it's a non-material sign and is the basic size of the benefits in the structure,

Data for digitization, tokenization and monitoring of benefits will be sent and secured with the use of numerous shapes, square chains. The client will be able to access the real-time resource and resource inventory check. Separation and decentralization of opportunities to avoid the possibility of irreconcilable circumstances and the likelihood of intrigues between participants tokenizatsii, working section and decentralization rule will work a trick

As a remarkable defender of acceleration.

The Product Protocol Team team provides application developers with embedded quad-core platforms, powerful tools - standards for new applications and services. Open product protocols, universal reviews are trading criteria for critical data on the likelihood of using application resources.

This agreement means the protection of identity data using the most advanced cryptosystems. Product protocols are centered around applications and expanding tokenization capabilities and managing real resources.

An element agreement provides several tasks. From one point of view, this is a facade addressed to a buyer where buyers can come to buy an item. Buyers can use ticker benefits that can be exchanged for real resources in great conditions. With regard to money-related resources, it may be a bank or other internet site, or web-business, commerce, merchants or insurance agencies.

- Product evaluation services: Administration to assess the evaluation and tokenization of resources, collection of the first data on the benefits, scientific data and charts of resources.

- DAsset: This is a distributed structure that checks for data on physical and additional resources, advanced level owners are added. Moreover, there are associations with departments and resources.

- DAsset: A computerized compartment or a set of metadata circulating that emits everything that issues.


C o-Founder and CTO
senior programmers, extensive experience for terminal terminal programming, and being an expert in blockchain trading.


Julia Choi
C o-Founder and MTO
7 years of experience in digital marketing, helping 5+ blockchain projects to collect more than $ 10 million


Ann Rosenberg
M nager business development
main experience in the stock market, working and consulting with companies that are just starting to grow, focusing on the spread of capital and strategy partnership.


Potocol Website:
Telegram Potocol:

username : danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a


Hello Dear readers, it is always exciting for me to present news from the blockchain world and introduce innovations. Hundreds of new projects are emerging every day in the world of Blockchain. I would like to share with you the projects with serious potential that can solve the real problems of real life by following the projects for you. I wish you pleasant readings. Well, it's not hard to understand about the ICO, of course, for those of you who already know about the ICO, ICO or the First Money Offer, the Problem or a Token is perfectly distributed within the kipto coin, with the ICO to be traded in the cooperating markets as a whole. . The ICO is the basis for an organization that hopes to make other administrations that send money, practice or ICOs. In addition, financial professionals who wish to negotiate cash or in cash with previous computerized tokens like ether. In exchange for their assistance, financial experts clearly give digital ICOs to other ICOs.

I would like to start by watching a promotional video on our project review;

Financial experts believe that markers will perform very well in the future and give them a very good rate of profit. Organizations that own ICO use the financial expertise assets, push their goals, force their possessions, or use computerized monetization methods. The ICO is used by new companies to avoid a comprehensive and directed capital increase procedure required by investors or banks.

An important factor identified with the ICO is to increase the assets at once. In other words, it is not like any ordinary effort advertisements, it does not finance every stage of item creation when analyzing the quality of speculators and provides assets to be exhibited independently in several funding rounds. No, the ICO collects large amounts of dollars at the same time for the entire business area and ends independently. In this way, an enterprise with ICO can continue to have zero budget control, while promising prosperity for speculators for several years.

Product Protocol

Basically, annotation is a way to create the digital currency indicator that is added to something from the current reality. It tends to be everything from gold and land to money management and the protection of monetary instruments. Of course, if the block chain can provide more intimacy in the relations between individuals, and something is indicative, then all the financial relations associated with this article will be more difficult and more reliable.

Blockchain and cryptographic currency forms are new developments that open up new markets. With its digital currency format and the enthusiasm of the standard for those who have recently developed rapidly, this innovation is being offered to many new companies, increasing their presence with ICO or with increasing commercial preferences. Most businesses are identified by this token. Token liquidity problems, as a result of the protocol, are explained effectively with the option of organizing and chaining block chain resources on their own, and each move to the block chain, tokenized resources takes place only on the platform. The stock exchange, the stock exchange, the deal with the end buyer, the trading of items fixed to the current reality, is carried out with each last bit Product Protocol.

An integral part of the calculation of the criterion in the Product Protocol phase is the Open API and IoT innovation for further replication of the first-tier benefits. This is to specify further explanations. This will be sufficient to guarantee that 100% ID from each abrasive unit is computerized.
For each type of market, there must be a buyer's product that is responsible for the buyer's request with an estimated stop. A small part is an intangible sign and is a fundamental measure of benefits in the framework.

Product Protocol

Data will be sent for digitization, tokenization and observation advantages, and many numbers will be approved for use in square chain. Customers will be able to control data settings about resources and property in real time. The preparation and localization of the capacity to move away from irreconcilable situations and the possible intrigues between the indicative participants, working sections and localization rules will be successful.

As a defense to pay attention to acceleration.

The Product Protocol Team provides powerful tools for application designers, combined with square chain platforms, to provide standards for developing new applications and services. Open Product Protocol, a universal review, is a trading criterion for important data about the possibility of these customized application resources.

This means that you can protect your data identity by using the most advanced encryption system. Product Protocol assembles around application programs and strengthens tokenization and original welding boards.

The clause of the article undertook several tasks. In a way, it is a customer-facing front where the buyer can come to buy a product. Buyers can take advantage of the superiority that is bought and sold for real resources under wide conditions. With respect to money-related resources, there may be another bank or Internet phase or a web-based business, trade, trading company or insurance agent.

Product Assessment Services: Gather initial data on administrative evaluations, benefits, scientific data and resource indicators to evaluate resources, value resources, and identify them.

DAsset System: Advanced framed owners are an extraordinary framework that controls data about physical and advanced resources. Furthermore, there are associations from sources to sources and resources.

DAsset: computerized partitions or circulating metadata packages that negotiate everything that's important.

To recognize the data about resources, Product Protocol combines two main computations that occur continuously. Proof of Asset Algorithm is a calculation for defining resources. Use ID and real-time 

computer data for this data. After you collect, verify, analyze, compile, encrypt, and transfer data
Giving extra Virtual Atomic Tokens to recognize at least split resource or source sources, such as square meters. The Virtual Icon contains explicit data about the status of the asset files. The data depends on the data obtained from the Asset via the Asset Tracking System and is stored in a progressive DASset pane of virtual Token resources.


Product Protocol Team

Daha fazla bilgi için, lütfen aşağıdaki bağlantıyı ziyaret edin:

username : danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Product Protocol – asset tokenization

The initial coin offering (ICO) is an unpleasant cryptographic money space, comparable to an IPO in the world of standard speculation. ICOs are a kind of pledge; an organization hoping to make another coin, application or administration, sends an ICO. Intrigued financial experts then purchase the offer with either cash or pre-computerized tokens, such as broadcast. In exchange for their help, financial experts receive another digital currency token, clearly indicated in the ICO.

Blockchain and cryptographic forms of money are moderately new achievements that open up emerging markets. Due to the fact that recently digital forms of money themselves and the standard enthusiasm for them are developing rapidly, this innovation has offered to rise in many new companies, to attract assets through ICO or with the help of more and more familiar choices. Most enterprises are identified with the alleged tokenization.

In addition, for users, thanks to the integration of API exchanges, the function of transferring cryptocurrency from one exchange to another will be available, easily secure and affordable. In addition, cryptocurrency assets are created to improve the lives of ordinary consumers, provide privileges to business owners by using a simple Product Protocol program and simplifying the process of paying for goods and services, crowdfunding / crowd Project Project Project based on the publication of digital assets, integration with all business processes, fund management and financial operations. which will provide a simple use of cryptocurrency to pay for goods and services through crowdfunding / crowding programs, will make new steps in the development of market relations and digital assets.

The principle of the product protocol project

Product Protocol is an innovative financial system that includes several applications designed to solve problems existing in the field of cryptocurrency. A universal token for any asset allows you to instantly create digital assets and decentralized markets that will allow people from all over the world to buy them. Despite the rapid growth in the popularity of virtual currencies, their use in everyday life is still a problem. The main reason for this is the high level of volatility of digital assets, which makes it impossible to use them as a reliable means of paying for goods and services. It should be noted that not every market participant is ready to accept cryptocurrency as payment, since fluctuations in value per day can be from 7 to 15 percent.

Platform Services:
Product Evaluation Services: Evaluation Administrations for assessing and tokenizing resources, collecting first benefit data, scientific data and resource tokens.
DAsset system: this is a distributed structure that checks data on physical and additional resources, owners of the Advanced level are substituted. Moreover, there are associations with compartments and resources.
DAsset: a circulating computerized compartment or set of metadata that sets out everything that produces.

PPO = 0, 5 $
SoftCap: 5 000 000 $
HardCap: 32 500 000 $
ICO: 25.04 – 25.06

Team Product Protocol

Project Development Plan

Let’s take a look at the Roadmap for the Product Protocol project. She points to the plans and goals of the project developers, both intermediate and major. The stages of financing and tasks for which it is directed are indicated. Acquainted with this card, we see what the company has already managed to do, at what stage is in the current moments and what are its plans for the future.

conclusion, I would like to say that such a project has every chance of success in a crypto-community and bring profit to its investors in the near future. A team of professionals that stands at its origins, a clear development plan, ideology and relevance make the Product Protocol an advanced platform that helps the cryptocurrency sphere make a breakthrough in the future.

Additional Information:

username : danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Tinjauan Umum Protokol Produk ICO | Tokenisasi Aset Apa Pun

Saat ini hampir tidak mungkin untuk menemukan daerah di mana cryptocurrency tidak akan mencapai. Popularitas cryptocurrency membuat kita berpikir tentang cara dan teknologi yang akan memastikan aksesibilitas mereka bagi orang awam. 
Hal pertama yang saya katakan adalah bahwa Protokol Produk adalah protokol open source untuk kampanye crowdfunding. Ini terutama kampanye crowdfunding berdasarkan tokenisasi aset digital, integrasi dengan semua proses bisnis, pengelolaan dana, dan operasi keuangan.


Protokol Produk difokuskan pada penciptaan platform yang memungkinkan pengusaha untuk mengambil asetnya dan mengumpulkan dana untuk penskalaan dan pengembangan. 
Protokol Produk dapat berkembang dan berkembang secara efektif tanpa batasan apa pun. Token universal yang dibuat pada formulir pelat, yang berfungsi untuk memberi token aset apa pun, memungkinkan Anda membuat aset apa pun dengan cepat dan mudah. Dan karenanya, pasar yang terdesentralisasi akan memungkinkan orang-orang dari seluruh dunia untuk mendapatkannya. Singkatnya, Protokol Produk adalah mesin tokenisasi cepat, unik dan cerdas.


Mari kita lihat bagaimana token PPO akan didistribusikan: 
30% - pemasaran dan produk token pertama 
35% - dana pengembangan 
10% - gaji, layanan hukum 
10% - dukungan teknologi 
15% - tim


Pertimbangkan rincian crowdsale secara kuantitatif 65.000.000 
15.000.000 PPO - tim dan mitra 
15.000.000 PPO - dukungan platform 
5.000.000 PPO - pemasaran dan konsultan


Mari kita lihat Roadmap untuk proyek Protokol Produk. Dia menunjuk pada rencana dan sasaran pengembang proyek, baik menengah maupun besar. Tahapan-tahapan pembiayaan dan tugas-tugas yang diarahkan itu ditunjukkan. Berkenalan dengan kartu ini, kami melihat apa yang sudah berhasil dilakukan perusahaan, pada tahap apa saat ini dan apa rencananya untuk masa depan. 
Peta jalan berkualitas tinggi akan mendorong investor ketika Anda dapat mengharapkan kenaikan harga token. 
Tahap pertama 2017 - Q2 / 2018 
Pembentukan ide. Membangun tim. 
Tahap kedua Q3 / 2018 
Presentasi pribadi untuk para pemimpin pasar. Perusahaan pemasaran 
Tahap ketiga Q4 / 2018 
Membuat MVP. Road show, penjualan pribadi. Lebih dari 10 perusahaan telah mengkonfirmasi integrasi mereka dengan platform.


Tahap Keempat Q1 / 2019 - Q3 / 2019 
Lebih dari 20 perusahaan akan mengkonfirmasi integrasi mereka dengan platform. Token publik. Distribusi token. 
Tahap kelima adalah paruh kedua 2019. 
Platform peluncuran publik. Daftar di bursa. Lebih dari 40 perusahaan akan mengkonfirmasi integrasi mereka dengan platform. Ekspansi global. 
Mari kita sedikit membahas tentang tim proyek Protokol Produk. Seperti yang Anda ketahui, sekitar setengah dari keberhasilan proyek disediakan oleh tim yang dipilih dengan baik. Situs proyek Protokol Produk memiliki informasi tentang anggota tim dengan latar belakang terperinci dan informasi kontak. Dalam komposisi ada peserta yang telah memiliki proyek yang sukses di bidang blockchain.


Jika proyek mempekerjakan profesional berpengalaman yang bekerja di perusahaan terkenal, ada lebih banyak alasan untuk percaya. Tim melibatkan semua spesialis yang diperlukan. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang akan mengambil alih proses bisnis, operasi, keuangan, penskalaan, layanan hukum, blockchain pengembang, periklanan. 
Sebagai kesimpulan, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa proyek semacam itu memiliki setiap peluang untuk berhasil dalam komunitas kripto dan membawa keuntungan bagi para investornya dalam waktu dekat. Tim profesional, yang berdiri di tempat asalnya, rencana pengembangan, ideologi, dan relevansi yang jelas menjadikan Protokol Produk sebagai platform canggih yang membantu lingkup cryptocurrency membuat terobosan di masa depan.

nama pengguna: danil21
Eth: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

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Berlangganan Saluran! 

Terima kasih sebelumnya!

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An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the cryptographic money space's unpleasant comparable to an IPO in the standard speculation world. ICOs go about as pledge drives of sorts; an organization hoping to make another coin, application, or administration dispatches an ICO. Next, intrigued financial specialists purchase in to the offering, either with fiat cash or with prior computerized tokens like ether. In return for their help, financial specialists get another digital currency token explicit to the ICO.

Financial specialists trust that the token will perform outstandingly well into the future, furnishing them with an excellent degree of profitability. The organization holding the ICO utilizes the financial specialist assets as a methods for encouraging its objectives, propelling its item, or beginning its computerized cash. ICOs are utilized by new companies to sidestep the thorough and directed capital-raising procedure required by investors or banks.

Critical factor identified with ICOs is that the assets are raised all at once.In different words, not at all like the customary endeavor advertise, speculators don't finance each phase of item creation while investigating its quality and independently giving assets to showcasing in a few rounds of funding.No, ICOs raise a large number of dollars at the same time for the entire span of the undertaking up to the minute it winds up self-sustainable.This way a venture with an ICO can continue promising a fortune for its speculators for some years,while essentially having zero budgetary control.

Basically, tokenization is the way toward making a digital money token that is appended to something from this present reality. It tends to be anything, from gold and land to keeping money administrations and monetary instruments. No doubt blockchain can give more prominent straightforwardness to relations among individuals and in the event that something is tokenized, at that point all the financial relations related with this item would wind up less difficult and progressively dependable.

Blockchain and cryptographic forms of money are moderately new advances, which open up incipient markets. With digital forms of money themselves and standard enthusiasm for them quickly developing lately, this innovation offered ascend to numerous new companies, raising assets through ICOs or by means of increasingly customary endeavor choices. Most of the ventures are identified with purported tokenization.

Token liquidity issue is effectively explained result Protocol by means of the choice to issue and trade blockchain resources all alone blockchain, any tokenized resource movement goes on just all alone platform.Exchange, exchange, deal to the end shopper, trade of the tokenized item for this present reality one  every last bit of it is done through Product Protocol.

The indivisible piece of the tokenization calculation in the Product Protocol stage is the Open API and IoT innovation to make an advanced duplicate of the benefit that associates with the first progressively. It is to detail the advanced description.It will be adequate to guarantee a 100% computerized ID of every unit of the corrosive.

For every sort of market, there must be purchaser products that are liable to buyer request with a (fundamental) estimation of standing.Atom is a little it is a token of the non-material and is the base size of the benefit in the framework.

Data for digitization, tokenization and observing of benefits will be dispatched and ensured using numerous figures, square chains.The client will get access to checking arrangement of data on resources and possession in genuine time.Separation and decentralization of capacities to keep away from the likelihood of irreconcilable circumstance and the likelihood of intrigue between tokenization participants,the work partition and decentralization rule will work trick

As a noteworthy defend against acceleration.

The Product Protocol Team gives application designers incorporated square chain platforms,powerful instruments will give standards to growing new applications and services.Open Product Protocols,universal reviews,these are trade criteria for critical data about the likelihood of appropriated application resources.

This convention means to shield ID data by utilizing the most refined cryptosystems.Product Protocols center around application programs and empower tokenization and the board of genuine resources.

The item convention assumes a few jobs. From one viewpoint, it is a customer facing facade where buyers can come to purchase an item. Buyers can utilize the ticker of the advantage that can be traded for genuine resources in vast conditions. Regarding money related resources, it very well may be a bank or other Internet stage , or web based business, trades, merchants, or insurance agencies.
- Product Appraisal Services: Assessment administrations for esteeming and tokenizing resources, gathering first data around a benefit, scholarly data and resource tokens.
- DAsset System: is a circulated framework that checks data about physical and advanced resources,Advanced holders are framed. What's more, there are associations with and from compartments to resources.
- DAsset: circulated computerized compartment or metadata bundle that rundowns everything that issues.

To recognize data about resources, the Product Protocol incorporates two key calculations that are actualized continuously.Proof of Asset Algorithm is a calculation for resource identification.Real-time computerized ID of benefit and data about it is. Subsequent to collecting,verifying,analyzing,structuring,encrypting and transferring data about the advantages, the Virtual Token

Issuance of extra Virtual Atom Tokens to recognize the standing resources or least indivisible resources, for example, square meters.Virtual Token contains open data about the status of the file of assets.The data depends on the data got from Assets through Asset Monitoring Systems and is put away in DAsset advanced compartment of virtual Token resources progressively.



Eth : 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a

Senin, 08 April 2019

Temukan Karir Anda Selanjutnya!


GoOreo adalah platform unik yang dikembangkan untuk membantu siswa yang baru lulus dalam mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan spesialisasi mereka dengan mudah dan juga memberikan pemilik perusahaan peluang untuk mendapatkan siswa berbakat atau lulusan muda untuk bekerja temporaly atau secara permanen di Organisasi mereka.

GoOreo sedang membangun platform untuk menyederhanakan proses pencarian kerja bagi sarjana dan lulusan baru, sehingga meningkatkan mata pencaharian mereka secara signifikan. Organisasi Korporat juga sangat diuntungkan dari platform kami karena ada minimalisasi atau penghapusan layanan rekrutmen biaya tinggi untuk mendapatkan talenta yang tepat yang diperlukan untuk peran spesifik mereka sehingga memaksimalkan keuntungan dalam jangka panjang.

Gooreo tidak seperti aplikasi lain yang berupaya mempekerjakan lulusan. Fitur-fiturnya yang membedakan meliputi:
Kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam sistem desentralisasi di mana siswa dapat membuat resume bukti masa depan dan mengesahkan semua kompetensi mereka
Sistem yang menargetkan aplikasi berdasarkan spesialisasi dan preferensi lokasi (jarak jauh atau di tempat)
Sertifikasi yang tidak dapat dipercaya dari situs dan perusahaan dengan memberi siswa gelar (baik, rata-rata, luar biasa) setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan.
Gooreo adalah layanan daftar platform universal untuk pelanggan dalam satu aplikasi dan menggunakan teknologi geolokasi untuk menghubungkan orang.
Aksesibilitas mudah dan cepat untuk lulusan yang mencari pekerjaan dan Organisasi di seluruh dunia
Mengamankan transaksi melalui Blockchain dan proses perekrutan yang efisien.
Aplikasi Gooreo sudah dikembangkan dan siap digunakan. Versi aplikasi saat ini akan ditingkatkan dengan umpan balik yang diterima dari komunitas dan akan terus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan fitur baru


Setiap siswa mendaftarkan akunnya sendiri pada aplikasi dan menulis resume profesionalnya.
Perusahaan akan menerbitkan aplikasi pekerjaan dan menulis kompetensi yang diperlukan dan menentukan apakah pekerjaan itu lokal atau online.
Surat itu akan langsung ke semua siswa yang belajar di bidang yang sama (dan di negara yang sama jika pekerjaan itu lokal) untuk diterapkan pada perusahaan yang mencari karyawan.
Pelamar diterima melalui situs yang sama dan pelamar dapat diterima di platform jejaring sosial, terutama (LinkedIn).
Setelah menyelesaikan periode kerja yang diberikan kepada siswa, memperoleh sertifikat yang disertifikasi oleh situs dan perusahaan dan memberinya gelar (baik, rata-rata, sangat baik).


Untuk Siswa

Siswa akan memastikan bahwa mereka memiliki pekerjaan dalam spesialisasi mereka dengan mudah dan memperoleh sertifikat bersertifikat dari situs dan perusahaan setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan untuk membuktikan pengalaman tersebut.

Untuk Pengusaha

Siswa akan memastikan bahwa mereka memiliki pekerjaan dalam spesialisasi mereka dengan mudah dan memperoleh sertifikat bersertifikat dari situs dan perusahaan setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan untuk membuktikan pengalaman tersebut.

Untuk Masyarakat

Dengan bantuan GOOREO, masyarakat akan mendapat manfaat dari wawasan dan inovasi mudanya dan akan menghemat banyak uang dalam membangun peluang bagi mereka yang baru lulus.

Nama Koin: OREO

CoinSymbol: OREO

Kode: ERC20

Total Pasokan:

Desimal: 18

Alamat Kontrak: 


45% Pengembangan Produk Pengembangan produk sesuai dengan peta jalan.

25% Pemasaran & kemitraan Biaya untuk menarik pemilik bisnis, membuat kemitraan dengan universitas.

12% OperasionalBiaya operasional, gaji staf non-teknologi.

3% LegalPerusahaan, kontrak dengan pemilik bisnis, pengembangan kontrak hukum untuk menggunakan layanan dan banyak pekerjaan hukum lainnya.

15% gaji eksekutif level ManajemenC.


Juni 2018

Gagasan proyek dan mulai.

Septemper 2018

Menerbitkan kontrak pintar dan menulis whitepaper

November – December 2018

Pra-ICO dan ICO

Januari - Februari 2019

Cantumkan Koin hingga 3 Pertukaran

Februari 2019

Pengembangan Platform Inti dan Pengujian versi alfa dan beta

Mei 2019

Lepaskan platform

Juli - September 2019

Cantumkan koin di bursa sebanyak yang kami bisa.


PENULIS: danil21
ETH: 0x4cEaD27a6A2aAEdAa44d35D8BF2a2c9370AbbE6a